
conventional adj.1.因襲的,傳統的。2.習用的;平常的,常規的;...

conventional duties

The geometry of a conventional diffraction experiment with a solid or liquid is illustrated in fig. 355 . 圖355是固體和液體的一般衍射實驗的幾何關系圖。

Application is made by dipping, rolling, extruding, wiping, or any other conventional techniques . 可采用浸、滾、擠壓、刮刀或任何其它一般方式來進行。

The conventional wisdom was that jordan should be the second arab state to make peace . 一般明智的看法是:約旦應當是締造和平的第二個阿拉伯國家。

Cancers arising during lactation are treated in a conventional manner after suppression of lactation . 哺乳期乳癌在哺乳結束后,按常規進行治療。

A more conventional scheme might be to start with a ration of 1.75kg for a 30 kg pig . 一種較通用的方案是豬從30公斤起開始飼喂175公斤的日糧。

It was not that she had, in the conventional sense, any doubt of mrs. hatch's irreproachableness . 按傳統的概念,她并非懷疑哈琪太太行為不檢。

It was so unkind of her to scorn me just because i happen to be conventional . 就因為我一時拘泥于習俗禮教,她就這么侮辱我,真是太不通人情了。

Babbitt is the upholder of everything that is conservative, conventional and respectable . 巴比特是一切保守的、傳統的和高尚的事物的維護者。

Conventional demolishing work would have caused considerable interruptions in traffic . 如果采用一般的拆除方法就要引起交通的嚴重中斷。

The method is applicable to both metalized and conventional solid propellants . 這種方法既適用于普通的推進劑,也適用于含金屬的推進劑。

Now, mr. anthony, you realize this man is more than a conventional murderer ? 你要知道,安東尼先生,這個人絕非一個普通的殺人犯,懂嗎?

He rejected the conventional choice of someone with a background in business or accounting . 他沒有按照慣例選擇有商業或會計資歷的人。

Conventional stabilizers are added to the binder system as will be discussed below . 如下面將要講的,粘合劑系統中加入慣用的安定劑。

They regard nuclear weapons as an insurance policy against conventional attack . 他們認為有核武器是防止遭常規武器進攻的保障。

The defense of the vital middle east would have to depend on conventional weapons . 至關重要的中東防御將不得不依靠常規武器。

He launches into an inarticulate tirade against conventional people . 他詞不達意地發表了一通激烈言論攻擊因循守舊的人們。

Most of our defense budget goes for conventional forces and manpower . 我們大部分的國防預算是用在常規力量和人員上面。

This law closely resembles that obtained with conventional propellants . 這種規律非常類似于用普通推進劑所得出的規律。

The book may use the conventional thriller situation of good versus evil . 本書或許用了善惡相爭這種常見的驚險情節。