
convention n.1.集會,會議;【英史】(1660,1688年的)(...

convention money

The ratification of the conventions of nine states shall be sufficient for the establishment of this constitution . 本憲法經過九個州的大會批準后,即開始生效。

Ask him how much he paid the democratic bosses at sacramento to swing the convention . 問問他看,為了操縱那個代表大會,他給了薩克拉門托的民主黨大亨們多少錢。

They disregard social conventions without being conscious that they are doing anything extraordinary . 他們不顧社會風俗,意識不到他們在做著與眾不同的事情。

We normally alter price only when it is safe to do so according to industry convention . 我們一般只在根據工業協定改變價格確實安全的時候,才會去改變價格。

They disregard social conventions without being conscious that they are doing anything extraordinary . 他們無視社會習俗,但并不意識到自己的行為與眾不同。

In a week's time nim was due to address the annual convention of the national electric institute . 一個星期后,尼姆預定要向全國電力協會的年會發表講話。

She was devoutly grateful to the old convention that prevented the widow's attendance at the funeral . 她對那不準寡婦參加葬禮的古老傳統習慣感激不盡。

By convention an atom of an element is represented by an abbreviation of the element's name . 按照慣例,一種元素的原子由該元素名稱的縮寫來表示。

That old boy was “some“ explosive; he must have smashed up a lot of convention in his days . 這位老兄簡直是個炸彈,在世時一定打破了不少舊習氣。

Margaret was either unaware or, as is more probable, unimpressed by such convention . 也許瑪格麗特不懂這種規矩,或者很可能對這種規矩不滿意。

The secretary-general of the united nations is hereby designated as the depositary for this convention . 茲指定聯合國秘書長為本公約保管人。

Sam hawthorne tackled this attitude head-on in a speech to an industry convention . 薩姆霍索恩在本行業的一次大會上,正面論及這種態度。

The un had never seemed so much like a permanent political convention . 聯合國還從來沒有像現在這樣,看起來簡直象一個常設的政黨代表大會。

Attendance figures normally include only the people who actually register for the convention . 出席人數一般只包括實際登記參加會議的人。

Reform forces might capture the conventions and momentarily subdue the bosses . 改革勢力也許能奪取代表大會,并暫時制服頭頭們。

I've sent you a memo about the two big union conventions falling through . 我給你寫了一張便條,談到兩個大型的工會會議都吹了。

The way in which these conventions are used is best shown by a few examples . 最好用幾個例子來說明這些記號的使用方法。

The struggle came to a head at the af of l convention in october 1935 . 1935年10月勞聯全國大會上,斗爭達到高潮。

It is now necessary to introduce a sign convention for radii of curvature . 現在必須介紹曲率半徑的正負號規則。