
convent n.修(道)女團;女修道院。 go into a con...


“ i accept it , “ said she ; “ he has a right to pay the dowry , which i shall take with me to some convent ! “我接受了, ”她說, “他有權利作這樣的贈與,我應當帶著它進修道院去! ”

The spaniard has it that a buxom widow must be either married , buried , or shut up in a convent 按西班牙人的主張,豐乳肥臀的寡婦應該使之再婚,或予埋葬,不然就關進女修道院里去。

And you girls probably worshipped him , as a convent full of religieuses would worship their director “你們姑娘們也許都很崇拜他,就像住滿修女的修道院,崇拜她們的院長一樣。 ”

Such being the case , and a convent having happened to be on our road , it has been our duty to enter it 既是這樣,我們在路上又遇到了一個修院,我們便應當走進去。

“ this lady ' s great friend of ours ; you will have seen her at the convent , “ said their entertainer “這位夫人是我們的老朋友,你會在修道院看到她, ”主人說。

They are better guarded by their calculations than a virgin by her mother and her convent 她們工于心計,因此遠比一個被母親和修道院看守著的處女防范得周密。

But mme de chezelles , a convent friend of sabine s and her junior by five years , exclaimed 可是薩比娜在修道院時的女友比她小五歲的德謝澤勒太太大聲說道:

“ when i wished to retire into a convent , you remember how angry you were with me ? “您還記得嗎,當我想遁世入修道院的時候,您當時是多么得生我的氣? ”

It was the sole profane ring which was linked to that devout chain of convents 這是混跡于這一由修道院組成的虔誠鏈條中僅有絕無的世俗環節。

Girl in tranquilla convent that nun told me liked to smell rock oil 那個修女說,特蘭奎拉女修道院77有個姑娘愛聞石油氣味。

Convent of the jesuits 耶穌會修道院

To make a few convent - ional remarks about the weather when they start a conversation 在開始談話時說幾句關于天氣的客套話

St . paul s convent school 圣保祿學校

St . paul ' s convent school 圣保祿學校

A place , especially a monastery or convent , devoted to religious seclusion 修道院用于宗教隱居的地方,尤指修道院或女修道院

Monasteries and convents 男女修道院。

No , daddy . convents are also where unwed mothers go to have their babies 不,爸爸.修道院也是未婚母親生孩子的地方

The nuns live in the convent 修女們住在修道院。

The convent of the sacred heart 就讀圣心修道學院