
convenient adj.1.便利的,合宜的。2.〔英方,美〕附近的,不遠...


These symbols provide a convenient shortened reference to the actual class names . 這些符號為實際的類名提供了一種便利簡短的代號。

We shall find it more convenient to consider first the metallic elements themselves . 我們認為首先討論金屬元素自身是更為合適的。

Yet people often find it more convenient to sign contracts for future exchange . 然而,人們往往發現,簽定遠期外匯合同更為方便。

It is convenient to nondimensionalize this problem with the following substitutions . 利用下面的代換,便于使這個問題無量綱化。

It presents enough information to occupy the reader for a convenient quantum of time . 在讀者最感方便的時間里展示足夠的信息。

This is the most convenient reference level for most electrostatic problems . 對大多數的靜電問題來說,這是最方便的參考點。

It is convenient to shift from index to matrix notation at this point . 為了方便起見,這里我們把下標記法改為矩陣記法。

We are free to choose a convenient fixed quantity of solution to work with . 我們可任選一方便的固定量溶液進行研究。

The high intensity of a laser beam makes it a convenient drill . 激光束的強度極高,這就使它成為一種方便的鉆孔工具。

Will it be convenient for you two to go with me to meet him at the airport ? 你們二位陪我一同去機場接他,方便嗎?

It is often convenient to use the mole to describe the amount of substance . 用摩爾來表示物質的量通常是很方便的。

The latter's methodology was more fluid and more convenient for application . 后者的方法更富于成果,更便于應用。

It is convenient to adopt the control volume illustrated in fig. 2-1 . 采用如圖21所示的控制容積是很方便的。

I live just by the market , and it 's very convenient to go shopping . 我家就住在商場旁邊,買東西很方便。

With so many people around , it wasn't convenient to have a long talk with him . 人太多,不便和他長談。

The center provides a convenient point on the political spectrum . 中間派在政治圖譜上提供一個方便的點。

Who is this very convenient partisan, may i ask ? 我可不可以問一問,這位如此得力的同黨到底是哪一位呀?

I did not think it convenient to write you about the birth . 當時我覺得寫信告訴你添了這一口人不合適。

We never use more than the convenient language of probability theory . 我們僅僅使用概率論的方便語言。