
convenience n.1.便利,方便(機會)。2.〔pl.〕(生活上的)便...

convenience food

I ' d like to see him at his earliest convenience 我想盡早在他最方便的時候見他。

For the added convenience , the mtr offers visitors a 專為旅客而設的車票共兩種:

For the better convenience of beholding him, i lay on my side, so that my face was parallel to his, and he stood but three yards off . 為了更方便地看他,我側身躺著,臉對著他的臉,他站在離開我只有三碼遠的地方。

She thought it was no more than fair that one man should cheat and another be cheated to serve her convenience . 她覺得為了她方便,男人們一個欺騙,一個被欺騙,只不過是一件天經地義的事情。

At the top are the luxury hotels, which generally offer their guests the greatest comfort and convenience possible . 最高級的是豪華酒店,它們一般能向顧客提供最舒適的條件和盡可能多的便利。

It pleased her to think that she could at the same time suit the lovers' pleased and her own convenience . 使她滿意的是,她認為這一來既可以使這對戀人高興,又給了自己方便。

I believe they were all got up by a woman who didn't hesitate to sacrifice you to her own convenience . 我認為他們全上了那個女人的當了,那女人為了保住自己不惜犧牲你。

Television has obvious advantages over newspapers in immediacy, motion, color, and convenience . 電視在直觀形象、動態感、色彩、便利等方面,比報紙有時顯的長處。

For the convenience of the guests, the front desk is almost always located near the hotel's main entrance . 為了方便顧客,總服務臺幾乎都設在旅館正門入口附近。

We shall find that it is a distinct convenience to possess these alternative lines of approach . 我們就會發現具有這兩種可任意選擇的研究方法有很明顯的方便。

“did not your wife marry you because of the money and the conveniences you bring her? “ “您太太嫁給您難道不是因為錢,難道不是您帶給她的一切享受?”

He never advised her to evil ways or used her house as a convenience to himself alone . 他從來沒有勸她走邪路,或者利用她的房子作為自己的方便場所。

The convenience of this from the viewpoint of structural engineering is of course obvious . 從結構工程的觀點來說,這種形式的方便自然是很明顯的。

Natural gas, because of its convenience and low cost, is the dominant fuel used in processing . 天然氣使用方便且便宜,所以是加工中最主要的燃料。

Please return at your earliest convenience the manuscript [draft ; material] submitted to you for approval . 前請審閱之件,請早日擲還為荷。

We have mortgaged our children's future for the temporary convenience of the present . 為了目前一時的便利,我們把子孫的前途都給斷送了。

You great lords are too prone to treat the church as a mere political convenience . 你們這些貴族老爺動不動就把教會當作政治工具來使用。

Without the modern conveniences would he be able to visit machu picchu at all ? 如果沒有這些便利的現代化設施,他豈能上麥屈皮克屈來?

I select them solely for their convenience in helping me to my ulterior purpose . 我所以選擇它們,只是為了便于幫助我達到以后的目的。