
convene vt.召集。vi.聚集,集合。


The routine council convenes member representative assembly one time every year 常務理事會每年召開會員代表大會一次。

The meeting of the daily hardware committee of experts convenes in beijing 中國日用五金行業專家委員會工作會議在京召開

Fine . i danced with you . call the hague , convene the war - crimes tribunal 好吧,我和你一起跳舞叫海牙軍事法庭來審判吧

And it is also a snub to china , which has been convening the six - way effort 同時這也是對中國籌措六方會談努力的怠慢。

Under special circumstances , the meeting may be convened by means of communication 特殊情況下,可采用通訊形式召開。

Convened the 1st meeting of human resources development committee 召開第31屆2006 ~ 2009年度人力資源發展組第1次會議。

When amelia arrives , the council will convene and decide your fate 阿米莉婭來了以后,將召開理事會確定該怎么處理你

In july 2000 , the hkma convened an informal working group comprising representatives of 金管局于2000年7月召集了由

Article 15 the general meeting is convened once every five ( 5 ) years 第十五條會員代表大會每五年召開一次。

The tribunal will convene tomorrow 法庭將于明日開庭。

Chaoli successfully convened the first union delegates conference 超力高科第一次工會會員代表大會勝利召開

7 the board meeting shall be convened and presided over by the chairman 7董事會會議由董事長召集并主持。

Convened the 2nd meeting of board of executive directors 召開第31屆2006 ~ 2009年度第2次執行董事會會議。

Without further ado , let us convene the year - end conference 如果沒有其它的事情我們現在開始年終的會議

4 the council convenes the congress 理事會召集代表大會。

The next meeting will convene on come sunday at the same place 下次會議將于本星期日在同一地點舉行。

Party leading group at cas convenes its enlarged winter session 中國科學院黨組召開2004年冬季擴大會議

The council is convened by the magistrate and meets in his office 這種會議,由縣長召集,在縣署開。

The 7th international symposium on leibniz convened in berlin 第七屆萊布尼茨國際學術會議在柏林召開