
convector n.對流式熱空氣循環加熱器。


This thesis was divided into eight chapters , and the main results and innovations obtained here can be summarized as follows : ( 1 ) the physics model of tsrs in frequency conversion crystals has been built up firstly . based on quantum - mechanical viewpoints and the following physical processes and parameters : the two - photo interaction of light with matter , paraxial diffraction of stokes , langevin noise sources , reflection at the faces and the edges of crystals , gain coefficient , beam aperture , pulse width and fluence of 3 , the physics model of tsrs in kdp and kdp crystals acting as high - fluence frequency convector and the paraxial operator maxwell - bloch - langevin equations have been built up 全文共分八章,取得的主要成果及創新點如下: ( 1 )首次建立了諧波轉換晶體的tsrs物理模型本文根據量子力學原理,在考慮如下物理過程和參量的基礎上:光與物質的雙光子相互作用; stokes光的傍軸衍射; langevin (郎茲萬)噪聲源;晶體表面反射和端面反射;增益系數、光束口徑、脈寬和三倍頻光能量密度,推導出高通量激光在kdp和kd ~ * p諧波轉換晶體中的tsrs物理模型和空間上的近軸算符maxwell - bloch - langevin方程組。

The digitizer based on pxi bus uses fpga ( field programmable gate array ) to implement 256 points , radix - 2 dit fft ( fast fourier transform algorithm ) . the design uses pipelining for fft processing and can accomplish sampling and processing signals of two channels at the same time . in the signal acquisition circuit , - a / d convector is used to enhance the precision of the signal sampling 在本設計中,采用fpga ( fieldprogrammablegatearray )實現了256點基2dit算法復數fft ( fastfouriertransformalgorithm快速傅氏變換算法)處理器,具有較高的速度和運算精度fft ,設計采用流水線處理方式大大的提高了處理速度,可實現對兩個通道輸入信號的并行采集與處理。

It changes traditional one - to - one i / o wiring way between the equipment of scene layer and controller , take digitilized communication in place of 4 - 20ma analog signal , collect long range control of scene equipment , parameterization and trouble diagnosing for an organic whole , to get frequency convector ' s centralized control 改變了傳統的現場層設備與控制器之間的連接是一對一的i o接線方式,用數字化通信取代4 - 20ma模擬信號,集現場設備的遠程控制、參數化及故障診斷為一體,達到對變頻器的集中控制。

In this paper , the principle and method that making use of complex programmable logic devices ( cpld ) to realize high accurate pwm controller are chiefly analyzed , and a new control method and amendatory strategy for the triple multi - level convector based on cpld is put forward . by carefully analyzing the triple multi - level power amplifier composed of four bridges converter bridge , the fact and idea that complex programmable logic devices ( cpld ) have high speed 本文詳細討論分析了用可編程邏輯器件cpld實現高精度pwm控制器的原理和方法,并且提出了一種基于cpld器件的三進制多電平逆變器的控制方法和改進策略,針對具有四級逆變橋結構的三進制多電平功率放大器進行了具體的分析和驗證,證實了可編程邏輯器件內部高速處理的性能和在電力電子技術控制中的應用優勢。

On the radiation range of l - 4gw / cm2 , the effects of the modulation in intensity , beam aperture , pulse width and intensity of 3 w on tsrs in frequency convector crystals have been analyzed in detail . the interrelated thresholds have been gained by calculating and theoretical evidences have been offered to prevent tsrs from damaging frequency conversion crystals , which will be applied to the engineering design of the laser drivers on high - fluence 光的強度調制、光束口徑、脈寬和強度等因素對諧波轉換晶體中tsrs的影響,并計算得出了一些相關闡值,得到了驅動器工作的臨界狀態,為防止出現tsrs的光損傷提供了理論依據,對高功率激光驅動器的工程設計具有實用價值。

Based on the operating characteristics of convectors , analyses advantages of the copper tube aluminum sheet convector applied to engineering , and indicates that attentions should be paid to the development and application of copper tube convectors 摘要針對對流散熱器的工作特性,全面分析了銅管鋁片對流散熱器在實際工程中應用的優勢,并提出應當重視和推進銅管對流散熱器的開發應用。

2 3 specification for the installation and maintenance of gas fires , convector heaters , fire back boilers and decorative fuel effect gas appliances - inset live fuel effect gas fires of heat input not exceeding 15 kw , and fire back boilers 2nd and 3rd family gases 燃氣爐對流式加熱器回火鍋爐和裝飾性燃料氣體器具的安裝和維修規范.輸入熱量不超過15kw的插入式燃料氣體爐和回火鍋爐

( 3 ) the tsrs in frequency convector crystals of icf lasers have been studied for the first time . the kdp or kdp crystals was chose as frequency conversion crystals commonly and the cost of kdp crystals was higher than kdp crystals ( 3 )首次開展了icf驅動器諧波轉換晶體中tsrs的研究icf驅動器一般采用kdp或kd ~ * p晶體作為三倍頻晶體,而kd ~ * p晶體的造價要遠遠高于kdp晶體。

As photoelectric convector and high - speed real - time image processing technology develop rapidly , the realization of image tracker working at multi - mode is likely , i . e . , the combination of correlation algorithm with contrast track algorithm is likely 隨著光電轉換器件和高速實時圖像處理技術的迅速發展,圖像跟蹤器向著多模式(如相關和對比度跟蹤算法的融合)跟蹤發展。

2 3 specification for the installation and maintenance of gas fires , convector heaters , fire back boilers and decorative fuel effect gas appliances - decorative fuel effect gas appliances of heat input not exceeding 20 kw 2nd and 3rd family gases 燃氣爐對流式加熱器回火鍋爐和裝飾性燃料氣體器具的安裝和維修規范.輸入熱量不超過20kw的裝飾性燃料氣體器具

2 3 specification for the installation and maintenance of gas fires , convector heaters , fire back boilers and decorative fuel effect gas appliances - gas fires , convector heaters , fire back boilers and heating stoves 2nd and 3rd family gases 燃氣爐對流式加熱器回火鍋爐和裝飾性燃料氣體器具的安裝和維修規范.燃氣爐對流式加熱器回火鍋爐和加熱爐

( 4 ) the characteristics of tsrs in frequency convectors on high - fluence radiation have been studied . the characteristics of tsrs have been studied firstly to form the system and general of study ( 4 )首次進行了高強度情況下諧波轉換晶體的tsrs特性研究為了形成了研究的系統性和普適性,在國內外首次對tsrs 、的特性進行了定量研究。

According to the technology parameters of the prototype ( til ) of sg - iii laser facility , tsrs in frequency convector crystals has been studied quantificationally at two cases of long and short pulse 本文針對神光一ih原型樣機( t工l )的技術指標,在長脈沖和短脈沖兩種脈寬條件下,對諧波轉換晶體的tsrs進行了定量研究。

( 2 ) the calculation programming of tsrs has been written and verified . based on physics model of tsrs in frequency convector crystals , the calculation programming of tsrs has been written ( 2 )編寫了tsrs計算程序,并將計算程序進行了校核本文在諧波轉換晶體tsrs物理模型的基礎上,編寫了tsrs計算程序。

Semiconductor power convectors - adjustable speed electric drive systems ; general requirements - part 1 : rating specifications , particularly for d . c . motor drives iec 61136 - 1 : 1995 , modified ; german version en 61136 - 1 : 1995 半導體整流器.可調電驅動系統.一般要求.第1部分:直流

It was decided by which crystals can endure the damage of stokes and the ratio between performance and price to choose which crystals as frequency convectors 究竟選擇何種晶體作為三倍頻晶體,主要取決于它能否承受住tsrs光的光損傷及驅動器的性價比。

Semiconductor power convectors - adjustable speed electric drive systems - general requirements - part 1 : rating specifications , particularly for d . c . motor drives 半導體功率變換器.速度可調式電力驅動系統.一般要求.第1部分:直流電動機專用額定值規范

( 5 ) the experiment scheme of tsrs in frequency convector crystals has been designed . it ' s found that the effect of tsrs ( 5 )諧波轉換晶體tsrs實驗平臺的設計通過計算,發現tsrs效應隨晶體增益系數g的變化非常敏感,而現有文獻對g值的說法不一。

Railway fixed equipment . modular power supply units or systems for signalling equipment , tlecommunication equipment and computer equipment . convector cabinet 鐵路固定設備.信號傳輸設備通信設備和計算機設備的模塊化電源或系統.對流散熱器箱