
convalescent adj.1.病后漸愈的。2.康復期的。短語和例子beco...


He had sometimes propelled her on warm summer evenings , an infirm widow of independent , if limited means , in her convalescent bathchair with slow revolutions of its wheels as far as the corner of the north circular road opposite mr gavin low s place of business where she had remained for a certain time scanning through his onelensed binocular fieldglasses unrecognisable citizens on tramcars , roadster bicycles , equipped with inflated pneumatic tyres , hackney carriages , tandems , private and hired landaus , dogcarts , ponytraps and brakes passing from the city to the phoenix park and vice versa 有時在溫暖的夏日傍晚,布盧姆把這位多少擁有一些資產足以自立的病孀扶到康復期患者坐的輪椅上,慢慢地將她推到北環路拐角處加文洛68先生的牲畜交易場所對面。她在那兒逗留上半晌,隔著他那架單鏡頭雙筒望遠鏡眺望那些難以辨認的市民們:他們搭乘電車氣胎打得鼓鼓的自行車出租馬車雙駕馬車自家用或租來的四輪馬車單馬拉的雙輪馬車輕便小馬車和大型四輪游覽馬車,在市區與鳳凰公園之間穿梭著。

Later on at home , i noticed that master s photo on the kitchen wall was simply perfect . the picture in the meditation room was exquisite , so was the photo in the bedroom , not forgetting the one that the sister initiate had given me earlier in front of the convalescent hospital . i thought that little photo of master seemed ordinary then 后來回到家里,我發現在廚房的師父法相是那么完美,在打坐間的法相是那么精美,而在寢室的法相也是一樣,我沒忘記稍早前在療養院師姊給我的一張法相,本來我覺得那張法相似乎很普通,但是現在覺得它在各方面都很完美。

At the bottom will be other treatments because there are certain patients that do not respond routinely so you then have add - on treatments or alternate treatments like pentaglobin , convalescent plasma . of course in the late stage , in the so - called pulmonary destruction phase , you need then to give oxygen and different types of assisted - respiration 當然病人亦希望經過這兩個星期就會一路好轉,但若果他們沒有一個significantimprovement的時候,其他的treatment包括pentaglobin或者convalescentplasma ,這些其他輔助性治療,我們都會覺得是有幫助的。

Effect of scalp acupuncture drawing method on motor function in hemiplegic patients following cerebral thrombosis at convalescent period objective to observe the effect of scalpacupuncture drawing method sadm on recovering motor function in hemiplegic patients following cerebral thrombosis at convalescent period . methods adopting randomized , singleblinded , controlled method , 93 pat . . 方法采用隨機單盲對照的方法,將93例腦血栓形成后恢復期偏癱患者隨機分為3組, 3組在神經內科常規藥物治療基礎上,治療組31例加頭皮針抽提法對照組31例加頭皮針捻轉法對照組31例:

Wt5hzconclusion sadm was superior to scalpacupuncture twisting method in improving the patients motor function of extremity and adl in hemiplegia patients following cerebral thrombosis at convalescent period the combination of conventional medicine and sadm can effectively improve the adl score and motor function of hemiplegia patients following cerebral thrombosis in the convalescent stage . 2007 vol 結論頭皮針抽提法對改善腦血栓形成后恢復期偏癱患者運動功能,提高患者adl能力的作用優于頭皮針捻轉法在神經內科常規藥物治療的同時結合頭皮針抽提法能有效提高腦血栓形成后恢復期偏癱患者的運動功能和adl能力。

Wt5hzconclusion sadm was superior to scalpacupuncture twisting method in improving the patients motor function of extremity and adl in hemiplegia patients following cerebral thrombosis at convalescent period the combination of conventional medicine and sadm can effectively improve the adl score and motor function of hemiplegia patients following cerebral thrombosis in the convalescent stage 結論頭皮針抽提法對改善腦血栓形成后恢復期偏癱患者運動功能,提高患者adl能力的作用優于頭皮針捻轉法在神經內科常規藥物治療的同時結合頭皮針抽提法能有效提高腦血栓形成后恢復期偏癱患者的運動功能和adl能力。

Why , clinging stubbornly to the opinions of the world which waxes hard so that we shall think it strong , why should we too turn away souls that bleed from wounds oozing with the evil of their past , like infected blood from a sick body , as they wait only for a friendly hand to bind them up and restore them to a convalescent heart 為什么我們要和它一樣丟棄那些傷口里流著血的靈魂呢?從這些傷口里,像病人滲出污血一樣滲出了他們過去的罪惡。這些靈魂在等待著一只友誼的手來包扎他們的傷口,治愈他們心頭的創傷。

In times of emergency and natural disaster , ams will supplement the medical and health services by providing triagetreatment to the injured on the spot , to convey casualties to hospitals , and to care for patients at both acute and convalescent hospitals 遇上天災及緊急事故時,醫療輔助隊會動員增援常規醫療衛生服務,包括在災場替傷者就地進行治療、運送傷者到醫院及料理急癥醫院和療養院的病人。

In times of emergency and natural disaster , ams will supplement the medical and health services by providing triage treatment to the injured on the spot , to convey casualties to hospitals , and to care for patients at both acute and convalescent hospitals 遇上天災及緊急事故時,醫療輔助隊會動員增援常規醫療衛生服務,包括在災場替傷者就地進行治療運送傷者到醫院及料理急癥醫院和療養院的病人。

Old mrs linton paid us several visits , to be sure , and set things to rights , and scolded and ordered us all ; and when catherine was convalescent , she insisted on conveying her to thrushcross grange : for which deliverance we were very grateful 當然啦,老林敦夫人來拜訪了好幾次,而且百般挑剔,把我們都罵了一陣,吩咐了一陣,當凱瑟琳病快復原的時候,她堅持要把她送到畫眉田莊去。

I can finally repay my grandmother for her loving kindness . after visiting grandmother i thought for a long time , the old folks that live in convalescent homes do not have the warmth of their family . their lives are really suffering 去年我申請了五所大學,其中之一是華盛頓大學,我最希望的是這所大學能錄取我,如此一來,我就可以每星期去照顧外婆,報答她對我的關懷與恩情。

An additional 27 million to strengthen convalescent and continuing rehabilitation day services for discharged disabled and psychiatric patients , and to enhance services for the disabled living in residential rehabilitation service centres 2 , 700萬元,為離院的殘疾人士和精神病病人,加強療養和日間持續復康服務,以及加強為住在復康院舍的殘疾人士提供服務

For some patients who had not responded to the ribavirinsteroid treatment were showing encouraging improvements after being treated with convalescent serum made from the plasma of people who had recovered from the atypical pneumonia 至于那些對ribavirin及類固醇治療成效不大的病人,在接受由非典型肺炎康復病人的血清治療后,情況顯著改善。

On monday afternoons at two o ' clock , beau and i would arrive at the silver spring convalescent center on milwaukee ' s northeast side of town for an hour of pet therapy with the seniors who lived there 每星期一下午兩點鐘,我和博要去密爾沃基東北方向的銀泉康復中心,為住在那里的老年人進行一小時寵物治療。

“ care concern “ concerts are presented in community centers , children s homes , convalescent centers and hospitals to share the joy and appreciation of music with the under - privileged 關懷音樂會安排在社區中心兒童院療養院及醫院舉行,藉美妙的音樂向有需要的人士獻上關懷。

In front of the san francisco community convalescent hospital , quan yin practitioners got ready , with gift bags and news magazines , to visit the elderly patients and staff 于舊金山社區療養院前,觀音法門的同修帶著禮物袋及師父的經書,準備進去拜訪這些年邁的病人及工作人員。

When my parents reach old age i will never let them live in a convalescent home . no matter what happens , i will take care of my parents . i must repay their kindness 父母年老的時候,我絕對不能讓他們住進老人院,無論如何,我一定會好好地照顧他們,我一定要報父母的恩。

In order to repay them , i joined the community service club at my school - where like - minded students go out to convalescent homes to serenade and entertain lonely elders 為了回饋他們,我加入學校的社區服務團一群有心的學生去到老人院,以彈唱的方式娛樂寂寞的老人。

Died on june 1 , 2003 of sars contracted in a convalescent medical ward whilst carrying out her duties . the financial assistance is around $ 3 . 6 million 她于復康病房工作時感染嚴重急性呼吸系統綜合癥,于今年六月一日病逝,受助金額約為三百六十萬元。