
conundrum n.(字)謎,謎語;難解的問題。


I fear that it is not just a matter of a sharp correction in exchange rates this would be relatively easy to manage and our financial intermediaries , for example banks , do not have large open foreign exchange positions but also a resolution of the conundrum that may involve falls in the value of financial assets 我擔心這不僅限于匯率大幅調整這相對比較容易應付,而且本港的金融中介機構例如銀行并沒有大的未平倉外匯合約,亦會涉及解開上文提到的謎題,以致出現金融資產價值大幅下滑的情況。

It is with a view to discuss the problem widely faced in managing core competence . firstly , we parsed the intension of core competence , and then analyzed the conundrum which company is in face of when it identify , cultivate and develop core competence and offered some clues . lastly , we explored the prosecution of organizational learning , diversification , and outsourcing strategy , provided the specific guidance for constituting the core competence strategy in levels of company and establishing the competition advantage 本文著手對在管理核心競爭力時所面臨的問題進行廣泛的討論,首先解析了核心競爭力的內涵,然后依次分析了公司面臨的識別、培育和發展核心競爭力的難題且提供了一些思路,并就幫助企業實行組織學習戰略、多元化戰略和外購戰略進行了探索,為制定公司層面的核心競爭力戰略,確立競爭優勢提供了具體的指導方法。

The force control of suspension bridge anchorage cable is the main contents which will be researched . according to the character of suspen - sion bridge anchorage , three questions is solved in this paper on the basis of the construction control experience of the highway bridge of yichang yanzhi river . firstly , an effective method of cable force control is presented in this paper , which has settled the puzzle of cable force accurate operate through fixing a pressure transducer at the behind of the hydraulic jack . secondly , an exactitude calculation model is founded in this paper . in addition the influence of boundary condition , sag , inclination , flexural rigidity and environment temperature to the cable vibration frequency which make the frequency method could be used to the measurement of cable force . in the end of this paper , a control system of anchorage cable force is developed on the basis of the above research . this system is very steady , credible , high precision and convenient . it is a new and credible method to be used to the force control of sus - pension bridge anchorage cable . in this paper , the conundrum of cable force control has been solved . the fruits are very useful to the development of inland suspension bridge 提出了一種有效可行的錨跨張力控制方法,即通過在油壓千斤頂后加壓力傳感器,并利用單片機技術進行數據采集,解決了懸索橋錨跨索股初張力精確控制的難題;建立了錨跨索股索力的精確計算模型,分析了索股的邊界條件、斜度、垂度、抗彎剛度及環境溫度對索股頻率的影響,解決了弦振法在大跨徑懸索橋索力測試中的應用問題;在上述研究成果的基礎上,研制出了錨跨張力控制系統,該系統具有穩定可靠,精度高,使用方便等特點,它的投入使用將為我國今后大跨徑懸索橋錨跨張力控制提供一種全新的、可靠的手段。

There has been no clearer symbol of baseball ' s conundrum than the sport ' s commissioner , bud selig , who has been reduced to trailing mr bonds around the country in an ( ultimately unsuccessful ) attempt to be present at the historic record - breaking moment , while making it clear with his body language that he would rather be anywhere else 此前美國職棒大聯盟主席巴德?塞利格(已然很少關注龐茲比賽)眉宇之間的表情流露出其并不想見證龐茲破紀錄的歷史性一幕,但是去不去的問題讓此公傷透腦筋(最終未出席) 。

Using the way of comparative analysis , this paper makes a comparative study of the scholars “ view of different schools of international law , points out several conundrum left from the 20th century , predicts the trend of development of the international law in the 21st century and explains the trategy that china should take 第三章、第四章通過比較分析的方法,對各國國際法學流派的觀點進行比較分析,指出了二十世紀國際法遺留下來的幾大難題,并預測國際法在二十一世紀的發展趨勢。第五章結合我國的實際情況,有的放矢地提出自己的觀點及我國應采取的對策。

Using genetic evidence from more than 20 species of locusts , scientists from the universities of toronto , arizona , maryland , cornell university and the u . s . department of agriculture have answered a long - standing conundrum : why are the closest relatives of the african desert locust schistocerca gregaria found in the new world , rather than africa 他們的這一研究成果還揭開了一個長久以來懸而未決的謎題,即為何非洲沙漠蝗schistocerca gregaria關系最近的親戚是在美洲大陸而不是在非洲大陸被發現的。報道說,沙漠蝗是世界上從

But other things do not often remain equal . the external imbalance of the us , the interest rate conundrum , the weak relatively speaking economic performance of europe and japan , the prospects of change in the exchange rate regime of the renminbi and emerging problems of hedge funds will probably mean greater , rather than less , volatility in the flow of international capital 但現實世界中各種因素不會恒常不變:美國對外貿易失衡短期利率上升但長期債券利率下跌之謎歐洲及日本經濟表現相對疲弱人民幣匯率制度日后可能改變,以及對沖基金的問題漸現,勢必使國際資金流向更為波動。

Holding foreign assets that earn a return lower than the cost of sterilisation is , i am sure , an unhappy feeling , particularly with the now famous conundrum of long - term bond yields hanging out there waiting for a trigger to work itself out 對于持有外幣資產所賺取的回報低于沖銷成本的情況,我肯定大家都會認為是不妥當的,尤其是大家都熟知有關長期債券收益率長期處于低位的謎題仍有待化解。

Everyone knows that solving the israeli - palestinian conundrum would massively help the west and its fearful local friends in their efforts to help the forces of moderation and modernity overcome those of fanaticism and backwardness 所有人都知道,解決巴以難題將極大地有利于西方國家及其不安的中東友邦努力幫助溫和而現代化的勢力戰勝狂熱而落后的勢力。

Readers may have noticed the frequent references lately by some in the financial community to what alan greenspan recently called the “ conundrum “ the decline in interest rates of long - term bonds at a time of rising short - term interest rates 讀者可能都有留意到近日金融界經常論及格林斯潘最近指出的謎題,即短期利率上升的同時,長期債券利率卻下降。

Thankfully the successive increases in short - term interest rates have not affected the long - term interest rates and so bond prices have held up well for us , although there is uncertainty as to how long this conundrum in the bond market will last 幸好短期利率持續上升并未影響長期利率,因此債券價格繼續企穩,但沒有人知道這個情況將會持續多久。

And to add confusion to confusion , there was the servant , an unceasing menace , that appeared noiselessly at his shoulder , a dire sphinx that propounded puzzles and conundrums demanding instantaneous solution 仆人是一種永無休止的威脅,總悄悄出現在他肩頭旁。全是些可怕的獅身人面獸,老提出些難題啞謎,要他立即作答。

Reports in portugal claim that ferguson and queiroz have identified petit , of benfica , as a possible solution to their midfield conundrum , but mahamadou diarra , of lyons , is their first choice 在葡萄牙的報道說福格森和奎羅茲考察了本菲卡的佩蒂特,把他作為一個中場難題的解決方案。但是里昂的迪亞拉是第一選擇。

Along the way , you ll see one approach to a more general conundrum : we ll use jsp pages and custom tags to link several disparate and unconnected tools into a single program 在此過程中,您會看到解決更多一般性難題的方法:我們將使用jsp頁面和定制標記將幾個完全不同的且互不相連的工具鏈接在單個程序中。

The problem of poverty exists all over the world , especially in the developing countries and areas . governments of all countries are facing with the conundrum of antipoverty 貧困問題在世界各地尤其是在發展中國家和地區廣泛存在,扶貧(反貧困)是各國政府都面臨的主要難題之一。

The key to unlocking the conundrum of power is to understand the minute details , in particular the micro - linguistic details , of the interaction in which power is exercised 這些意識歸根結底都是通過語言來傳遞的。 foucault指出語言不僅僅是交談,它也是我們談論某件事的方式。

Yet , perhaps precisely because things look so bad in iraq and the iranian nuclear conundrum seems so insoluble , the americans may think another push for peace worthwhile 不過,也許正因為糟糕的伊拉克局面和難以解決的伊朗核問題,美國人或者會考慮更值得推進的和平進程。

This highlighted the conundrum one can easily face ; visitors expect you to take them off the beaten path , but how far off do they really want to go 這也體現了人們經常面臨的兩難境地:客人總是希望你能夠帶他們離開那些毫無挑戰的地方,但是他們真正想要走多遠呢?

Researchers presented a conundrum to new mothers on monday , saying that women who want to lose the extra weight gained in pregnancy should try to get more sleep 研究人員于本周一稱,新媽媽們如果想減掉懷孕期間增加的體重,應該多睡覺,這可要讓新媽媽們犯難了。