
contusion n.毆打;傷害;受(內)傷;【醫學】打傷,挫傷。


But the relationship among the severity of injury and changes of cytokines are not clear . the mechanisms , post - intervals , severity and prognosis of brain injury are very important in forensic and clinical practice . in this study , brain contusion model of different severity and post - traumatic intervals were made Tbi的形成機制、損傷形成時間、損傷程度分析以及預后判斷一直受到法醫及臨床工作者的重視,其中損傷程度的判定成為實際案例中判定案件性質及量刑的主要依據,成為法醫病理學工作者亟待解決的一個重要的科研課題。

Pathological , biochemical and molecular biological technique were used to study the changes of bcl - 2 , bax , caspase - 1 , caspase - 3 and nf - kb after brain contusion aim to investigate the relationship among them and apoptosis and try to provide some objective marker and theory basis to the judgment on post - traumatic intervals and severity of brain injury 實驗材料與方法實驗材料1 .實驗動物健康wistar大鼠54只,雌雄不限,體重1809一2809 ,由中國醫科大學實驗動物中心提供。 2 .主要試劑.鼠抗人bel一2 ( e一2 )單克隆抗體(產品編號: s 。

In the past , the skin contusion age was estimated by the color changes of the contusioned skin , but it is not of accuracy due to different color of human race , age and individual , etc . afterwards , the skin contusion age can only be rough estimated because of the age is mutuall by counting the quantity of inflammatory cells 最初根據挫傷皮膚顏色的變化推斷挫傷時間,但由于人種膚色、年齡等個體差異,無法精確判斷皮膚挫傷時間,只能粗略估計。后來通過光學顯微鏡觀察皮膚挫傷后炎癥反應中炎性細胞的數量來推斷挫傷時間,但由于各種變化的時相互相重疊,給確切推斷挫傷時間帶來了困難,所以,人們一直在尋找可以相對準確地推斷皮膚挫傷時間的方法。

Methods retrospective review of 71 patients with cardiac injury was carried out including 21 blunt wounds , 40 penetrating wounds and 10 iatrogenic wounds . conservative therapy was performed on 8 myocardial contusions , 2 hemopericardiums , 2 small metal foreign bodies retention in myocardium and also 2 cardiac tamponades with iatrogenic left atrium perforation . the acute or delayed thoracotomies for repairing cardiac lesion according to the injury condition were performed in remainders 方法對21例鈍性心臟傷、 40例穿透傷和10例醫源性損傷的臨床資料進行了回顧性分析;全組除心肌挫傷8例,血心包、心臟細小金屬異物和醫源性左心房穿透傷導致急性心包填塞各2例行保守治療外,其余病例均根據心臟損傷情況,分別進行了急癥或延遲性開胸手術,修復心臟損傷。

In this study , the expression of nfkb p65 and ikba ( inhibitory kappa b alpha , ikba ) in poly - morphonnucleared cells , mononuclear cells and fibroblastic cells during rat skin contusion repair will be investigated using immunohistochemical technique and the relationship with contusion will be revealed , which can provide the theorical evidence to identify the contusion age I b因其抑制nf b活性,也越來越受到人們的重視,故本實驗應用免疫組織化學方法觀察nf b家族的重要成員nf bp65與其抑制因子i b在大鼠皮膚挫傷后不同時間在多核粒細胞、單核巨噬細胞及成纖維細胞中的表達變化,揭示其與皮膚挫傷時間的關系,為皮膚挫傷時間的判定提供新的理論依據。

So this study will reveal the human expressions of hsp70 , bfgf , cox2 after cerebral contusions and the relationship between the expression and the contusion time utilizing the immunohistochemical staining , at the same time , this study will find out the diversity between the autopsy case and the animal experiment , which can provide the theorical evidence to identify the aging cerebral contusion 故本實驗采用實際工作中的案例標本,應用免疫組織化學染色,旨在了解人腦挫傷后hsp70 、 bfgf和cox2的表達,揭示其表達與人腦挫傷時間變化關系,同時觀察尸體解剖標本與動物實驗標本免疫組織化學的差別,為腦挫傷時間判定實際鑒定工作提供一條可行的理論依據。

At present , by the immunohistochemical techniques , there have been the expressions of hsp70 , bfgf , cox2 after rat cerebral contusion . the consequences show that the expressions of these three indications show certain changing regulations after rat brain contusion . but there has not been any report about the application of these indications on the estimation of the aging on human cerebral contusion 目前,已有人分別應用免疫組織化學技術對熱休克蛋白70 ( hsp70 ) 、堿性成纖維細胞生長因子( bfgf )和環氧合酶- 2 ( cox2 )在大鼠腦挫傷后的表達進行了研究,結果表明這三項指標的表達在傷后均呈現出一定的變化規律,但未見有人將hsp70 、 bfgf和cox2應用于人腦挫傷時間推斷的研究。

Experimental group : choose 35 autopsy cases during 1995 - 2001 , in which deaths are caused by closed cerebral injuries with obvious cortical contusion foci . divide them into seven groups . choose 5 cases as control , which died from immediate deaths , and not caused by cerebral injuries 選擇1995 - 2001年因閉合性顱腦損傷死亡并伴有明顯大腦皮質挫傷灶的35個案例,分成7個實驗組,對照組選取非顱腦損傷且急性損傷致死5個案例,各組男女不限,年齡在19 - 58歲之間,平均年齡為38 . 09歲。

As a member of this superfamily , human acidic fibroblast growth factor ( afgf or fgf1 ) , expressed by a variety of cells from all three germ layers , shows great potential for clinical applications for therapy of a variety of diseases , such as parkinson ' s disease , spinal cord contusion injury , neural regeneration in reimplantation of broken - off finger , brain ischemia , renal ischemia , myocardial infarction , occlusive vascularitis , retinal ischemia , gastric ulcer and nonhealing wound and so on 人類酸性成纖維細胞生長因子( afgf , fgf - 1 )是成纖維細胞生長因子超家族成員。來自于三個胚層的多種細胞都可以表達afgf 。 afgf在治療帕金森綜合癥、急性脊柱扭曲性損傷、斷指中神經功能重建、腦缺血、腎缺血、心肌梗塞、閉塞性脈管炎、視網膜缺血、胃潰瘍及難愈合性傷口等多種臨床應用方面具有巨大潛力。

Establishment of animal model of skin contusion and grouping a total of 33 health adult female and male sprague - dawley rats , each weight 160g - 200g , were used . skin contusion located in quadriceps muscle of thigh of posterior limb was made with falling of a 250g hammer from 150 centimeter high . 1 動物模型制作及分組健康成年sprague - dawley大鼠33只,雌雄不限,體重180 20g ,隨機分為11組,每組3只,其中10組作為實驗組, 1組作為對照組。

With increasing of acknowledgement about the moleculopathology of central nervous system after injury and the application of immuno - histochemical techniques , a lot of studies have done on the relationship between the cerebral contusion and its aging in respent of immu - nohistochemistry 前言隨著醫學界對中樞神經系統創傷后分子病理學認識的提高以及免疫組織化學技術的進步,人們從免疫組織化學角度,對腦挫傷與時間的關系做了大量的研究。

Results 1 . the expression of nf b p65 and i e in skin contusion repair in the control specimens , the positive staining of nf b p65 and i ba were in the basal cell layer , spinous layer , granular layer and sweat epithelium , sebaceous gland epithelium 實驗結果1 . nfkbp65與ikba在挫傷修復過程中的表達變化正常對照組皮膚中, nfkbp65與ikba在表皮基底細胞層、棘細胞層、顆粒細胞層和真皮層皮脂腺、汗腺上皮細胞呈陽性表達。

Introduction the skin contusion is a common injury in practice of forensic medicine ex - pertization , therefore , the estimation of skin contusion age became focus for domestic and international legal medical expert in the last few years 前言皮膚挫傷是法醫學鑒定中常見的損傷,因此,皮膚挫傷時間的推斷成為多年來國內外法醫學界研究的熱點內容。

01 ) . as the contusion time prolonging , the gray value of hsp70 gradually increased , and reached the peak point in the group of 20 - 27 h , which had magnificant difference with other groups except the group of 10 01人隨挫傷時間的延長,神經細胞的hsp70灰度值逐漸增大,至20 27h組, hspoo灰度值達最大,與其它各實驗組(除10

Limited by the human material , the studies are mainly imitative experiments of animals “ cerebral contusions , which have committed the diversity between the theological study and the practical identification 由于受到檢材要求所限,在此方面的研究多為模擬腦挫傷的動物實驗,從而造成了理論研究與實際鑒定工作相“脫鉤”的現象。

The orange - brown , scalloped appearance of these lesions is consistent with old contusions . the resolution left behind hemosiderin from the hemorrhage that produces the orange - brown staining 棕黃色圓齒狀外觀的病變與舊挫傷相一致。出血后血液溶解形成的含鐵血黃素產生棕黃色外觀。

By far the largest number are caused by contusions but serious injuries from stabs seem to be increasing and some of these are dangerously close to being mortal 當前為止,占最多數的是由于挫傷,而且連續性的刺傷似乎仍不斷攀升,另外這當中有些是極具危險地近乎致命傷。

A coronal section through the frontal lobes reveals extensive contusions involving the inferior gyri . this was a contracoup injury from a fall in the bathtub by an elderly person 額葉冠狀面顯示累及下方腦回的廣泛挫傷。此為老年人浴缸里摔倒造成的頭部對沖傷。

Conclusion : to the foot with wide - ranging contusion , this method is an reliable and easy method for retaining the length and the function of the injury foot with maximum limit 結論:對廣泛挫傷的傷足該方法安全可靠,能最大限度地保存傷足長度與功能。