
contuse vt.打傷,挫傷,撞傷,(尤指)使受暗傷,使受內傷。


Do processing of preliminary emergency treatment to want to notice : eye ministry is bumped by stupid thing , local generation strut reachs ache , without the cut that the skin opens , can use cold towel cold compress , reach with subsidence of a swelling reduce ache ; if eye ministry is traumatic , bleed , the gauze of usable cleanness wraps up ; if the eyewinker flies inside pleasant to see , must not rub rubs an eye , should close double key point gently or blink a bit , let express light foreign body to be poured out of along with tear ; if the eyewinker has entered eyeball deep , eyeball already break - through , cannot oppress absolutely right now eyeball , lest emergence is organized inside the eye ; if forehead and eyebrow bend ministry are contused to want to note the eyesight case of seasonable self - check eye , preliminary judgement has injure secondhand without optic nerve 做初步急救處理要注重:眼部被鈍物撞擊,局部產生腫脹及疼痛,無皮膚開放的傷口,可用冷毛巾冷敷,以消腫及減輕疼痛;若眼部外傷引起眼瞼裂傷或出血,可用清潔的紗布包扎;若有異物飛入眼內,千萬不要搓揉眼睛,要輕閉雙眼或稍眨眼,讓表淺的異物隨淚水流出;假如異物已經進入眼球深部,眼球已經穿通,此時絕不可壓迫眼球,以免眼內組織脫出;若額頭和眉弓部被撞傷要注重及時自我檢查眼睛的視力情況,初步判定有無視神經間接損傷。

Although judicial practice also can remedy environmental tort from right of the person and right of property at present , it make the original legal system contused , make common person ' s illusion , distort the environmental right , make it not to further progress , they are not benefit for strengthening our country ' s legal system and realizing society rule by law 因為環境權的定性問題一日不解決,對環境侵權的制裁則師出無名,盡管目前我國司法實踐中從財產權、人身權的角度尚可救濟環境權受到侵害的行為,但這已然引起了原有法律體系的混亂,造成一般民眾的錯覺,同時也扭曲了環境權,使之不能進一步發展,這是極不利于當代我國法制的健全及法治社會的實現的。

With strain , elevating a candlestick : with pain , feeling on his right temple a contused tumescence : with attention , focusing his gaze on a large dull passive and slender bright active : with solicitation , bending and downturning the upturned rugfringe : with amusement , remembering dr malachi mulligan s scheme of colour containing the gradation of green : with pleasure , repeating the words and antecedent act and perceiving through various channels of internal sensibility the consequent and concomitant tepid pleasant diffusion of gradual discolouration 他全神貫注地凝視著那龐大笨重被動的和那細溜活潑主動的,又殷勤地彎下身去,把掀起來的地毯邊兒舒展成原樣。他興致勃勃地記起瑪拉基穆利根博士的色彩計劃,其中包括深淺有致的綠色208 。他又心懷喜悅之情重復著當時相互間的話語和動作,并通過內部種種感官,領悟著逐漸褪色所導致的溫吞快感的舒散。

Actually , this kind of viewpoint is wrong , this violated the concerned regulation of policy of insurance of our country society not only , and the enthusiasm of honest stuff in contusing badly also , go against the development of the enterprise 其實,這種觀點是錯誤的,這不僅違反了我國社會保險政策的有關規定,而且也嚴重挫傷了中方員工的積極性,不利于企業的發展。

Morphologically these injuries progress from hemorrhages in white matter directly under contused cortex during the first hours after injury to the development of a necrotic cavity by 24 hours 09kpa ,造成中度腦損傷,并在傷后不同時間取材,進行形態學觀察。

The contusing device was adapted from the impact method described by feeney , including three parts ; guide tube , weight , and animal stand Smm 。固定裝置由硬水底座、打擊器固定架、動物頭部固定器組成,硬木底座同時用作動物臺。

Effect of tramsplantation of bone marrow stromal stem cells into contused spinal cord in adult sd rats on expression of brain - derived neurotrophic factor 骨髓基質干細胞移植治療大鼠脊髓挫傷對脊髓腦源性神經生長因子表達的影響

Forensic medical examination of contused ocular wounds and starlike brain cytoma 眼鈍挫傷與腦腫瘤傷病關系法醫學鑒定1例