
contumely n.傲慢無禮;輕侮,侮辱。


After all napoleon had said to him , after those outbursts of wrath , and after the last frigidly uttered words , i will not detain you , general ; you shall receive my letter , balashov felt certain that napoleon would not care to see him again , would avoid indeed seeing again the envoy who had been treated by him with contumely , and had been the eyewitness of his undignified outburst of fury . but to his surprise balashov received through duroc an invitation to dine that day at the emperors table . there were present at dinner , bessires , caulaincourt , and berthier 在拿破侖對他說了那一切之后,在那一陣憤怒的發泄并在最后冷冷地說了如下幾句話之后: “ je ne vous retiens plus , gnral , vous recevrez ma lettre ”我不多耽擱您了,將軍,您會接到我給您們皇帝的回信譯者,巴拉瑟夫相信,拿破侖不僅不愿再看見他,而且還會盡力回避他一個受侮辱的使者,更主要的是,他是拿破侖有失體面的沖動行為的見證人。

I would thou couldst ; for who would bear the whips and scorns of time , the oppressor s wrong , the proud man s contumely , the law s delay , and the quietus which his pangs might take , in the dead waste and middle of the night , when churchyards yawn in customary suits of solemn black , but that the undiscovered country from whose bourne no traveler returns , breathes forth contagion on the world , and thus the native hue of resolution , like the poor cat i the adage , is sicklied o er with care , and all the clouds that lowered o er our housetops , with this regard their currents turn awry , and lose the name of action 但愿您做得到誰愿忍受人世的鞭撻和嘲弄,壓迫者的虐待,傲慢者的凌辱,法律的拖延,和痛苦可能帶來的解脫,在這夜半死寂的荒涼里,墓穴洞開,禮俗的黑色喪服,一片陰森。但是那世人有去無還的冥界,正向人間噴出毒氣陣陣,因此那剛毅的本色,象古語所說的那只可憐的小貓,就被煩惱蒙上了一層病容,一切壓在我們屋頂上的陰云,因此改變了漂浮的方向,失去了行動的力量。那正是功德無量。

It was the speech , mark you , the professor said , of a finished orator , full of courteous haughtiness and pouring in chastened diction , i will not say the vials of his wrath but pouring the proud man s contumely upon the new movement “那篇講演嘛,你們注意聽著, ”教授說, “是雄辯家完美的演說詞。既彬彬有禮,又奔放豪邁,用語洗練而流暢。對于新興的運動雖然還說不上是把懲戒的憤怒傾泄出來, 205但總歸是傾注了高傲者的侮辱。