
controvert vt.爭論;辯駁,反駁,攻擊。vi.參加爭論。-er, ...


But the philosophic historian gervinus , controverting the view of the special historian of those events , seeks to prove that the campaign of 1813 and the restoration of the bourbons was due not only to alexander , but also to the work of stein , metternich , madame de stal , talleyrand , fichte , chateaubriand , and others . the historian obviously analyses the power of alexander into component forces 但是通史家革飛努斯斷然否定專題史學家的這種觀點,他極力證明一八一三年的遠征和波旁王朝的復辟,除了由于亞歷山大的意志外,還由于施泰因梅特涅斯塔埃爾夫人塔列蘭費希特謝多勃良以及其他諸人的行動造成的。

When the ladies returned to the drawing room , there was little to be done but to hear lady catherine talk , which she did without any intermission till coffee came in , delivering her opinion on every subject in so decisive a manner as proved that she was not used to have her judgment controverted 女客們回到會客室以后,只是聽咖苔琳夫人談話。夫人滔滔不絕地一直談到咖啡端上來為止,隨便談到哪一樁事,她總是那么斬釘截鐵不許別人反對的樣子。

A series of experiments and arguments prove to every man that he , as an object of observation , is subject to certain laws , and the man submits to them , and never , after they have once been pointed out to him , controverts the law of gravity or of impenetrability 一系列的實驗和論證對每個人表明,他,作為觀察的對象,服從某一些法則人一旦認識到萬有引力不滲透性的法則,他就服從這些法則,并且永遠不會抗拒這些法則。

Blog , a type of we - media , with the drastic increasing number and unclarity responsibilities , give a chance for people to controvert and have factional set - up 博客人數的劇增、網絡媒體具體職責的尚不明確,讓博客這樣一個自媒體有了拉幫結派大戰亂的可能。

If you would understand the true sense … of a controverted scripture , then look well into the coherence , the scope and the context thereof 你若想明白一段有爭議性經文的真正意思的話,要留意經文的完整性,其主題,和上下文。

I have a witness to the fact , whose testimony even you , sir , will scarcely controvert “我有一位這件事情的證人,他的證詞,先生,連你也難以反駁。 ”

Lincoln at springfield , and controverted by me in my reply to him at chicago 針對林肯先生在斯普林菲爾德提出的兩個主張,我在芝加哥的發言反駁了他。

Thus the question which has been controverted for a long time is settled 從而解決了這個在引力界爭論了多年的問題

The statement of the last witness controvert the evidence of the first two 最后一個證人的陳述反駁了前兩人的證詞。

Nobody controverted the prophetic gentleman ' s opinion 對這位紳士的預見,誰也沒有反駁。

The other is, when the matter of the point controverted is great, but it is driven to an overgreat subtility and obscurity . 還有一種就是所爭之點是很重要的,然而爭論到了后來趨于過于微秒或幽晦。