
controversy n.(尤指紙上的)爭論,辯論,論戰 (with; abo...


Efficacy and morals : in front of controversy 建構公共選擇中的社會倫理準則

These are the facts that are beyond controversy 這是一些無可爭辯的事實。

Controversy has also surfaced in ohio and utah 俄亥俄州和猶他州也出現了如此的爭議。

What ' s the significance of human gene controversy 人類基因之爭意味著什么

But even this date sparked controversy 但是即使是這樣的時間也仍引起爭論。

Yet mr gomaa himself is no stranger to controversy 然而,戈瑪自己對論戰也并不陌生。

How to treat the controversy between wang shuo and jin yong 如何看待王朔與金庸的論爭

Has caused the controversy over the counter - culture 導致了對反傳統文化潮流的爭議。

Thoughts on the ethical controversy of genetic engineering 對基因工程倫理爭議的思考

The overthrown president is overwhelmed by the controversy 被推翻的總統被辯論降服

Expose your ideas to the danger of controversy 讓你的想法直面受爭議的危險。

On scientific controversy and laudan ' s resolution 試論科學爭論及勞丹對該問題的解決

The controversy of poem and philosophy has a long history 摘要詩哲之爭由來已久。

The biotechnology and transgenic food safety controversy 轉基因食品及其安全性

This problem is jural now existence controversy 這個問題現在法律上存在爭議。

The controversy of the reform and choice of the reform 改革的論爭與改革的選擇

The controversy has spilled over into other fields 這場爭論已經擴大到其它領域。

The whole controversy is for too much ado about nothing 這場爭論完全是無事生非。

The preparations have not been without controversy 但是準備工作并不是沒有爭議。