
controllable adj.可支配[管理]的;可抑制[控制]的,可操縱的。


Railway fixed equipment and rolling stock . controllable metallized frame capacitors 鐵路固定設備和機車車輛.金屬結構可調電容器

Research progress in controllable techniques for the green - making practice of oolong tea products 烏龍茶做青可控技術研究進展

Research method for autoignition of fuel jet in controllable active thermo - atmosphere 可控活化熱氛圍下噴射燃料自燃的研究方法

A design of the long - distance controllable system based on the single - chip microcomputer 一種由單片機實現的遠程控制系統設計

Research of key technology of equipment controllable visualization in ensuring scene 保障場景中裝備可控可視化的關鍵技術研究

Pitch control system of controllable pitch propeller based on single - chip microcomputer 基于單片機技術的調距槳螺距控制系統

Controllable area nozzle 可調截面噴管

My pain is controllable 我的可以控制

Controllable companion form 可控性伴型

Controllable nose intake 頭部可調進氣口

Controllable memory module 可控存儲組件

Inventory model with controllable lead time and variable backorder rate 基于可控提前期和可變押后訂單比例的庫存問題研究

This is , uh , controllable 這是,可以控制的

Combine ant and groovy for more expressive and controllable builds 為更具表現力、更可控的構建而組合使用ant和groovy

Calculation and simulation of a controllable reactor of transformer type 變壓器式可控電抗器的限流電抗計算和仿真

Controllable extensional experiment 可控延伸試驗

Dynamics analysis of a planar controllable mechanism based on bond graph 平面可控七桿機構的鍵合圖動力學分析

Controllable - reversible pitch propeller 可控可逆螺槳

Realization of incomplete controllable system ' s pole assignment algorithm 不完全能控系統極點配置算法的實現