
control chart (工廠中的產品質量)控制圖。

control company

Guide to statistical process control charts for variables - charts for mean , median , range and standard deviation 變量靜態加工控制圖表指南.均值,中值,范圍和標準偏差圖表

To satisfy the needs of on - line detection and analysis of control chart , the general framework was presented 摘要針對控制圖在線檢測和分析的要求,提出了系統基本框架。

Ewma application of statistics . control charts . part 3 : control charts by exponentially weighted moving average 統計學應用.控制圖.第3部分:指數加權移動平均值控制圖表

Do you feel comfortable in using various techniques such as pert / cpm and statistical control charts 請問,你是否能熟練使用諸如pert / cpm等分析工具,以及統計控制圖?

Analysis of the applicability of the bootstrap control chart for quality control in next generation manufacturing systems 自助控制圖在下一代制造系統中的適用性分析

The above should be demonstrated for data representing all of the most common control charts 譯文:六西格瑪黑帶應該能夠示范大多數常用控制圖的所有數據表現形式。

Use the diagnostic control chart on page 14 to help determine the cause of the high limit shut - off 參閱第14頁的診斷控制表,有助于判斷高溫限制開關關閉的原因。

Guide for quality control charts , method of analyzing data , and controlling quality during production 質量控制圖表數據分析方法和生產中質量控制用指南

Finally , we give anexample to show how to construct and apply the proposed control charts 最后,我們舉例說明如何創建這些管制圖及其在制程上的應用。

The above should be demonstrated for data representing all of the most common control charts 6西格瑪黑帶應能示范所有最常用控制圖的數據表現形式。

In this paper , the corn purpose is to build an effective method to design control charts 本文就控制圖的設計和使用進行了較為全面的分析和研究。

Inspects and measures parts to maintain statistical process control charts 檢查測量各部件以保證產品規格數據統計在控制圖紙要求范圍內。

A study on design of economical control chart and its application to group production process 局部互換性測量在錐齒輪質量控制中的應用

Application of statistics . control charts . part 1 : shewhart control charts by variables 統計學應用.控制圖.第1部分:哈休特計量控制圖

Detectability analysis of residual control charts for monitoring change in mean deviation 監視過程均值變化的殘差控制圖檢測能力分析

Pattern recognition and parameter estimate of the control chart based on neural network 基于神經網絡的控制圖模式識別和參數估計

Quality control chart 質量控制圖

Control chart method 管理例行程序

Shewhart control charts 常規控制圖