
control board 儀表板。

control chart

The main control board ( central process unit board , cpu board ) of measurement and control system is designed , and high accuracy programmable dual voltage source board ( dvs board ) is designed . improving suggestions of the cpu board are brought forward 設計了檢測與控制系統主控制板( cpu板)和高精度可編程雙電壓源板( dvs板) ,并提出對現在主控制板設計的升級方案建議。

Mr . cuomo took pains in his presentations to counter any notion that he was meddling in the city ' s affairs , or trying to dictate policy choices , or seeking greater powers over city spending by the control board , which he heads 科莫在作施政報告時,盡力反駁人們對他有任何干預紐約市政,試圖號令市政決策或藉他所掌管的監管局擴張他對紐約市財務支出的控制權力的看法。

One is the multiplexer - demultiplexer board , the other is the cpu control board . the first board is used to finish the function of signal demultiplexing while the latter board is used to controle the configuration of the first 其中, sdh分接復用板用來實現系統所要求的各種信號分接等功能; cpu主控板用來對sdh分接復用板進行配置和控制。

Next , the rover controlling system is introduced . its hardware is composed of dsp controlling board and motor driving board . there are two choices for the serial communication between the dsp board and the pc 控制系統硬件部分由dsp控制板和電機驅動板組成, dsp控制板與上位機之間的串口通訊有無線和有線兩種方式可以選擇。

On the other side , late in the project , you often want to introduce more control , such as change control boards , to remove undesired creativity and associated risk for late introduction of defects 另一方面,在項目后期,你往往想要引入更多控制,比如變更控制板,來消除不想要的創造性和相關風險,以免在晚期引入缺陷。

It employs the laser system of shanghai tongli , stable win2000 , xp operating system and expert sealmaking software . it has automatic location system and usb high - speed control board and is easily portable 采用上海同立激光系統,穩定可靠win200 xp系統運行專業印章軟件全自動定位usb高速控制主板,攜帶方便靈活。

The mcf5249 works as the main processor on the cpu control board . the main task of the control logic finished on fpga is assisting mcf5249 with controlling the 控制邏輯的主要任務是協助cpu主控板中的主控制器mcf5249完成對分接復用板上的pm4329 , pm5332 , pm5366 , pm5320等芯片的控制操作。

Combined with temperature sensing head , paper cutter , controlling board , power supply , paper holder frame , machine frame together , which being convenient for installing in various machine cabinets 集熱敏頭、切紙刀、控制板、電源、托紙架、機架于一體,方便安裝到各種機柜內。

14 the boiler control board should have necessary sound and light alarming signals , such as flame display , water line , pressure , temperature and other protection device etc 14鍋爐操作盤上應設有必要的聲、光報警信號,如火焰顯示、水位、壓力、溫度高低以及各種保護裝置動作等。

Take testing the typical circuit of vs1 - based control board for example , we discuss in detail the principles and methods of using the so - called system to test the breakdown 重點介紹利用數字示波器和計算機系統組成的故障測試系統對工業設備動態響應過程的檢測方法。

The performance of open nc system is mainly determined by motion control board . the design of motion control board is the key of nc system design 數控系統的性能主要取決于運動控制卡,因此運動控制卡的設計成為系統實現的關鍵。

Do not tamper with the electronic control board , temperature sensors , heating elements , electrical connections , or temperature and pressure relief valve 不要篡改電氣控制板,溫度感應器,加熱元件,電氣連接,或降溫減壓安全閥。

Lastly , hardware circuit of base station control board is designed , which includes control module and voice processing module 接下來,設計出了基站控制板的硬件電路,包括控制部分和語音處理部分,并作了分析。

By means of it , the pwm waveform can be generated more easily and the hardware of control board can be simplified 文中研究了80c196mc的波形發生器的應用特性;應用它方便地生成pwm波,簡化了控制板的電路。

This paper comes from the cloud platform controlling board , which is a part of hd _ vcr video monitoring system 本論文選題來源于“數字式硬盤錄像機視頻監控系統”項目中云臺控制以及攝像鏡頭控制的功能塊。

Mains equipment and similar apparatus - residual current operated circuit - breakers for consumer ' s control boards in low voltage installations 電源設備和類似裝置.低壓設備中用戶控制板用殘流驅動式斷路器

The control board includes the three independent switches and a vacuum indicator , useful to detect possible clogging of the filter 控制面板上有三個獨立的開關和一個真空指示器,可以避免過濾網堵塞。

Based on the research and related theories , the motion control board is debugged , and achieved the anticipate result 在上述研究成果及相關理論的基礎上,進行了板卡的硬件調試,達到了預期的效果。

The system not only makes use of module hardware system including industrial pc and control board and also is opening 該系統采用工業pc機加控制模板的模塊式硬件體系,具有開放式結構。