
control n.1.支配,管理,管制,統制,控制;監督。2.抑制(力...

control board

Outside people tried to get control of this business . 局外之人想控制這項事業。

All forward traffic had been stalled at the control . 關卡前頭的汽車都停住了。

No man may control that for you . 這事誰也不能給你打包票。

Such control points are often wells . 這種控制點常是鉆井。

Codliman controlled his impatience. “go on. “ 戈德利曼耐著性子說:“講下去”。

The fire has been brought under control . 火勢已受到控制。

Tungpei and hsipei troops were in control at sian . 東北軍和西北軍控制了西安。

They do not regenerate through the control loop . 它們不能通過控制回路來恢復。

I have never had any control over her . 我從來就管不了她。

This was a drastic step in disease control . 這是疾病防治中一個強有力的步驟。

We both give vent to our grief without control . 我們兩個盡情發泄我們的悲哀。

How it is to be controlled raises legal problems . 怎樣控制它則涉及法律問題。

You must get your spending under control . 你必須節制開支。

His speciality was quality control . 他的專長是質量的管理。

She took a firm attitude towards birth control . 她對計劃生育的態度十分堅定。

Precise control of voltages is my business . 我的任務是準確無誤地控制著電壓。

Eventually the fire was under control . 火勢終于被控制住了。

He successfully controlled a court . 他成功地領導了一個法院。

Nim controlled an impulse to snap back angrily . 尼姆壓住了怒火,沒有頂撞。