
contriver n.1.發明者,設計者,創制者;籌謀者。2.善于安排[應...


In regard to product , it is with the traditional cut flowers , stem the flower compare the body now of is a kind of all new and special flower to appreciate , implantation concept , the product emphasizes what the whole development process of the flower bring people that joy and achieves feeling more , outstanding the flower is been embryonic by the seed and grow up gradually to bloom , result a kind of life contain hope and people to fine life of look forward to and pursue , come to an implantation concept and appreciate result thus of perfect combine . in the meantime , the structure and the features design of the product also body the contriver doesn t have mental strategy now : agile , convenience , environmental protection , make it attain real pocketsized result because of controling the plant physical volume , the full body was now the characteristic of the pet flower 就產品本身而言,它與傳統的切花干花相比所體現的是一種全新獨特的花卉觀賞培植概念,產品更加強調花卉的整個培養過程所給人們帶來的那份喜悅與成就感,突出了花卉由種子萌芽漸漸成長到開花結果所蘊涵的一種人生希望與人們對美好生活的向往與追求,從而達到了培植概念與觀賞效果的完美結合。同時,產品的結構及外型設計也體現發明者的別具匠心:輕巧方便環保,由于控制了植株體積,使其達到真正的袖珍效果,充分體現了寵物花卉的特性: