
contrive vt.1.發明,創制,設計。2.圖謀;企圖。3.設法做到...


“ well , i ll see - i ll try to contrive some way , “ said andrea “那么,我來看看吧!我來給你考慮考慮! ”

The striver contrives to derive that privacy can ' t be deprived 奮斗者想方設法推導得出隱私(權)不可剝奪

Artfully contrived to gain favor or confidence ; ingratiating 諂媚的巧妙地設法取得好感或信任的;討好的

Chance contrives better than we ourselves 人算不如天算。

When you can watch real people in contrived situations 當你可以看到真實的人們在復雜的現實中?

Contrived a swing from hanging vines 用垂下來的藤曼做了一個秋千

What ' s the word you use ? “ contrived . 你用的是什么詞來著? “做作”

The novel has a very contrived plot 這本小說有非常牽強附會的情節。

“ how can you contrive to write so even ? “你怎么寫得那么整來著? ”

“ and with what did you contrive to make that ? “你是怎么做成的? ”

“ how can you contrive to write so even ? “你怎么寫得那么整齊來著? ”

Contrived to have you win the medal of honor 人為的讓你贏得了榮譽勛章

Elizabeth then contrived to sit by her aunt 伊麗莎白在舅母身旁坐下來。

Consider the following , admittedly contrived , example 設想下面的一個例子(假設的) :

You contrive to finish the report as soon as possible 你設法盡可能早點完成這個報告。

This rather contrived example loops until the variable 這個虛構的例子一直循環到變量

By dint of effort she contrived to get a glimpse of the light of truth here and there, and hoped that scant ray might suffice to guide her . 她設法靠自己的努力來多少了解一點事實真相,希望所了解的那一點端倪足以指引她前進。

Robins contrived a fresh blend of folk and jazz dance styles with the vigorous techniques of ballet . 羅賓斯設計了一種新型舞蹈,將民間舞蹈和爵士舞的不同風格揉為一體,同時又吸收了芭蕾舞的嚴謹技巧。

He will contrive to argue every fault into a merit, and will frankly convict himself of being the honestest fellow in existence . 他要費盡口舌把每一個缺點說成優點,公然自以為是世上最誠實的人。