
contrivance n.1.發明,設計(方案),計劃。2.發明[設計]的才能...


The money was then shared between the defendant and another director , who was also a shareholder , of the company . as a result of using such fraud , art or contrivance , the assessable profits of the company had been understated in the amounts of $ 796 , 027 , $ 2 , 787 , 472 and $ 2 , 665 , 133 for the years of assessment 199495 , 199596 and 199697 respectively . the total profits tax undercharged was over $ 1 million 透過使用這些欺騙手段或詭計,甘棠記工程塑膠有限公司在其199495 、 199596及199697課稅年度的報稅表內短報了應課稅溢利,分別為796 , 027元、 2 , 787 , 472元及2 , 665 , 133元,所涉及逃繳的利得稅超過一百萬元。

Rigging and fitting my mast and sails ; for i finish d them very compleat , making a small stay , and a sail , or foresail to it , to assist , if we should turn to windward ; and which was more than all , i fix d a rudder to the stern of her , to steer with ; and though i was but a bungling shipwright , yet as i knew the usefulness , and even necessity of such a thing , i apply d my self with so much pains to do it , that at last i brought it to pass ; though considering the many dull contrivances i had for it that sail d , i think it cost me almost as much labour as making the boat 他當然是個劃船的好手,可是對使用帆和舵卻一竅不通。他見我用手掌舵,駕著小舟在海上往來自如,又見那船帆隨著船行方向的變化,一會兒這邊灌滿了風,一會兒那邊灌滿了風,不禁大為驚訝-簡直驚訝得有點發呆了。可是,不久我就教會了他使用舵和帆,很快他就能熟練駕駛,成了一個出色的水手。

Her younger sister , the second defendant , ms tsang kit - ching , aged 49 , had been charged with wilfully with intent to evade tax by making use of fraud , art or contrivance to understate the rental income of the premises for the five years of assessment from 199596 to 19992000 , contrary to section 82 ( 1 ) ( g ) of the inland revenue ordinance 次被告曾潔貞為首被告的妹妹,四十九歲,被控五項蓄意意圖逃稅罪行,以欺騙手段、詭計或手段少報該物業在199596至19992000五個課稅年度的租金收入,觸犯《稅務條例》第82 ( 1 ) ( g )條。

The appellant was convicted in february last year of 5 charges of wilfully with intent assisting other person to evade tax viz . , 2 counts by omitting proceeds of sales from the profits tax returns of a company and 3 counts by making use of fraud , art or contrivance . he was sentenced to 9 months jail term and ordered to pay a fine of $ 2 , 152 , 048 上訴人去年二月被控五項蓄意意圖協助他人逃稅罪行,包括兩項在一間公司的報稅表內漏報銷售收入,以及三項使用欺騙手段、詭計或手段以協助該公司逃稅,被裁定逃稅五項罪名成立,判處入獄九個月,罰款2 , 152 , 048元。

But every line proved more clearly that the affair , which she had believed it impossible that any contrivance could so represent as to render mr . darcy s conduct in it less than infamous , was capable of a turn which must make him entirely blameless throughout the whole 可是愈讀愈糊涂她本以為這件事任憑達西先生怎樣花言巧語,顛倒是非,也絲毫不能減輕他自己的卑鄙無恥,哪里想得到這里面大有文章可做,只要把事情改變一下說法,達西先生就可以把責任推卸得一干二凈。

I believe the reader of this will not think strange , if i confess that these anxieties , these constant dangers i liv d in , and the concern that was now upon me , put an end to all invention , and to all the contrivances that i had laid for my future accommodations and conveniencies . i had the care of my safety more now upon my hands , than that of my food 不僅如此,有時我們的感覺愿望或我們的任務明明要我們走那條路,可是心里忽然靈機一動,要我們走這條路這種靈機也不知道是從哪里來的,也不知道出自什么影響,可就是壓倒了原來的一切感覺和愿望,使我們走這條路。

The appellant was convicted in february last year of 5 charges of wilfully with intent assisting other person to evade tax viz . , 2 counts by omitting proceeds of sales from the profits tax returns of a company and 3 counts by making use of fraud , art or contrivance . he was sentenced to 9 months jail term and ordered to pay a fine of 2 , 152 , 048 上訴人去年二月被控五項蓄意意圖協助他人逃稅罪行,包括兩項在一間公司的報稅表內漏報銷售收入,以及三項使用欺騙手段詭計或手段以協助該公司逃稅,被裁定逃稅五項罪名成立,判處入獄九個月,罰款2 , 152 , 048元。

Those who understand such enclosures will think i had very little contrivance , when i pitch d upon a place very proper for all these , being a plain open piece of meadow - land , or savanna , as our people call it in the western collonies , which had two or three little drills of fresh water in it , and at one end was very woody 我孤身一人,要圈地修筑籬笆無疑是一項巨大的工程,可這樣做又是絕對必要的。所以,我首先得找到一塊合適的地方,那兒既要有青草供山羊吃,又要有水供它們喝,并且還要有蔭涼的地方供它們歇息。

The defendant , chang kin - man , ivan , was prosecuted on 5 counts of wilfully with intent assisting other person to evade tax viz . , 2 counts by omitting proceeds of sales from the profits tax returns of a company , contrary to section 82 of the inland revenue ordinance , and 3 counts by making use of fraud , art or contrivance , contrary to section 82 of the inland revenue ordinance 被告張建文,被控五項蓄意意圖協助他人逃稅罪行,包括兩項在一間公司的報稅表內漏報銷售收入,觸犯稅務條例第82 1 a條,以及三項使用欺騙手段詭計或手段以協助該公司逃稅,觸犯稅務條例第82 1 g條。

It would take up a larger volume than this whole work is intended to be , to set down all the contrivances i hatch d , or rather brooded upon in my thought , for the destroying these creatures , or at least frighting them , so as to prevent their coming hither any more ; but all was abortive , nothing could be possible to take effect , unless i was to be there to do it my self ; and what could one man do among them , when perhaps there might be twenty or thirty of them together , with their darts , or their bows and arrows , with which they could shoot as true to a mark , i could with my gun 我日日夜夜都在捉摸,怎樣趁那伙食人惡魔在進行殘忍的人肉宴會時殺掉他們一批并且,如果可能的話,把他們帶到島上準備殺害的受難者救出來。我腦子里想到各種各樣的計劃,想消滅這些野蠻的家伙,或者至少嚇他們一下,讓他們再也不敢上島來。如果真的想把我醞釀過的計劃通通記載下來的話,那就會比這本書還要厚了。

My first contrivance was to make a pretence to speak to this moor , to get something for our subsistance on board ; for i told him we must not presume to eat of our patroon s bread , he said that was true ; so he brought a large basket of rusk or bisket of their kind , and three jarrs with fresh water into the boat ; i knew where my patroon s case of bottles stood , which it was evident by the make were taken out of some english prize ; and i convey d them into the boat while the moor was on shoar , as if they had been there before , for our master : i convey d also a great lump of bees - wax into the boat , which weighed above half a hundred weight , with a parcel of twine or thread , a hatchet , a saw and a hammer , all which were of great use to us afterwards ; especially the wax to make candles 我知道主人裝酒的箱子放的地方看那箱子的樣子,顯然也是從英國人手里奪來的戰利品。我趁那摩爾人上岸去的時候,就把那箱酒搬上舢舨,放到一個適當的地方,好像主人原來就放在那兒似的。同時我又搬了六十多磅蜜蠟到船上來,還順便拿了一小包粗線,一把斧頭,一把鋸子和一只錘子這些東西后來對我都非常有用,尤其是蜜蠟,可以用來做蠟燭。

Chan tse - lap , 76 , pleaded guilty to two charges of wilfully , with intent , assisting his wife to evade profits tax by making use of , or authorising the use of fraud , art or contrivance , by inflating the amounts of purchases for the two years of assessment 1994 95 and 1995 96 , contrary to section 82 of the inland revenue ordinance 陳自立, 76歲,承認兩項蓄意意圖逃繳利得稅罪行,即在1994 95和1995 96兩個課稅年度內,使用或授權使用欺騙手段詭計或手段,協助其太太夸大購貨金額,觸犯稅務條例第82 1 g條。

Her younger sister , the second defendant , ms tsang kit - ching , aged 49 , had been charged with wilfully with intent to evade tax by making use of fraud , art or contrivance to understate the rental income of the premises for the five years of assessment from 1995 96 to 1999 2000 , contrary to section 82 of the inland revenue ordinance 次被告曾潔貞為首被告的妹妹,四十九歲,被控五項蓄意意圖逃稅罪行,以欺騙手段詭計或手段少報該物業在1995 96至1999 2000五個課稅年度的租金收入,觸犯稅務條例第82 1 g條。

The money was then shared between the defendant and another director , who was also a shareholder , of the company . as a result of using such fraud , art or contrivance , the assessable profits of the company had been understated in the amounts of 796 , 027 , 2 , 787 , 472 and 2 , 665 , 133 for the years of assessment 1994 95 , 1995 96 and 1996 97 respectively . the total profits tax undercharged was over 1 million 透過使用這些欺騙手段或詭計,甘棠記工程塑膠有限公司在其1994 95 1995 96及1996 97課稅年度的報稅表內短報了應課稅溢利,分別為796 , 027元2 , 787 , 472元及2 , 665 , 133元,所涉及逃繳的利得稅超過一百萬元。

The defendant , chang kin - man , ivan , was prosecuted on 5 counts of wilfully with intent assisting other person to evade tax viz . , 2 counts by omitting proceeds of sales from the profits tax returns of a company , contrary to section 82 ( 1 ) ( a ) of the inland revenue ordinance , and 3 counts by making use of fraud , art or contrivance , contrary to section 82 ( 1 ) ( g ) of the inland revenue ordinance 被告張建文,被控五項蓄意意圖協助他人逃稅罪行,包括兩項在一間公司的報稅表內漏報銷售收入,觸犯《稅務條例》第82 ( 1 ) ( a )條,以及三項使用欺騙手段、詭計或手段以協助該公司逃稅,觸犯《稅務條例》第82 ( 1 ) ( g )條。

Viewed in their totality , the buddha ' s discourses show us that far from being a mere concession to the outlook prevalent in his time or an asiatic cultural contrivance , the doctrine of rebirth has tremendous implications for the entire course of dhamma practice , affecting both the aim with which the practice is taken up and the motivation with which it is followed through to completion 綜觀佛陀的論述,可見輪回學說遠非僅是對他那個時代的流行觀念、或者對一種亞洲文化思想的折衷,相反,它對于佛教修持的整個過程意義巨大,既影響著修持的目的,也影響著把修持堅持到底的動機。

I had never handled a tool in my life , and yet in time by labour , application , and contrivance , i found at last that i wanted nothing but i could have made it , especially if i had had tools ; however i made abundance of things , even without tools , and some with no more tools than an adze and a hatchet , which perhaps were never made that way before , and that with infinite labour : for example , if i wanted a board , i had no other way but to cut down a tree , set it on an edge before me , and hew it flat on either side with my axe , till i had brought it to be thin as a plank , and then dubb it smooth with my adze 我一生從未使用過任何工具,但久而久之,以我的勞動勤勉和發明設計的才能,我終于發現,我什么東西都能做,只要有適當的工具。然而,盡管我沒有工具,也制造了許多東西,有些東西我制造時,僅用一把手斧和一把斧頭。我想沒有人會用我的方法制造東西,也沒有人會像我這樣付出無窮的勞力。

His wife , the second defendant , ms choy hong - kiu , aged 50 , pleaded guilty to five charges of wilfully with intent to evade tax by making use of fraud , art or contrivance to understate the rental income of the property for the years of assessment from 199596 to 19992000 , contrary to section 82 ( 1 ) ( g ) of the inland revenue ordinance 次被告蔡香嬌為首被告的妻子,五十歲,承認五項蓄意意圖逃稅罪行,即以欺騙手段、詭計或手段少報該物業在199596至19992000五個課稅年度的租金收入,觸犯《稅務條例》第82 ( 1 ) ( g )條。

These characteristics therefore , make it have wide application prospect . as a part of the crt simulator control system of a dcs power plant , this paper constructs the model of the real control section by using block - structure method and finishes the contrivance of the coordinated control system ( ccs ) , the digital electro - hydraulic control . system ( deh ) and the control system of boiler and turbine 作為開發基于dcs的火電廠全crt仿真機的一部分,本文采用結構化、模塊化的方法,對實際控制環節進行建模,完成了仿真機中的協調控制系統和功頻電液控制系統以及鍋爐、汽輪機控制系統模型的開發。