
contrition n.悔罪,悔悟,悔恨。


When once the idea had entered her head of being the first to get to la mignotte and of living there two days without anybody knowing anything about it , she rushed zoe through the operation of packing and finally pushed her into a cab , where in a sudden burst of extreme contrition she kissed her and begged her pardon 她第一個到達“藏嬌樓” ,神不知鬼不覺地在那里住上兩天的想法在她頭腦里產生時,她便催促佐愛收拾行李,把她推上出租馬車。在馬車里,她對佐愛非常親熱,一邊請求她原諒,一邊吻她。

2 those faithful who have committed grave sins and who , for hygienic reasons , find it morally impossible to confess individually to a priest , may receive holy communion after making an act of perfect contrition . however , they must resolve to confess , as soon as the sars outbreak has been contained , each of the grave sins which cannot for the moment be confessed cf 二教友如犯了重罪,但基于衛生理由,難以個別地向司鐸辦告解,則可勉力發上等痛悔,并可領圣體,惟必須在疫癥受控制后,盡快辦告解,妥當告明尚未告的重罪。

Those faithful who have committed grave sins and who , for hygienic reasons , find it morally impossible to confess individually to a priest , may receive holy communion after making an act of perfect contrition . however , they must resolve to confess , as soon as the sars outbreak has been contained , each of the grave sins which cannot for the moment be confessed ( cf 教友如犯了重罪,但基于衛生理由,難以個別地向司鐸辦告解,則可勉力發上等痛悔,并可領圣體,惟必須在疫癥受控制后,盡快辦告解,妥當告明尚未告的重罪。

All those acquaintances , who had so often dined and danced in his house , and had so often laughed at his expense , were saying now with the same inward feeling of contrition and self - reproach , as though seeking to justify themselves : yes , whatever he may have been , he was a splendid man 所有這些常在他家吃飯跳舞,并且時常嘲笑他的人們,現在都懷著悔恨和內疚的心情,仿佛向誰作自我辯解似地說: “不管怎么說,他是一個極好的人。

“ the lawless pair had no contrition and regrets about what they were doing . they even found it amusing that an auxiliary police officer was aiding a government counsel to jump bail and abscond 這名律師當時身兼輔警總督察之職,竟然會幫上一名律政署律師棄保潛逃,他們兩人還以此作為說笑話題,可謂目無法紀。

Through her own contrition , karen learned that she herself was weak and afraid 通過自我反省,凱倫意識到她自己也很脆弱、膽怯。

Are you ready to make a contrition 你準備好懺悔了么?

Are you ready to make your contrition 你準備好懺悔了么?

Still , an act of perfect contrition 不過,徹底悔罪也能獲得赦免24 。

In contrition she expatiated on the beauty of the garden . 在后悔中,她反復談論著花園的美麗。