
contrite adj.1.悔罪的,悔悟的,悔恨的。2.表示悔罪[懺悔]...


For thus saith the high and lofty one that inhabiteth eternity , whose name is holy ; i dwell in the high and holy place , with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit , to revive the spirit of the humble , and to revive the heart of the contrite ones 15因為那至高至上,永遠常存, (原文作住在永遠)名為圣者的如此說,我住在至高至圣的所在,也與心靈痛悔謙卑的人同居,要使謙卑人的靈蘇醒,也使痛悔人的心蘇醒。

For thus says the high and exalted one who lives forever , whose name is holy , “ i dwell on a high and holy place , and also with the contrite and lowly of spirit in order to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite 賽57 : 15因為那至高至上、永遠長存、原文作住在永遠名為圣者的如此說、我住在至高至圣的所在、也與心靈痛悔謙卑的人同居、要使謙卑人的靈蘇醒、也使痛悔人的心蘇醒。

For thus says the high and exalted one , who inhabits eternity , whose name is holy : i will dwell in the high and holy place , and with the contrite and lowly of spirit , to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite 15因為那至高至上、住在永遠、名為圣者的如此說,我必住在至高至圣的所在,也與心中痛悔和靈里卑微的人同居,要使卑微之人的靈蘇醒,也使痛悔之人的心蘇醒。

It is granted to all the faithful who , from 9 to 11 february , at any time , address fervent prayers to god with a contrite heart , to implore the above - mentioned aims for the benefit of the sick , in particular the incurably or terminally sick 乙有限大赦由本月九日至十一日期間,所有按上述意向,每次為病人尤其為患絕癥或末期的病人代禱的信友,可獲得有限大赦。

It is the thought of sin that calls to us to thank god with the broken and contrite heart , which god will not despise , that works in us that contrite and humble spirit in which he delights to dwell 就是因為想到罪才使我們存破碎痛悔的心來感謝神,這破碎痛悔的心,神必不輕看,他要在我們里面作工,并喜悅住在痛悔謙卑的靈里。

They have not become contrite even to this day , nor have they feared or walked in my law or in my statutes , which i set before you and before your fathers 10你們到如今還沒有痛悔,沒有懼怕,沒有遵行我在你們和你們列祖面前所設立的律法和條例。

“ then said i : “ woe is me , for i am undone ; for mine eyes have seen the king , the lord of hosts . ’ ” the voice of a broken , contrite heart 那時我說: “禍哉,我滅亡了,因我眼見大君王萬軍之耶和華。 ”這是一個破碎痛悔的心里發出來的呼聲。

Papa said you would call , continued he , after recovering a little from catherine s embrace ; while she stood by liking very contrite 爸爸說你會來的, ”他繼續說,在凱瑟琳擁抱以后稍稍定下心來這時她站在旁邊,顯出很后悔的樣子。

' declares the lord . ' this is the one i esteem : he who is humble and contrite in spirit , and trembles at my word 但我所看顧的,就是2虛心3痛悔,因我話而4戰兢的人( “虛心”原文作“貧窮” ) 。

The sacrifices of god are a broken spirit ; a broken and a contrite heart , o god , you will not despise 詩51 : 17神所要的祭、就是憂傷的靈神阿、憂傷痛悔的心、你必不輕看。

The sacrifices of god are a broken spirit : a broken and a contrite heart , o god , thou wilt not despise 17神所要的祭,就是憂傷的靈。神阿,憂傷痛悔的心,你必不輕看。

The sacrifices of god are a broken spirit : a broken and a contrite heart , o god , thou wilt not despise 神所要的祭,就是破碎的靈;神啊!破碎痛悔的心,你必不輕看。

Ben s contrite beard confessed : in nomine domini , in god s name 本那副悔悟的胡子做著告解。因天主之名,因天主之名。

You know , i feel contrite 你知道我真的很后悔

He made a contrite apology 他深表懊悔地致歉。

The sorrow of a contrite heart - 懊悔的心有一種傷感-

Come with a contrite heart ! come in your rags and sin and dirt 帶著你們襤褸的衣裳,帶著罪孽和骯臟過來吧!

She was contrite the whole morning after her angry outburst 她發了一通脾氣之后整個早上都追悔莫及。

Confess your sins . are you contrite 懺悔你的罪過吧你悔悟了嗎?