
contributory adj.1.捐助的;參加力量的;有貢獻的。2.有助于 (...


The contributory conduct or activity of an auxiliary of the victim excludes or reduces the damages recoverable by the latter according to para . 1 受害人的輔助者對損害的發生發揮作用的行為或活動,依據本條1 ,得免除或減縮受害人可被回復的賠償金。

Compensation may be reduced or refused if the conduct , character and way of life of the victim were contributory factors to the incident 但如受害人的品行、性格及生活方式是構成傷人事件的因素,則委員會可削減賠償款項,或拒絕給予賠償。

Patients also showed reduced systematic inflammation in the body - a contributory factor for diabetes - related complications , such as heart problems 患者還表現出機體系統性炎癥反應減少,而這是糖尿病的并發癥,如心臟問題的致病因子。

K the trustees have absolute authority over the investment and other non - contributory income , subject to the following procedures (十一)受托人有絕對權力管理投資及其他作供款性之收益,但須遵照下列程序:

The trustees have absolute authority over the investment and other non - contributory income , subject to the following procedures (十一)受托人有絕對權力管理投資及其他作供款性之收益,但須遵照下列程序:

The employees compensation ordinance establishes a no - fault , non - contributory employee compensation system for work injuries 《雇員補償條例》就雇員因工受傷制定一個不論過失及毋須供款的雇員補償制度。

In my view , our education system , home environment and social influences are the contributory causes 依我看,在一定的程度上,這個現象跟我們的教育制度,家庭環境和社會風氣有關。

How to establish the group key in a secret cryptosystem by group member ' s contributory and agreement 如何使若干不同的群共享某個密鑰,同時防止群成員與密鑰分發者的欺騙

Transport department - figure 5 . 17 road traffic casualty contributory factors by degree of injury 2002 運輸署-表5 . 17二零零二年按傷勢情況劃分的導致意外的傷者成因數字

Transport department - figure 5 . 17 road traffic casualty contributory factors by degree of injury 2000 運輸署-表5 . 17二零零零年按傷勢情況劃分的導致意外的傷者成因數字

Transport department - figure 5 . 17 road traffic casualty contributory factors by degree of injury 2003 運輸署-表5 . 17二零零三年按傷勢情況劃分的導致意外的傷者成因數字

Transport department - figure 5 . 17 road traffic casualty contributory factors by degree of injury 2004 運輸署-表5 . 17二零零四年按傷勢情況劃分的導致意外的傷者成因數字

Transport department - figure 5 . 17 road traffic casualty contributory factors by degree of injury 2001 運輸署-表5 . 17二零零一年按傷勢情況劃分的導致意外的傷者成因數字

As contributory old , incomplete numbers , some blouses , sandals and other goods shot low prices 由于款式陳舊、號碼不全,一些短衫、涼鞋等商品都打出了低廉的價格。

Transport department - figure 4 . 8 vehicle contributory factors by severity of accident 2000 運輸署-表4 . 8二零零零年按意外嚴重程度劃分的導致意外的車輛成因數字

Transport department - figure 4 . 8 vehicle contributory factors by severity of accident 2002 運輸署-表4 . 8二零零二年按意外嚴重程度劃分的導致意外的車輛成因數字

Transport department - figure 4 . 8 vehicle contributory factors by severity of accident 2004 運輸署-表4 . 8二零零四年按意外嚴重程度劃分的導致意外的車輛成因數字

Transport department - figure 4 . 8 vehicle contributory factors by severity of accident 2003 運輸署-表4 . 8二零零三年按意外嚴重程度劃分的導致意外的車輛成因數字

Transport department - figure 4 . 8 vehicle contributory factors by severity of accident 2001 運輸署-表4 . 8二零零一年按意外嚴重程度劃分的導致意外的車輛成因數字