
contributive adj.1.捐贈的;貢獻的,出資[分擔]的。2.有幫助的...


Following building origin needs to undertake breaking up : ( 1 ) share certainly by the portion that build invests by portion undertake breaking up ; ( 2 ) because house price is too high , buy alone commonly often difficult , because this several people are joint - stock , buy a house jointly , share building droit to undertake breaking up by contributive scale ; ( 3 ) the building in bequest , once accede jointly by several people , must undertake breaking up , because the building is to cannot break up content , can divide it into a certain number of portion only , by everybody heir accedes undertake breaking up ; ( 4 ) concern as a result of collective labor , life or purchase jointly , the building of build , when dividing family property or divorce of husband and wife , must want to undertake breaking up to its , the share that enjoys clearly to building place severally undertakes breaking up 下列房屋來源需要進行分割: ( 1 )按興建投資的份額而確定的按份額共有進行分割; ( 2 )由于房價太高,一般單獨購買往往發生困難,因此數人合資共同購買房屋,按出資比例分享房屋所有權進行分割; ( 3 )遺產中的房屋,一旦由數人共同繼續,就必須進行分割,由于房屋是不可分割物,只能把它分成若干份額,由各位繼續人繼續進行分割; ( 4 )由于共同勞動、生活關系或婚姻關系而共同購置、興建的房屋,在分家產或夫妻離婚時,必須要對其進行分割,明確各自對房屋所享有的份額進行分割。

If try out expires , it is inside contract period , servantchoose a person for a job the unit can ask laborer pays this to groom charge , specific paying a means is : agree of service period , press service period to wait for a contributive amount , the service time that already performed with the worker is degressive pay ; agree the same term without the agreement , by 5 years the share such as service period gives capital specified number , the service time that already performed with the worker is degressive pay ; both sides already had an agreement to degressive computation means , agree from its 假如試用期滿,在合同期內,則用人單位可以要求勞動者支付該項培訓費用,具體支付方法是:約定服務期的,按服務期等份出資金額,以職工已履行的服務期限遞減支付;沒有約定合同期的,按5年服務期等份出資金額,以職工已履行的服務期限遞減支付;雙方對遞減計算方式已有約定的,從其約定。

Because see the specific content of this proof , existing circumstance looks , can regard bilateral and collective life as to invest the contributive proof that builds a house , although did not sign formal contract but still effective ; remove in both sides when cohabitational relation , should return investment fund 因為見到該憑證的具體內容,就現有的情況看來,可視為雙方共同生活投資建房的出資證實,雖未簽訂正式的合同但仍有效;在雙方解除同居關系時,應退還投資款。

If be the worker that contributive action uses unit of choose and employ persons , the worker is inside contract period ( include probation ) remove the labor contract with unit of choose and employ persons , should servantchoose a person for a job unit but according to “ disobey ( labor law ) the compensatory way that provides about labor contract “ ( labor department is sent [ 1995 ] 223 ) the 4th ( one ) compasses is directional worker claim for compensation 假如是用人單位出資招用的職工,職工在合同期內(包括試用期)解除與用人單位的勞動合同,則該用人單位可按照《違反(勞動法)有關勞動合同規定的賠償辦法》 (勞部發1995 223號)第四條第(一)項規定向職工索賠。

The way of company of concerned program basis that partner changes sets the 74th times : according to benfadi 72 , after transferring equity the 73rd times , the company ought to cancel the contributive certificate of former partner , sign and issue contributive certificate to new partner , its are reached about partner in rules of corresponding modification company and shareholder register the account of contributive forehead 股東變更的有關程序依據公司法第七十四條規定:依照本法第七十二條、第七十三條轉讓股權后,公司應當注銷原股東的出資證實書,向新股東簽發出資證實書,并相應修改公司章程和股東名冊中有關股東及其出資額的記載。

The company is had the honor to win early or late “ lukewarm state city is light industrial industry 100 strong companies “ , “ exit of wen zhou city is achieved collect advanced unit “ , “ industry of garment of wen zhou city highlights contributive company “ , “ financial condition of wen zhou city 100 beautiful enterprise “ , “ lukewarm 2006 ; yun xu of legal entity xu is obtained respectively “ entrepreneur of outstanding youth of lukewarm state city is particularly honorary award “ , “ 100 prominent female entrepreneur of chinese “ , “ chinese economy 100 worthy “ , “ 10 good year spend economy of 2005 wen zhoumin battalion 公司先后榮獲“溫州市輕工行業百強企業” 、 “溫州市出口創匯先進單位” 、 “溫州市服裝行業突出貢獻企業” 、 “溫州市資信百佳企業” 、 “ 2006年溫州市創建信用企業先進單位” 、 “溫州市鹿城區2006年工業產品銷售收入50強企業排序第29名”等榮譽稱號;企業法人徐云旭分別獲得“溫州市優秀青年企業家特別榮譽獎” 、 “中國百名杰出女企業家” 、 “中國經濟百名杰出人物” 、 “ 2005溫州民營經濟十大年度人物” 、 “ 2005中國十大經濟女性年度人物提名獎” 、 “ 2005中國經濟女性年度杰出貢獻人物” 、 “世界華人女性精英金獎”榮譽稱號。

Control a company to finite liability company or blame company with achievement of new and high technology contributive those who become a shareholder , total amount of evaluate of achievement of new and high technology is highest 35 % what can amount to company or enterprise to register capital , collaboration just can deal with an enterprise to register formalities to door of the ministry of commerce and industry by the contract 以高新技術成果向有限責任公司或非公司制企業出資入股的,高新技術成果作價總金額最高可達公司或企業注冊資本的35 % ,合作方可憑合同到工商部門辦理企業注冊手續。

< 4 > validates the designs of des / rsa on the reconfigurable system test board , and discusses the further optimized approach of the designs . the research results will be contributive to the reconfigurable computing research in the field of encryption application of our nat ion 本課題的設計與實現以航空微電子中心的可重構計算系統為硬件環境,此系統由通用處理器和現場可編程陣列邏輯組成,是混合系統,在當前一些應用領域如嵌入式微處理器系統等具有非常看好的應用前景。

What share for both sides is make clear on property right card , after divorcing , go up by property right card make clear break up , if make clear , share to press a portion , break up by the portion , if make clear to be shared jointly , with respect to 2 people each half , this does not have big concern with contributive at that time scale 產權證上注明為雙方共有的,則離婚后,按產權證上注明分割,如注明為按份共有,就按份分割,如注明為共同共有,就二人各一半,這個和當時出資比例無大的關系。

Answer : following behavior inspects real estate of of the same branch of a family to make over : ( 1 ) serves as with estate contributive establish legal person company with other ; ( 2 ) one party provides land access , other one party or with all possible means estate of bankroll joint development is divided with property right ; ( when 3 ) buys amalgamative perhaps company , estate move is new obligee all ; ( 4 ) with estate pay a debt in kind or by labour ; ( a between other perhaps organization estate attune of 5 ) state - owned company unplug ; ( between 6 ) blame parents and children , the estate between the spouse is donative behavior 答:下列行為視同房地產轉讓: ( 1 )以房地產作為出資與他人成立法人企業的; ( 2 )一方提供土地使用權,另一方或多方提供資金合作開發房地產并以產權分成的; ( 3 )收購或者合并企業時,房地產轉移為新的權利人所有的; ( 4 )以房地產抵債的; ( 5 )國有企業之間或者其他組織之間的房地產調拔; ( 6 )非父母與子女之間、配偶之間的房地產贈與行為。

Unit of choose and employ persons is contributive ( point to have the case that pays a money the voucher ) undertake to the worker of all kinds technology grooms , if try out expires , it is inside contract period , servantchoose a person for a job the unit can ask laborer pays this to groom charge 用人單位出資(指有支付貨幣憑證的情況)對職工進行各類技術培訓,假如試用期滿,在合同期內,則用人單位可以要求勞動者支付該項培訓費用。

The quantitative analyses of three lubricating oil wedge bearing are contributive to understand the dynamics performance of three lubricating oil wedge bearing with horizontal combine surface . the priman research contents of the thesis and its contributions are as followed : 1 論文完成的三油楔平切瓦水平結合面存在貫通的縫隙時軸承動力特性的定量分析結果,可以加深我們對三油楔平切瓦動力特性的認識,具有重要的學術意義。

Under the shunted economy background , our state - owned enterprises are increasingly taking on a sort of multiple enterprise possession pattern , which manifest state - owned single contributive enterprises , nation holding companies and nation share companies together existing contemporarily 轉軌經濟背景下,我國國有企業正日益呈現出一種多元化的企業所有制格局,表現為國有獨資、國家控股、國家參股公司的同時并存。

The company always covers an area of a face to accumulate 30 thousand square metre , first phase always invests many yuan of 5000 rmb , by limited company of hangzhou earth environmental protection and ning bo chemical industry develops limited company collective and contributive establish 公司總占地面積3萬平方米,一期總投資5000多萬元人民幣,由杭州大地環保有限公司和寧波化工開發有限公司共同出資組建。

The active harmonizing point between affixing crime labels and community correction , the behaviors with opposite value orientation , is contributive to reduce the negative influence of crime labels as well as to overcome the disadvantageous factors of community correction 摘要在貼犯罪標簽和社區矯正這兩種主要價值取向相反的行為之間的動態融洽點,既能消弱犯罪標簽的負面影響又能克服社區矯正的不利因素。

During this process , fine punishment 、 community service and suspension of sentence have been playing unusual roles and these alternative measures have turned out to be contributive to educating criminals and bringing them back to the society 在這一變革的過程中,罰金刑、社區服務和緩刑扮演著異乎尋常的角色,這些替代措施被證明對教育改造罪犯,實現罪犯順利回歸社會起到了積極的作用。

Last , the applying systems are not implemented completely . for example , the government ’ s power centralized unduly ; the contributive systems of executive are not transparent ; the supervisory systems of government ’ s power need to be strengthened 最后,實施機制不健全導致執行力不強,包括行政權力分配機制不健全,行政權力運行機制不規范,行政權力監督機制不完善。

Two above partner advocates those who buy right exercise is preferential , talk things over to buy scale severally certainly ; do not talk things over , make according to the respective contributive scale travel when making over preferential buy right 兩個以上股東主張行使優先購買權的,協商確定各自的購買比例;協商不成的,按照轉讓時各自的出資比例行使優先購買權。

We design the function which describe the attribute probability of the stroke segment . we also define the contributive value of the grid and propose the concept of the expanded grid , and we got good results of cross recognition 我們用網格化特征記錄了漢字的結構信息,設計了定義筆段方向隸屬度函數、網格的貢獻度及擴充網格的概念,有效的反映了漢字的信息。