
contribution n.1.貢獻,贈送;捐贈,捐助。2.投稿,來稿。3.捐款...


Additional contributions to the refractive index are expected to come from the dopant(6. 8)as well as from the electro-optic effect . 預料其它對折射率的影響來自摻雜劑以及電光效應。

The frankfurt school has made an important contribution to rehabilitating the libertarian aspect of marx's thought . 法蘭克福學派在振興馬克思思想的自由意志論方面做出了重大的貢獻。

Thus the ischemic regions of the heart protect themselves by curtailing their contribution to the pumping action of the heart . 心臟缺血區通過遮斷其心臟泵功能的作用而保護其本身。

Frige benefits are usually taken to exclude employers'statutory contributions to national insurance on the employee's behalf . 附加福利常常不包括雇主為職工交付的法定國民保險金。

Frary also considers the inertial cross-coupling effects together with the contribution from the magnus derivatives . 費雷里還考慮了慣性交叉耦合效應與馬格納斯導數的共同作用。

Several trust funds and contributions from various sources are to be incorporated into the industrial development fund . 幾個信托基金和來自不同方面的捐款將納入工業發展基金。

Additional noise contributions are due to the statistical fluctuations of the processes in the valves and transistors . 其他噪聲的產生來自電子管和晶體管中電過程的統計起伏。

There is, however, an additional contribution arising from those oscillators in the vicinity of the aperture's edge . 然而還存在著由孔邊界附近的那些振子所產生的另一項貢獻。

He could not understand riemann's work on abelian functions nor roch's contributions in his dissertation . 他不能理解Riemann在Abel函數方面的工作,也不懂Roch論文中的論著。

Blan's early social psychological perspective led to his first contribution to general social theory . 布勞旱期的社會心理學視野使他作出了對一般社會理論的第一項貢獻。

A principle contribution to this work has been the partitioning of intelligence into component abilities . 對這項工作作出重大貢獻的是把智力劃分成各種組合能力。

A principle contribution to this work has been the partitioning of intelligence into component abilities . 對工作作出重大貢獻的是把智力劃分成各種組合能力。

Events soon proved that he had given no hostage to wall street by accepting its lavish contributions . 事實很快證明,他并沒有對華爾街許愿來換取其慷慨捐助。

Pastures cannot be justified solely because of their contribution to succeeding tillage crops . 不能僅僅因為草場提供成功的耕種作物,就認為它是合理的。

A third contribution is almost as important as roosevelt's development of the presidential power . 羅斯福的第三個貢獻,幾乎與他擴大總統權力一樣重要。

In italy a decisive contribution to the development of modern art was made by the futurists . 在意大利,未來派對現代藝術的發展作出了決定性的貢獻。

The contribution of the guide surface roughness overshadows that of the fiber surface roughness . 導紗桿表面粗糙度的作用超過纖維表面的粗糙度。

The first term of the integrand represents the contribution to the error power due to noise . 被積函數的第一項表示噪聲對誤差功率的影響。

In all nearly eight million pounds were collected by the contributions of rich and poor alike . 從貧富人等處一共募集了將近800萬鎊。