
contretemps n.〔法語〕1.令人窘困的(意外)事故;意料不到的困難[...


Side by side bloom , profiting by the contretemps , with stephen passed through the gap of the chains , divided by the upright , and , stepping over a strand of mire , went across towards gardiner street lower , stephen singing more boldly , but not loudly , the end of the ballad 幸而發生了這一事故313 ,布盧姆和斯蒂芬才肩并肩地從那被直柱隔開來的欄鏈的空隙爬過去,邁過一溜兒泥濘,朝著下加德納街橫跨過去。斯蒂芬雖然沒有放開嗓門,卻用更加激越的聲調唱完了那首歌謠:

They establish gradually the status of market subject in the course of joining international division of labor and competition with other countries for world market subject . for export performance of enterprise , evaluation only by the earn foreign exchange through exports is contretemps , which need to review by the angle of modern enterprise . so , how to evaluate export performance and establish export performance evaluation system become important 傳統外貿企業的發展,也從改革開放前的壟斷經營到目前與外資企業、民營企業三分天下的格局,各自都逐漸確立了其在參與國際分工和國際貿易競爭中的微觀主體地位。對企業的出口績效,以前那種單純的以出口創匯為指標來評價的方法顯然已經不合時宜,需要從現代企業市場主體的角度來重新加以審視。

Protested ciss . he has his bib destroyed . the slight contretemps claimed her attention but in two twos she set that little matter to rights 這一小小事故59給她添了麻煩,然而轉眼她就把這檔子小事料理好了。

It happen contretemps or i come back on monday 除非發生意外情況,否則我星期一就回來。