
contravention n.1.違反,違背。2.〔蘇格蘭語〕【法律】違警罪。3....


Section 48 sets out the offences in contravention of the various provisions of the tao and the maximum penalties for such offences 第48條列明違反《旅行代理商條例》各項條文的罪行,以及觸犯這些罪行可被判處的最高罰款。

Are employees protected against contravention of the law by arrangements to ensure the employer s consent when accepting an incentive gift 有否確保客戶的雇員在接受禮物前已取得他們的雇主同意,以防他們觸犯有關條例?

“ contravention of an enforcement notice is an offence under the ordinance , although breaches of data protection principles are not 根據條例的規定,違反執行通知即屬犯罪,雖然違反保障資料原則的規定并不算犯罪。

Which is operated in contravention of subsection shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine of 100 , 000 而該項巴士服務是違反第( 1 )款而經營的,即屬犯罪,一經定罪,可處罰款$ 100 , 000 。

To supervise the team s work in handling public complaints of alleged contraventions of requirements under the ordinance 負責督導屬下小組的工作,對市民就涉嫌違反《個人資料(私隱)條例》規定的投訴作出處理;

Any non - compliance with the submissions may constitute a contravention of the environmental impact assessment ordinance ( cap . 499 ) 凡與所提交的文件有不符合的情況,均可能構成違反環境影響評估條例(第499章) 。

The first interest centered around obtaining information from prisoners of war and enemy agents , in contravention of the geneva accords 第一種興趣集中在從戰犯或地方特工那獲取信息,這違反了日內瓦公約。

If there is sufficient evidence to prove any contravention under the food and drugs composition and labelling regulations cap 假如本署有足夠證據證明有關人士違反該規例的規定,便會對其采取法律行動。

He is also liable to prosecution if the permit is used in contravention of the dutiable commodities ordinance , cap 如許可證的使用違反《應課稅品條例》 (香港法例第109章) ,許可證持有人會被檢控。

As we waited , a truck came out of the reserve piled high with bamboo , in contravention of a court ban on logging 等待時,一輛滿載竹子的大貨車駛出了保護區,而當地法院早就禁止在保護區內砍伐樹木。

Traders and manufacturers are reminded that the import and export ordinance provides for heavy penalty for contravention of the ordinance 海關提醒從事紡織品及成衣業的公司和人士,切勿以身試法。

Where the trustor gives special pricing instruction , the trustee - trader may not make any sale or purchase in contravention thereof 委托人對價格有特別指示的,行紀人不得違背該指示賣出或者買入。

Some organizations would actively seek advices from the pco on improved measures to avoid repeating the contraventions 有些機構亦會就如何采取改善措施,以免重復涉嫌違例事項,向公署尋求意見。

Penalties for contravention are heavy , carrying a maximum fine of five million hong kong dollars and imprisonment for two years 有關法例的罰則相當嚴厲,最高刑罰為罰款五百萬港元及監禁兩年。

The penalty for contravention of testing and examination requirements in the new regulation will also be increased , “ the spokesperson said 同時,違反測試和檢驗規定的罰款亦會較現時為高。

Any non - compliance with the submissions may constitute a contravention of the environmental impact assessment ordinance 凡與所提交的文件有不符合的情況,均可能構成違反環境影響評估條例。

Prohibit the contravention of or non - compliance with any condition , requirement or direction referred to in paragraph ( a ) 禁止有違反或不遵從( a )段所提述的條件、規定或指示的情況發生。

After preliminary enquiry by the pco , there is no prima facie evidence of any contravention of the requirements of the ordinance 公署進行初步查詢后發現無違反條例任何規定的表面證據;

The declaration of such a dividend by a private sector group of companies is likely to be in contravention with the companies ordinance 。類似派息方法在私人企業中會是違反公司法的。