
contravene vt.1.違反,違背,犯(法等)。2.否定,反駁,推翻(...


Q3 : will a driver contravene the new law if he she uses his her finger to punch the buttons of a mobile phone for answering or placing a call 如司機想接聽來電或打電話而用手指按動流動電話的鍵盤,會否觸犯新法例?

Any person who contravenes the regulations commits an offence and is liable to a maximum fine of $ 10 , 000 and to imprisonment for 6 months 任何人士違反上述規例,即屬違法,最高會被判處罰款10 , 000元及監禁6個月。

However it has refused to do so recently on the ground that such disclosure would contravene the ordinance . is this correct 然而,最近公司為免違反《個人資料(私隱)條例》 ,拒絕再向我們披露上述的個人資料。

A3 : as long as the driver is not holding the mobile phone by his hand when performing these tasks , he she will not contravene the new law 只要司機在作出這些行動時并非手持流動電話,他她并不會觸犯新法例。

7 to annual those administrative rules and regulations , decisions or orders of the state council that contravene the constitution or the statutes 七撤銷國務院制定的同憲法法律相抵觸的行政法規決定和命令

That party is found to have contravened such a requirement in circumstances that make it likely that the contravention will be repeated 有關一方違反條例規定的情況,令違反行為重復發生是相當可能的。

Any person who contravenes this provision without reasonable excuses commits an offence and is liable to a maximum fine of $ 2 , 000 任何人士如無合理原因而違反這項規定,即屬違例,可被判罰款2 , 000元。

Whether the owner of the company and its lawyers have contravened the legal practitioners ordinance and its subsidiary legislation ; and 該公司的負責人及律師是否觸犯法律執業者條例及其附屬法例及

“ any person who contravenes the ordinance is liable to a maximum fine of $ 25 , 000 and one year s imprisonment , “ mr lui added 違反有關條例的人士,一經定罪,最高可被判罰款二萬五千元及入獄一年。

Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of subsection ( 1 ) , ( 2 ) or ( 3 ) shall be guilty of an offence 款所指明的東西的工具,或將該等工具帶進該處所內,或準許將該等工具帶進該處所內。

We are also very concerned about allegations of mainland drivers involving in activities that contravene the immigration ordinance 我們亦十分關注內地司機涉嫌在本港從事違反《入境條例》的活動。

The maximum penalty for contravening the pharmacy and poisons ordinance is a fine of $ 100 , 000 and two year s imprisonment 如觸犯《藥劑及毒藥條例》 ,一經定罪,最高可被判監禁2年及罰款10萬元。

The rules of procedure of the legislative council shall be made by the council on its own , provided that they do not contravene this law 立法會議事規則由立法會自行制定,但不得與本法相抵觸。

Any person who without reasonable excuse contravenes such requirement commits an offence and is liable to a fine of hk 2 , 000 任何人無合理辯解而違反此規定,即屬犯罪,可處罰款港幣2 , 000元;

Any person who without reasonable excuse contravenes such requirement commits an offence and is liable to a fine of hk 2 , 000 任何人無合理辯解而違反此規定,即屬犯罪,可處罰款港幣2 , 000元。

No amendment to the basic law shall contravene the established basic policies of the prc regarding hong kong 《基本法》的任何修改,均不得同中華人民共和國對香港既定的基本方針政策相抵觸。

No amendment to the basic law shall contravene the established basic policies of the prc regarding hong kong 基本法的任何修改,均不得同中華人民共和國對香港既定的基本方針政策相抵觸。

The investigation found that the service provider had not contravened the personal data privacy ordinance “ the ordinance “ 調查發現該供應商沒有違反個人資料私隱條例“條例“ 。

The joint pledges of the residents shall not contravene the constitution , the laws , the regulations and the state policies 居民公約的內容不得與憲法、法律、法規和國家的政策相抵觸。