
contrast n.1.對照,對比;(對照中的)差異。2.對立面,對照物...


This involuntary influence contrasts with the more explicit imitation of her father . 這種不自覺的影響剛好跟她努力去仿效父親形成了鮮明的對照。

The degree of contrast will also be diminished by the presence of some vagrant ordinary light . 反差度還將因某些雜散自然光的存在而降低。

The bashfulness contrasting with his usual happy audacity had charmed her . 他的靦腆與他平時使她著迷的肆無忌憚的快活勁兒形成鮮明的對比。

This is called short-range order, in contrast with the long-range order of a solid crystal . 這稱之為短程序,以區別于固態晶體的長程序。

For an extended image, sa would reduce the contrast and degrade the details . 對于一個擴展的圖象,球差會減少反襯度并使圖象的細節模糊。

His face was deeply brown and burnt, making his white teeth dazzling by the contrast . 他的一張深棕色的臉曬成黝黑,襯出一咀耀眼白牙。

These tenets contrasted sharply with values the europeans learned from the greeks . 這些教條與歐洲人從希臘學來的準則形成鮮明的對照。

He kept thinking of the contrasts between his wife and the english girl . 他也不斷地在心里琢磨著他的妻子和那個英國姑娘有多么不同。

One could easily be disturbed by the sharp contrast between these two ways of life . 這兩種生活方式的鮮明對比,極易使人心緒不寧。

It's all these contrasts in oxford that make the place so fascinating . 正是由于牛津存在著這些差別,它才成為如此迷人的地方。

The contrast lies in the corresponding trends for the electronic transfer of information . 信息的電子轉換與之形成鮮明對比。

The oft-drawn contrast extroversion and introversion is entirely superficial . 在外向和內向之間通常所作的對比完全是表面的。

Chingachgook was immediately struck with the contrast between the articles . 兩邊的陳設明顯不同,這立即引起欽加哥的注意。

The model of idiosyncratic exchange provides a variant of contrast theory . 特質交換模型為我們提供了契約理論的一個變種。

In contrast to their pessimism, i myself was feeling a remarkable euphoria . 與他們的悲觀情緒相反,我卻感到異常欣快。

The contrast between extroversion and introversion is entirely superficial . 在外向和內向之間所作的對比完全是表面的。

The contrast between the war front and the back area is always startling . 戰爭時期,前后方的對比總是非常懸殊的。

There is a sharp contrast between the lives of the poorest and the richest members of society .. 社會上貧富懸殊。

In contrast to the surroundings, she was young, pretty and brisk . 她年輕,漂亮,動作輕快,同周圍的一切恰成對照。