
contrary adj.1.反對的,相反的;格格不入的,矛盾的,對抗的。...


The law never suffers anything contrary to trun 法律習決不容忍違反真理的事情。

On the contrary , it ' s never the same distance 恰恰相反,從來沒有過同樣的距離。

It s used in contrary manner to the private key 它的使用方式與私鑰的方式相反。

The farther i was from the occasion of my fright, the greater my apprehensions were, which is something contrary to the nature of such things . 離開我受驚的時候越遠我的疑懼反而越大。這種情況,未免有點反乎常情。

It was admitted by her family that she wes contrary to a wish of theirs; but mary dalton was of age and went where she pleased . 她的父母承認,她常常違背他們的意愿,可瑪麗道爾頓已經成年,想去哪就可以去哪。

It was on the contrary because she felt too wide-eyed and wished to check the sense of seeing too many things at once . 相反,她倒是覺得非常清醒,只是想限制自己的意識,不讓紛至沓來的事物一下子涌進眼簾。

She knew the irascible old gentleman would never lift a finger against his grandson, whatever he might say to the contrary . 她知道這個暴跳如雷的老紳士話說得再兇,也不會用一根指頭打他的孫子。

If the rings were solid their outer parts would have the highest speeds, contrary to what is actually found . 如果環是固體的,它們靠外的部分將具有最快的速度,與實際觀測到的正好相反。

It was impossible to be so nimble, so ready, so dexterous at these things in a dress so contrary to nature . 穿著這么不自然的衣服,要想很敏捷、很靈活、很熟練地做那些事那是辦不到的。

The alternate system allows signal installations along a given length of road to show contrary indications . 交變系統,使一段給定路段上的信號器,展現相反的指示。

If some of the above seems i am complaining of my lot, i must now protest to the contrary . 倘使以為我以上有些話里有怨天尤人的意思,我現在必須做相反的辯解。

Such a longing is contrary to reason, and it may rightly be called desire or lust . 這種期待是違反理性的,可以正確地稱呼它為欲望或貪欲。

Contrary to our expectations, the romanian channel turned out to be one-way . 同我們的預期相反,羅馬尼亞渠道后來證明是條單行道。

She had learned that the best way to manage joe was by the law of contraries . 她知道,對付裘最好的法子莫過于反其道而行之了。

Contrary to public perception we were under no pressure with respect to it . 同大家的看法相反,我們在這方面并沒有受到壓力。

Such an attitude is, of course, superstitious and totally contrary to reason . 這種態度當然是拘泥的,也是完全違背理智的。

The development of formalism is contrary to the spirit of the legislation . 形式主義的發展與立法精神是背道而馳的。

The contrary of this happens in a year of sudden and extraordinary scarcity . 在突然發生的非常大荒年,情形正相反。

The tendency to substitution may be overborne by a contrary tendency . 替代的趨勢也許會被一種相反的趨勢所壓倒。