
contrarious adj.〔罕用語〕相反的〔尤指別扭的,乖張的〕。


Bum severity is also affected by the topography . the basic rule is that with the increasing of slope and elevation , the burn will become much severer . but to the aspect , it was contrarious ( excluding the nonaspect ) 火燒強度隨地形因子梯度的變化而變化,其基本規律是隨坡度、海拔梯度的增加而減小,而隨坡向梯度的增加而增加(無坡向除外) 。

But the learning knight would not hear say nay nor do her mandement ne have him in aught contrarious to his list and he said how it was a marvellous castle 然而學生騎士既不容旅人說一“否”字,不允許旅人違背己意,對婦人之譴責更充耳不聞乃曰: “那是座何等神奇之城堡。 ”