
contrarily adv.1.反之,相反地,反對地,逆。2.〔口語〕故意鬧...


Taowan conglomerate was formed with underwater seismism at early cambrian period and consists of shattering sedimentary rock , tsunami rock , seismic turbidite and seismic volcanic rock . the shattering sedimentary rock consists of folded rock , cracked rock and autobreccia . the seismic turbidite is located in the south of luonan ductile shear zone and is called the narrow taowan conglomerate . contrarily the broad taowan conglomerate consists of shattering sedimentary rock , tsunami rock located in the north of the zone . the seismic sequence of shattering sedimentary rock - tsunami rock - seismic turbidite - seismic volcanic rock - normal sedimentary rock was first found in luonan shanxi and is rare among the reported examples about it , so it is a good example and offers power evidences to study how the southern marginal basin of huabei plate transferred to qinling orogenic belt 震濁積巖分布于洛河韌性剪切構造帶之南,屬傳統“陶灣礫巖“范圍和涵義,即為狹義陶灣礫巖而廣義陶灣礫巖包括分布于洛河韌性剪切構造帶之北的震積巖海嘯巖及狹義陶灣礫巖。陜西洛南地區首次發現的震積巖海嘯巖震濁積巖震火山巖正常背景沉積地震沉積序列之完整在所報導古地震作用沉積序列當中實屬罕見,為華北地塊南緣造山過程及深入了解古地震作用提供了良好地段和有力證據。

The time of peak value of low frequency u wind is prior to the peak of rainfall in flood years ; ( 3 ) there are low frequency olr moves northward at low - latitude and southward at mid - latitude at the same time in flood years , the join point is between 20 - 30 n . contrarily , there is n ' t clear confluence area in drought years ; ( 4 ) the source region is about mid - latitude pacific ocean and philippines in flood years and drought years ( 2 )澇年緯向風與olr場的對應關系無論在位相還是在振幅的配置上都比較好,在長江中下游地區降水的峰值出現前期, 20 30 n緯帶總是會出現西風峰值,這是與東亞夏季風的北進相聯系的;而旱年時,緯向風與olr的主振蕩周期總是不一致,兩者的配合較差。

The solution existence for dynamic topology optimization of truss is explored from the engineering point of views : when the design variables ( section areas ) are continuous and their bound are not imposed , if there is no frequency constraint , the optimal solution always exists for a given optimization problem and contrarily , when the frequency constraint is considered , the frequency will become the key constraint and also the solution existence will be changed by the topology alteration 從一般工程意義上探討了桁架結構動力學拓撲優化設計解的存在性:無固頻約束時,設計變量連續且不考慮上限約束,則優化問題總是有解;考慮固頻約束時,頻率約束是是否有解的關鍵約束,并且改變結構拓撲形狀可以改變解的存在性。

We have only concerned the hypothec recourse force in the < jurisdiction explanation of hypothec law > , however , only as an explanation , it cannot compete with the guarantee law , thus , and it was not able to affect our hypothec system significantly . the newly published < draft of the property law > did not adopt the hypothec recourse force , contrarily , it re - conformed the legislation model of the transfer limit of pawn . < the hypothec law > and < draft of the property law > have limited the transfer of pawn by adopting the following principles , “ there would be no 本文結合抵押權追及效力的理論與實踐,檢討了我國現行立法及《中華人民共和國物權法草案》對抵押權追及效力規定的缺失和弊端,分析了抵押權追及效力得以存在的理論基礎,著重論述了抵押權追及效力對三方當事人予以公平保護的立法價值,提出了在我國建立抵押權追及效力的立法設計,并且試圖闡明抵押權追及效力是我國物權立法的最佳選擇,進而希望未來物權立法對其予以采納。

By the geometry parameters analysis , it was pointed that the distance between the outside annular and the most outside annular should be required to ensure the structure ' s stiffness ; with the increase of height h between the inside annular and outside curve equation , the stiffness would be enhanced ; when the h became very big , the structure presented the linear character , so the structure was n ' t easy to yield ; the sizes of long axis and short axis had the important influence to the structure ' s nonlinear performances and with the increase of span ; the structure presented the strong nonlinear character , contrarily the structure presented the linear character 對結構幾何參數分析表明,外圈與最外圈距離r的尺度應有一定要求,以保證結構的剛度;隨著內圈與外圈曲線方程高差h的增大,剛度會得到提高;當內外高差較大時,結構呈現出線性特性,因此結構不易發生屈曲現象;外橢圓長短軸的尺度對結構非線性性能的影響十分敏感,隨著跨度的增加,結構表現出強非線性特征,反之結構呈現線性特征。

Chlorophyll content of all the species expect me show the same rule as the plants locating from sun leaves to shade leaves with the changing soil water content . 6 rewatered after extreme drought , the photosynthetic rate of m . h , m . c and m . s increase evidently , showing “ compensation effect “ , but there have differences between these three species . contrarily , when rewatered after extreme drought , the photosynthetic rate of m . d 6 、杭州石薺? 、華薺?和石薺?經極端干旱后澆水,光合速率均明顯增加,表現出“超補償現象” ,但三者之間存在一定的差異;小魚仙草干旱條件后澆水,光合速率顯著下降,說明該物種在比較干旱條件下也能夠較好地生存,但對極端干旱的耐受能力不如杭州石薺? 。

Elementary education curriculum reform has evolved from theories to practice . contrarily , the present methods on evaluating chinese learning in junior schools stagnate on the summative evaluation in the form of a teacher - centred , examination in writing and score - quantitive approach , which doesn “ t tally with the nature of chinese in the unity of humanism and tool , for the sole assessment loses contact with students “ intelligent development and the culture and beauty existing in chinese itself 基礎教育課程改革逐步從理念層面走向實踐,然而,當前對初中語文學習評價方法還停留在以教師為主體、以書面考試為載體、用分數量化等方面的終結性評價來檢測學生的知識和能力,這與工具性和人文性相統一的語文學科特點極不相符。

It was discovered in experiment that the change of reynolds number influenced the distribution trend of flow field unobviously regardless in the channel and in the holes but the value of the velocity in the holes . contrarily , the effect of the velocity ratio was very obvious . and the velocity ratio was the bigger , the effect was the more obvious 實驗中發現雷諾數的變化對通道內的流場分布趨勢影響較小,對孔內的流場分布趨勢影響也較小,但是對速度值影響較大;而速比的作用較為明顯,對通道內以及孔內的流場有著較大的決定作用,速比越大,對流場的影響越大。

After comparing several mechanisms which maybe resolve the problem of knowledge sharing , it is found two - way knowledge transfer will be trouble in prisoner ' s dilemma under the complete information and static state , and the incentive distortion will be found if adopting the directly explicit incentive mechanism , contrarily , it can be more effective if using the joint paying , and even reach the optimization if the trust of reciprocity exits 探討幾種可能解決知識分享問題的機制后,發現在完全信息靜態環境下知識雙向轉移會陷入囚徒困境,對知識分享行為采用直接的、顯性激勵機制會產生激勵扭曲問題,而實行關聯報酬則可以產生較好效果,但在互惠信任機制下達到最佳。

Therefore , it “ s possible for external audit to act as internal audit . in chapter four , due to the debate on whether outsourcing or not , an analysis on the superiority and the inferior position is developed to conclude that outsourcing does n ' t mean internal audit is denied completely . contrarily the cooperation of internal auditor and external auditor on internal audit is a trend 第四部分在總結近年來有關內部審計外部化爭論的基礎上,分析內部審計外部化的優勢和劣勢,表明內部審計外部化并不意味著內部審計被完全取代,內部審計外部化的結果是內部審計部門和外部審計組織相互結合開展內部審計業務,結合的比例會因企事業單位的規模、行業的特點及內部審計部門的能力等而不同。

Both cd2 + and e2 had great effect on the lymphocyte proliferation of blood and head kidney . lymphocyte proliferation were induced in lower concentrations , contrarily , which was refained greatly when in 8 . 0 m treated in both cd2 + and e2 . when heightening the concentration of ca2 + , lymphocyte proliferation in head kidney increased remarkablely 鎘和e _ 2均能使血液和頭腎淋巴細胞的增殖受到影響,鎘和e _ 2在低濃度時能誘導淋巴細胞的增殖,但在8 . 0 m時均抑制淋巴細胞的增殖,提高水中鈣離子濃度,草魚的頭腎淋巴細胞的增殖能極為顯著地增強。

Chengang vice secretary - general china home appliance association said , the wave wheel washing machine depends on the bow wave to strike the clothes with the scour . it is the combination of the cleaning rate and the inertwist . more bow wave and more cleaning it is more intertwist , contrarily too 中國家用電器協會副秘書長陳剛介紹,波輪洗衣機是依靠波輪的高速運轉所產生的渦流沖擊衣物,再借助洗滌劑的作用洗滌衣物,從原理上講其洗凈度和纏繞性是相矛盾的結合體。

Contrarily , breaking out the traditional thought of “ knowledge is the centre “ , it takes a comprehensive consideration to the relationship among the systematic of science , individual developnent and social demands , the relationship among the knowledge , view of attitude and ability 本文對人教版高中《生物》 (試驗修訂本?必修)教科書不僅作了比較詳盡的分析與研究,還通過調查問卷對本教科書進行了全方位的評價,獲得了對本教科書評價的第一手調查資料和數據。

Contrarily , the energy consumed per unit of construction area is more than two to three times the amount used in developed countries . the per capita amount of arable land and water resource in china is only one - third and one - fourth of the world ' s average respectively 在我國化石能源資源探明儲量中, 90 %以上是煤炭,人均儲量也僅為世界平均水平的二分之一;人均石油儲量僅為世界平均水平的11 % ;天然氣僅為4 . 5 % ;而目前我國單位建筑面積能耗是發達國家的2 - 3倍以上。

I just added something interesting on the top flash , when ur time appears to be 6 : 00 am - 6 : 00 pm , the flash will appear daytime , contrarily it will appear nighttime , o ^ ^ just did this for fun , doesn ' t really have any particular meaning 給頂部動畫加了點趣味性的東西,當你的時間是6 : 00am - 6 : 00pm的時候,你將看到的頂部動畫是白天的場景,反之這個時間段外就是黑夜的場景,呵呵,自己為了好玩做的,沒啥實際意義

It can attract , reserve and inspire the staff which are requisite , if the design and use of the compensation system is appreciate , contrarily , it will cause outcry , and thereby result in brain drain , loss of efficiency even crisis Ibm公司給員工提供養老金、集體人壽保險和優厚的醫療保險待遇,給優秀的員工豐厚的獎勵,組織員工學習等,從而吸引和留住大批的優秀人才。

Contrarily , the achievements of urban community build , especially those reforms in local government , may function as good reference for community development in the rural areas . thus , the subject may also have some practical value 文章首先界定核心概念居民參與,也稱公民參與,即社區居民以各種方式結合起來,增強對社會結構的影響力,參與推動并分享社會的發展。

However , as the content of nano - zno was over 3 % , the mechanic properties decreased contrarily . the results also showed that nano - zno without surface treatment had no effect on strengthening and toughening the composites 而未經衣曲處理的納米氧化鋅粉體則小能增強和增韌nhi苞復合材料,而是明顯降低復合材料的力學性能。

How to treat advantages and disadvantages of comment of netnews is important . driving benefit and dodging harmness surely must be benefit to development of society , contrarily , it will pollute environment of society 正確看待網絡新聞評論的利與弊,趨利避害,必然能促進社會進步,反之,將污染社會風氣,影響社會安定。