
contrariety n.1.反對,矛盾,矛盾性。2.〔pl.〕相反物;矛盾物...


Satisfaction at the ubiquity in eastern and western terrestrial hemispheres , in all habitable lands and islands explored or unexplored the land of the midnight sun , the islands of the blessed , the isles of greece , the land of promise of adipose posterior female hemispheres , redolent of milk and honey and of excretory sanguine and seminal warmth , reminiscent of secular families of curves of amplitude , insusceptible of moods of impression or of contrarieties of expression , expressive of mute immutable mature animality 地球的東西兩半球所有已勘探或未勘探過的那些適于居住的陸地及島嶼午夜的太陽之國401幸福島402希臘的各個島嶼403被應許的土地404上,到處都是脂肪質女性臀部后半球散發出奶與蜜以及分泌性血液與精液的溫暖香氣,令人聯想到古老血統的豐滿曲線,既不喜怒無常,也不故意鬧別扭,顯示出沉默而永遠不變的成熟的動物性。

But such as they were , it may be well supposed how eagerly she went through them , and what a contrariety of emotion they excited . her feelings as she read were scarcely to be defined 既然一看見這樣的內容,你可想而知,她當時想要讀完這封信的心情是怎樣迫切,她的感情上又給引起了多大的矛盾。

The wind blowing steady and gentle from the south , there was no contrariety between that and the current , and the billows rose and fell unbroken 從南方吹拂過來的風柔和而有力,它與海流的方向一致,因此海浪一起一伏,平穩而有節奏。

If you had any real griefs , you d be ashamed to waste a tear on this little contrariety “要是你有過真正的悲哀,你就會覺得你為了這點小別扭掉眼淚是可恥的了。