
contraption n.〔口語〕新設計,新發明;〔蔑稱〕樣子古怪的新發明(物...


But with trial , error and some handy mathematics , they created the most sophisticated war machines the world had ever seen ? terrifying contraptions capable of hurling rocks weighing as much as 75 kilograms ( 170lb ) 不過運用復雜,存在錯誤而且只是一些手算的數學,古代人創造了世界上從來沒見過的復雜的戰斗機器? ?一種可以投擲75公斤( 170磅)重的石頭的可怕發明。

This paper analyzes and makes some critical factors in the design of playful learning environments that underline the software game “ return of the incredible machine : contraptions “ 摘要本文從“重返不可思議的機器:精巧設計”這一電腦游戲的設計分析與評價入手,探尋游戲吸引玩家主動參與的成功設計因素,并嘗試將其指導與應用于網絡學習環境設計中。

But with trial , error and some handy mathematics , they created the most sophisticated war machines the world had ever seen ? terrifying contraptions capable of hurling rocks weighing as much as 75 kilograms ( 170lb ) 但是通過試驗,偏差和一些簡單的數學,他們制做了在世界之前沒有見過最高科技的戰爭機器- - -能夠拋起重達75千克的石頭的恐怖精密裝置

But with trial , error and some handy mathematics , they created the most sophisticated war machines the world had ever seen ? terrifying contraptions capable of hurling rocks weighing as much as 75 kilograms ( 170lb ) 經歷了試驗、失敗和簡單的計算,他們之做出了史無前例最成熟的武器- -那些能拋擲重達75千克石塊的嚇人的武器( 1701磅) 。

After 13 years of tinkering , the inventor from iowa introduced a 10 - foot - long contraption that sliced and stuffed loaves of bread into wax paper wrapping . the world changed 經過了13年的修修補補,這位來自愛荷華州的發明家終于制成了一種10英尺長的精巧裝置。這種裝置能夠將成條的面包切成片并裝進蠟紙包裝袋里。世界從此發生了改變。

Its machines for ginning cotton , spinning ramie and throwing silk seemed to lack only a flying shuttle and a drawbar to match the 18th - century contraptions that launched britain ' s industrial revolution 該國的用于軋棉、織麻和抽絲的工具與18世紀促成英國工業革命的機械裝置相比,看起來只是缺少了一個飛梭和一個掛鉤。

Working with a mini heater beneath our hands is no fun so we resort to contraptions like this , the macbook pro cooler , specifically designed for . . . you guessed it , a macbook pro 和一個小型加熱器一起工作并不好玩,所以我們需要特別的裝備,比如這個,蘋果風扇,特別為… …當然是蘋果本本設計。

The paintings created by our branch contraption suggested to me that the seemingly random swirls in pollock ' s paintings might also possess some subtle order , that they might in fact be fractals 我們的樹枝畫暗示帕洛克繪畫中看似無序的渦漩,或許也含有某種微妙規則,說不定它們還可能是碎形!

The transistor , dating from 1947 , has shrunk from a kludgy , half - inch - high contraption to a device whose components boast dimensions a few hundreds of atoms in length 1947年發明的電晶體,從當時一、兩公分大的新奇玩意,縮小到目前尺寸號稱只有幾百個原子的元件。

Among the many gadgets , instruments and artefacts in its care , london ' s science museum holds a peculiar contraption that most resembles the work of a deranged plumber 在倫敦科學博物館珍藏的諸多機械工具以及人工制品中有一種很像水管工杰作的特殊的精巧裝置。

Patent examiners , who scrutinise applications for patents and determine whether they ought to be granted or not , are used to poring over diagrams of complicated contraptions 審視專利申請案并決定其是否通過的專利審查員們,曾習慣于研讀復雜的產品圖紙。

Walking to work one morning last fall , i happened to notice an odd gray contraption fastened to a streetlight on madison avenue 2000年秋天的一個早上,我出門上班,在麥迪遜大街上無意中注意到,街燈桿上掛了個奇怪的灰色玩意兒。

A former psychiatrist , he listens intently to poor people before allowing his mind to run over with tricks , gambits and contraptions that might help them 一位前精神病學家在想方設法幫助窮人前,總會先認真地傾聽他們的訴說。

Satellite phones ? often the only ones working right after a disaster ? used to be clunky contraptions that could only transmit speech 衛星電話? ?通常是受災后唯一能有效作業的? ?曾是設計拙劣、只能用來傳送語音的裝置。

They are consigned to a life of fiddling with contraptions in the hopes of somehow discovering a way of pleasing their overbearing mate 他們平時的生活就是制作精巧的設計來取悅自己傲慢的配偶。

The contraption held small plates of cattle blood and other substance that were covered by a thin membrane to mimic skin 這種精密的裝置里放了幾小盤牛血和其他物質,上面蓋有模仿皮膚的薄膜。

Fly ! not in a plane , chopper or some other contraption , just you and several thousand feet of open air 去飛行,但不要借助飛機、直升機或者其它什么新發明的飛行器,只有你和數千英尺的大氣。

“ and of course the dogs can hike along all day with that contraption behind them , “ affirmed a second of the men “這些狗當然拉得動后面這機關報奇玩意兒整天跑啦。 ”另一個人肯定地說。

Brave souls who rode their own snowboard contraptions were highly frowned upon by majority of skiers 這些膽大的人滑著他們自制的雪板裝置經常受到大多數滑雪人士的側目。