
contrapose vt.1.以…針對著;使對照 (to)。2.【邏輯學】換...


Contrapose to the instability of the third - order charge - pump pll system , the loop optimization method is employed in system level design to decide the bandwidth and phase margin , therefore the loop bandwidth locates at the maximum phase margin to guarantee the stability of the system . according to tsmc 0 . 35 m sige bicmos model , the sub - circuits in the designed pll and the whole system are simulated and verified by the cadence spectre 5 .根據tsmc0 . 35 msigebicmos工藝模型,利用cadencespectre模擬軟件對所設計的電荷泵鎖相環路中各個模塊及整個系統進行了模擬仿真,模擬結果顯示,在1 . 5v電源電壓下,頻率為200mhz的參考輸入信號,輸出中心頻率為800mhz ,分頻電路采用4分頻,環路帶寬為10mhz ,捕獲時間大約為0 . 92 s ,功耗大約為15mw ,達到了設計指標。

Firstly , this paper contrapose the disfigurements which exist in the internal gis software , the trend and technology of gis in the era of internet was discussed . secondly , using distributed computing technology to solve the problem of speed , making use of distributed database technology to settle the data distribution and share problem and utilizing distributed object technology to solve the problem of integrating the subsystems . finally , according to analysis for actual problem i have met in my developing process , this paper put forward a blue print which is very available to webgis based on distributed environment 本文首先針對目前國內gis軟件的缺陷,對互聯網時代地理信息系統的發展趨勢和技術進行了探討;然后提出利用分布式計算技術解決速度問題,利用分布式數據庫技術解決數據分布和數據共享問題以及利用分布式對象技術克服各子系統集成問題的思路,探討了在上述技術的基礎上開發動態更新的webgis ;最后通過對實際應用中所遇到問題的分析,提出了切實可行的基于分布式環境的webgis解決方案。

In chapter one , we ' ve briefly introduced field bus , the advanced industrial control network . contrapose to the problems exsist in field bus , we ' ve discussed the application and status of industrial ethernet in chapter two . combined with the development of ethernet , in chapter three , we ' ve brought forward a kind of ethernet structure and a design project for ethernet controller , the key equipment in ethernet . we ' ve also analysed how to resolve the uncertainty of the traditional ethernet which affected its industrial application . in chapter four we ' ve talked about how to realize network management system based on snmp and web technology , which includes its structure , function and programming model . we ' ve discussed the technology of ethernet integrating with other network in chapter five , which consisted of both integrating with information network and control network . . in the last chapter we ' ve analyzed the application project of ethernet in control field through practical case 第三章結合以太網技術的發展提出了一種以太控制網絡的體系結構和其中的關鍵設備? ?嵌入式以太網控制器的設計方案,還對傳統以太網中影響其在工業控制上應用的“非確定性”問題的解決辦法作了分析。第四章討論了基于snmp協議和web技術的網絡管理系統的實現,包括結構、功能和編程模型。第五章討論了工業以太網和其他網絡的集成技術,分為與信息網絡和控制網絡集成兩方面,最后一章通過實例來分析以太網在控制領域的應用方案。

Through the analysis contrapose to the reason which causes the problem and commercial banks governing structure in different families of law , the article poses out ; establishing wide administrating right to corporation affairs by directorate , avoiding that state - owned stock holders intervene decision - making in the bank , reinforcing the benefit protection of stock - holders and others who are related to it , paying more attention to remold with commercial state banks board of supervisors by enlarging its authority , and perfecting its financial supervising and strengthen promoting system etc 通過對產生問題的原因和對兩大法系商業銀行治理結構的分析,本文提出:確立董事會對公司事務廣泛的管理權,防止國有控制股東干預銀行經營決策;加強對股東及利益相關者的利益保護;采取擴大監事會職權,完善監事會的財務監督和加強激勵機制等手段著重改造國有商業銀行的監事會。

The first part is introduction , presenting this paper ' s structure , research background and so on ; the second part introduces some issues relating closely to risk , the tangency point between indifference utility curve and efficient frontier is the optimal portfolio ; the third part explores risk evaluation , this part begins with some risk factors affecting security ' s price and return , then analyzes the methods evaluating degree of risk , finally , introduces a more popular method of risk evaluation - - var ; the forth part expounds risk management , this part studies some risk control strategies correspond to specific risk mentioned above ; the last part put forward some advice contrapose issues existed in risk management in china 第一部分為緒論,介紹本文的相關背景;第二部分是與風險相關的幾個問題,等效用曲線與有效邊界的切點是投資者選擇的最佳投資組合;第三部分是風險衡量,該部分首先分析了證券與股票所面臨的風險,然后對債券和股票分別介紹,最后介紹了目前比較流行的風險衡量方法? ? var方法;第四部分為企業風險管理,這里針對上文所述的風險提出相應的風險控制策略;第五部分針對目前我國風險管理中存在的問題提出了幾點建議。

Since pixel - level contrapose pixel coordinate , trigonometric function must be used to translate polar coordinates to pixel coordinate when the curve is described by polar coordinate . so research is very little on algorithms for generating this sort of curve by now 由于逐點是針對象素坐標系而言,而對極坐標系下描述的曲線,在轉換到象素坐標系時要用到三角函數運算,因此目前很少提到對極坐標曲線生成算法的研究。

According to the international catering standard , contrapose basic of quality pledge the headquarter unitedly supply exclusive formula and raw material , monitor the operation and dilivery , ensure profit under high quality 根據國際餐飲連鎖標準“五連一鎖”的核心,總部針對保證品質的基礎部分、獨有的配方及特供的原物料等進行統一配送供應,對操作標準及出品要求均有嚴格的監控機制,確保高品質運作下的穩定獲利。

Contrapose the shortcoming of the thecnology of the image compression , we present a new method based on the theory of the fractal , and do some experiment 在此基礎上針對現有圖像壓縮技術中存在的一些不足,提出了一種新的基于分形理論的圖像壓縮算法并進行了實驗。