
contralto n.(pl. contraltos, -ti ) 【音樂...


Wong yee man , a cantonese opera teacher who specialises in soprano and contralto singing , has accumulated many years of experience performing and singing on stage 黃綺雯導師?香港曲藝界資深名唱家,平、子喉俱佳,尤擅演繹任、白名曲,有二十多年舞臺演唱經驗。

Then placing herself in the full light of the lamp which lit the yard , - “ gate ! “ cried she , with her finest contralto voice , and rapping at the window 然后,她走到那盞照亮前庭的燈光底下,一面拍打窗門,一面壓低了聲音喊: “開門! ”

The thai dance and the english contralto singer were of professional standard 泰國舞蹈及英國女低音具專業水準。

A gifted young contralto 有天賦的年輕女低音歌手

Female singers are classified as sopranos , mezzo - sopranos and contraltos 女歌手分為女高音、女低音和女中音。

With the gloom of the contraltos added, one could scarcely help shuddering . 緊接著是憂郁的女低音,誰都禁不住直打寒戰。

Out in the yard a woman's hoarse contralto intoned a hymn . 院子里,一個嘶啞的女低音在吟誦贊美詩。