
contralateral adj.【解剖學】對側的。


The anterior pagoda neuron is one of the largest neurons in the leech nervous system . it receives multiple sensory inputs . the physiological function of ap is unknown . with the combination of intra - and extra - cellular electrophysiological recording methods , it is suggested that ap neuron modulates the membrane potential of multiple muscle cells in the contralateral body wall 水蛭前寶塔神經元ap是神經節前側囊中胞體最大的神經元,它接受多種感覺傳入,但傳出功能未知。通過應用細胞內外電生理學記錄結合方法,揭示了ap神經元的輸出效應可能是調制水蛭體壁肌肉細胞膜的興奮水平。

This study showed that the mt and sharpness of frequency tuning curves increased as the sound direction changed from contralateral to ipsilateral azimuthal angles . it suggests that sound direction effect on frequency tuning may be through the complex interplay between the excitatory and inhibitory inputs . the application of gaba ( a ) antagonist , bicuculline , lowered all mts but the application did not abolish direction - dependent variation in mt 聽皮層的抑制性影響使大多數神經元在蝙蝠最敏感的聲源方位c - 40的頻率分辨能力明顯提高,同時使c - 40和i - 40的最低閾值的差別進一步增大,提高了信噪比,提高下丘聽神經元對聲源方位和最佳頻率的分辨能力。

Our previous studies confirmed that the central pathway of trigeminal proprioceptive sensation consists of four orders of neurons , and neurons from the first - to the fourth - order are located , respectively , in the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus ( vme ) , the dorsomedial part of the subnucleus oralis of the spinal trigeminal nucleus and its adjacent reticular formation ( vodm - lrf ) , the “ zone - shaped area “ [ including the caudolateral part of the supratrigeminal nucleus ( vsup - cl ) , the dorsomedial part of the principal sensory trigeminal nucleus ( vpdm ) , the area ventral to the motor trigeminal nucleus ( avm ) and the area dorsal to the superior olivary nucleus ( ado ) ] and the contralateral ventral posteromedial nucleus ( vpm ) of the thalamus . because the pathway is a novel one , there has been little systematic morphological data available so far regarding the neurotransmitters involved in this pathway 該通路中第二、三級神經元所在地分別是三叉神經脊束核吻側亞核背內側區及其鄰接的網狀結構( dorsomedialpartofthesubnucleusoralisofthespinaltrigeminalnucleusanditsadjacentreticularformation , vodm - lrf )和帶狀區[包括背側的三叉上核尾外側部( caudolateralpartofthesupratrigeminalnucleus , vsup - cl )和感覺主核背內側部( dorsomedialpartoftheprincipalsensorytrigeminalnucleus , vpdm )及腹側的兩個分別位于三叉神經運動核腹側和上橄欖核背側的暫命名為avm ( areaventraltothemotortrigeminalnucleus )和ado ( areadorsaltothesuperiorolivarynucleus )的兩個小核團] 。

At varying conditioning - test stimulus intervals , segmental conditioning stimulus was applied in the tibialis anterior muscle ipsilateral and contralateral to the test stimulus , and heterosegmental conditioning stimulus was applied in the contralateral trapezius muscle to modulate the nwr 檢測同側和對側的脛骨前肌在刺激間隔、節段性制約刺激變化情況下的測試參數、異源節段性制約刺激作用于對側斜方肌以調整nwr 。

In addition to the above methods , the microsurgical technique with the continuous development of the use of the contralateral becoming free scalp and vascular anastomosis with the method , which is rare bald ipsilateral the gospel 除了以上方法外,隨著顯微外科技術的不斷發展,也漸使用對側游離頭皮與患者的血管吻合的方法,這對同側禿頂者是難得的福音。

Method the flap should be prefabricated by contralateral plantar split - skin grafts to the designing area before dissection , then transfered to the plantar defects with sensitive nerve as a compound structure 4 to 5 weeks later 方法用健側足心皮片預制到供區皮瓣上, 4 5周后切取帶感覺神經復合皮瓣游離移植,使足心皮膚植于患足承重受力區。

All results of present study are as follows ; ( 1 ) 98 % cells ( n = 157 ) in visual area 1 had spontaneous activity and 95 % ( n = l65 ) cells gave rcsponsc to the light stimulation of contralateral eye 給予對側視網膜光刺激,可誘發95 ( n = 165 )的皮層神經元單位放電活動產生變化,表現為放電頻率增加( 97 )和減少( 3 ) 。

Surgery is from the contralateral thick eyebrows free to the affected half of cultivation , this approach can maintain the good eyebrow radians , and often do not have long - term xiumei , but lower survival 手術方法是從健側濃密的眉游離一半種植到患側,這種辦法能保持較好的眉的弧度,且不必長期經常修眉,但存活率較低。

Conclusions : schizophrenia is associated with altered white matter integrity in the tracts connecting the frontal cortex with the temporal and parietal cortices and with the contralateral frontal and temporal lobes 結論:精神分裂癥存在額葉和顳頂葉皮質的聯結白質以及聯系雙側額葉、顳葉的白質的完整性異常。

Materials and methods : from september 1992 to march 2002 at our institution , 69 patients underwent surgical treatment for a unilateral solitary renal tumor with a normal contralateral kidney 材料與方法:從1992年9月到2002年3月,共有69位因單側腎臟腫瘤但其對側為正常腎臟的病人在本院接受手術治療。

Study on the limb functional rehabilitation and the activating region of cevebral cortex after contralateral c7 nerve root transfer for brachial plexus injury with functional magnetic resonance imaging 應用功能磁共振對臂叢神經損傷健側頸7移位術后肢體功能康復與大腦皮質激活區的研究

Effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation on learning and memory , morphology and ultrastructure of contralateral hippocampal ca3 pyramidal neurons in rats with cerebral infarction 經顱磁刺激對腦梗死大鼠學習記憶與健側海馬錐體細胞樹突和突觸結構的影響

Spinal angiograph showed that most of the intercostal arteries in thorax region were connected transversely with the contralateral isonym arteries 超選擇性血管造影顯示胸、腰段,毗鄰的節段動脈之間及與對側同名動脈之間有廣泛吻合。

Conclusion : the cortical branches occlusion of the anterior cerebral artery may cause the symptoms of contralateral hemiplegia , murism or apathy 結論:大腦前動脈皮質支閉塞,可以造成對側偏癱、精神緘默或淡漠癥侯群。

We present the clinical and fluorescein angiographic features of a case of unilateral coats ' disease with contralateral congenital retinal macrovessel 右眼未做任何處置,病人無抱怨任何不適且視力可矯正至壹點零。

Results visceral nociceptive evoked responses of 148 neurons in acg to stimulating contralateral gsn were recorded 結果共記錄扣帶回前部148個神經元的內臟痛覺誘發反應。

Enhancing chinese speech recognition for cochlear implant users by using hearing aid in the contralateral ear 聯合使用助聽器和增強電子耳蝸的使用者的中文語音識別

The haematoma on one side was treated with hirudoid cream and that of the contralateral side with placebo 一側的血腫用喜療妥軟膏治療,對側則用安慰劑。

The improvements even reached normal levels as compared with the contralateral knee 此外,依據膝關節組織的功能評比,比術前也有顯著改進( 86分對52分) 。