
contraindication n.【醫學】(表明不宜采用某種療法的)禁忌征象。adj....


According to working on march 30 , 1990 the ministry abstains from about female worker the formulary of work limits , married the work that needs contraindication of pregnant female worker to be engaged in is : the work place such as lead , mercuric , benzene , cadmium belongs to poisonous exercise to classification in standard the 3rd , the exercise of 4 class 根據1990年3月30日勞動部關于女職工禁忌勞動范圍的規定,已婚待孕女職工禁忌從事的勞動是:鉛、汞、苯、鎘等作業場所屬于有毒作業分級標準中第三、四級的作業。

Female worker is inside lactation , the labor that the physical labor intensity of the 3rd class that is in an unit to must not arrange its to be engaged in a country setting and lactation contraindication are engaged in , must not extend its work time , must not arrange its to be engaged in evening shift working commonly 女職工在哺乳期內,所在單位不得安排其從事國家規定的第三級體力勞動強度和哺乳期禁忌從事的勞動,不得延長其勞動時間,一般不得安排其從事夜班勞動。

The country made specific provision in the special labor protection of lactation to female worker : “ labor law “ regulation : must not arrange female worker to be in the other work that the labor of the physical labor intensity of the 3rd class that lactation was not engaged in a country setting during the baby of 1 one full year of life completely and lactation contraindication are engaged in , do not lengthen working hours and evening shift labor so that arrange its 國家對女職工在哺乳期的非凡勞動保護做了明確規定: 《勞動法》規定:不得安排女職工在哺乳未滿1周歲的嬰兒期間從事國家規定的第三級體力勞動強度的勞動和哺乳期禁忌從事的其他勞動,不得安排其延長工作時間和夜班勞動。

In addition , female worker is inside lactation , the labor that the labor of the physical labor intensity of the 3rd class that is in an unit to must not arrange its to be engaged in a country setting and lactation contraindication are engaged in , must not extend its work time , must not arrange its to be engaged in evening shift working commonly 此外,女職工在哺乳期內,所在單位不得安排其從事國家規定的第三級體力勞動強度的勞動和哺乳期禁忌從事的勞動,不得延長其勞動時間,一般不得安排其從事夜班勞動。

Female worker is inside lactation , the labor that the contraindication between the labor of the physical labor intensity of the 3rd class that is in an unit to must not arrange its to be engaged in a country setting and lactation is engaged in , must not extend its work time , must not arrange its to be engaged in evening shift working commonly 女職工在哺乳期內,所在單位不得安排其從事國家規定的第三級體力勞動強度的勞動和哺乳期間禁忌從事的勞動,不得延長其勞動時間,一般不得安排其從事夜班勞動。

The enterprise must have the checkup before obtain employment and regular examination to the worker , the person that have professional contraindication disease to sufferring from , must not arrange its to pursue no - no job , to the person that diagnose contracts occupational disease , should give actively cure , transfer its station 企業必須對職工進行就業前的健康檢查和定期檢查,對患有職業禁忌癥者,不得安排其從事禁忌的工作,對確診患有職業病者,應積極予以治療,并將其調離崗位。

The labor range that female worker contraindication undertakes includes : ( 1 ) course of study of mine well dirty ; ( 2 ) silvan industry cutting , put in arris and banish exercise ' s charge ; ( 3 ) “ physical labor intensity classifications “ the 4th class in the standard the exercise of physical labor intensity ; ( 4 ) the assembly of bldg . scaffold and remove operation , and the altitude wiring of electric power , telegraphic industry works ; ( 5 ) load continuously ( point to load the frequency is in 6 times hourly above ) load every time more than 20 kilograms , discontinuous load load every time more than 25 kilograms exercise 女職工禁忌從事的勞動范圍包括: ( 1 )礦山井下作業; ( 2 )森林業伐木、歸楞及流放作業; ( 3 ) 《體力勞動強度分級》標準中第四級體力勞動強度的作業; ( 4 )建筑業腳手架的組裝和拆除作業,以及電力、電信行業的高處架線作業; ( 5 )連續負重(指每小時負重次數在六次以上)每次負重超過二十公斤,間斷負重每次負重超過二十五公斤的作業。

In the label or insert sheet shall be indicated the adopted name of the drug , its ingredients , strength , manufacturer , approval number , product batch number , production date , date of expiry , indications or functions , usage , dosage , contraindications , drug adverse reactions , and precautions 標簽或者說明書上必須注明藥品的通用名稱、成份、規格、生產企業、批準文號、產品批號、生產日期、有效期、適應癥或者功能主治、用法、用量、禁忌、不良反應和注意事項。

Whether a doctor prescribes antiviral drugs to a patient will depend on the circumstances and health needs of the patient , taking into consideration the presence of any contraindication and balancing the benefits of taking the anti - viral drugs against the possible adverse side effects 醫生須視乎病人的情況及健康需要,向病人處方抗病毒的藥物,過程中須考慮有否任何不適合使用抗病毒藥物的情況,并權衡服用后的好處與可能出現的副作用。

Whether a doctor prescribes antiviral drugs to a patient will depend on the circumstances and health needs of the patient , taking into consideration the presence of any contraindication and balancing the benefits of taking the antiviral drugs against the possible adverse side effects 醫生須視乎病人的情況及健康需要,向病人處方抗病毒的藥物,過程中須考慮有否任何不適合使用抗病毒藥物的情況,并權衡服用后的好處與可能出現的副作用。

The professional training course covers areas such as theory of foot reflexology , reflex zones , practice of foot reflexology as well as head to shoulders massage , contraindications to massage and manipulation , basic theory of chinese medicine , structure of the human body and customer service , etc 專業訓練內容包括:足部按摩理論反射區足部按摩手法頭肩頸推拿手法,按摩與推拿禁忌,中醫基礎理論,人體結構及顧客服務等。

One should read carefully labels on the proprietary chinese medicines or description on the prescriptions of chinese herbal medicines which contain information of the ingredients , pharmacological actions , indications , route and method of usage , dosages , preparation methods and contraindications , etc 看清中成藥或中藥材處方的說明或標簽包括組成的成份、功效、適應病證、服用方法、劑量、煎藥方法和禁忌等。

Will that be safe for him her ? a new series of immunisation according to the local programme would be started for your child for those without contraindications . will dtap - ipv be used for my child who will be promoted to primary 6 in the next academic year 2007 08 學童將于下學年2007 08升讀小六,生署屆時會否為他她提供小六學生接種白喉破傷風無細胞型百日咳減量及滅活小兒麻痹混合疫苗dtap - ipv

Methods : clinical pharmacists asked medical history of the patients whose states of illness became abnormal , analyzed the relationship between the change in state of illness and the drugs administered , and found contraindication of the drugs for the patients 方法:臨床藥師對出現病情異常變化的患者查詢病史,分析其病情變化與用藥的關系,發現用藥禁忌。

Labor law “ the 61st regulation : the labor that the labor of physical labor intensity and pregnancy contraindication pursue the 3rd course that must not plan female worker to be engaged in a country setting during be pregnant 勞動法》第六十一條規定:不得安排女職工在懷孕期間從事國家規定的第三級體力勞動強度的勞動和孕期禁忌從事的勞動。

Due to the differences in iodine side effect , contraindication , crowd ' s sensitivity , iodine supplies , ect . , various countries have very big difference in plan and implementation of iodine prophylaxis 由于碘的副作用、禁忌證、人群的敏感性、碘缺乏地區與非缺乏地區的差異等原因,各國在碘預防的計劃和實施上存在很大的差異。

Cases of furcation that involve particular anatomical configurations , i . e . , interradicular root proximity / fusion , have long been considered relative contraindications for treatments such as root amputation or hemisection 在面對根岔侵犯并加上牙根合并或緊鄰的問題時,牙根切除術或牙齒切半術,在傳統上均被視為禁忌。

During female worker is pregnant , if be engaged in the job that the job belongs to pregnancy contraindication to be engaged in , servantchoose a person for a job the unit must move exchange labor to make station for its 女職工懷孕期間,假如從事的工作屬于孕期禁忌從事的工作,則用人單位必須為其調換工作崗位。

On the basis of articles concerning moxibustion in huangdi ' s internal classic , this paper discusses the origin , indications , clinical application , contraindications and techniques of moxibustion therapy 摘要根據《黃帝內經》有關艾灸條文,分析歸納艾灸療法的起源、適應癥、臨床運用、禁忌癥、補瀉操作和壯數等。