
contraindicate vt.【醫學】禁忌(某種療法等)。


Dtap is found to be at least equally effective but associated with less frequent and less severe local and systemic adverse reactions when compared to dtwp . opv contains live , attenuated viruses which may cause vaccine associated paralytic poliomyelitis vapp . it is also contraindicated among individuals or household close contacts with conditions such as cancer , hiv carriers or aids patients , immunodeficiency as well as those on long term corticosteroids 原有選用的減活口服小兒麻痹病毒疫苗opv內含可導致與疫苗相關的麻痹性脊髓灰質炎vapp的減活小兒麻痹病毒,因此并不適用于出現免疫力減退的情況人士如癌癥患者愛滋病帶病毒者或愛滋病患者免疫力失調人士或需長期服用類固醇人士等或其家居接觸者。

Besides its supplementary value for the patients with cardiopulmonary diseases contraindicated to the pneumoperitoneum , it also possesses distinctive value to both gasless laparoscopic gastrointestinal surgery with an inherent incision or an incision for specimen retrieval and hand - assisted gasless laparoscopic hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery 它對因氣腹禁忌而失去常規腹腔鏡手術機會的患者具有重要的補充價值,對某些本需在腹壁造口或需擴大切口取標本的腹腔鏡胃腸手術、以及手助肝、膽、胰手術具有獨特的應用價值。

Although there were few reports which mentioned the occurrence of bronchospam after administration of adenosine , a number of studies indicated that the use of adenosine was not contraindicated in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( copd ) or asthma 雖然有少數幾篇提及給予腺甘酸之后產生支氣管痙攣的病例報告,近年來有些研究卻顯示:在慢性阻塞性肺疾及氣喘的病人,腺甘酸并不是使用禁忌。

Professor chan concluded that contrary to the current u . s . guidelines , plavix is contraindicated in patients who cannot tolerate aspirin . these high - risk patients should receive a combination of aspirin and a proton - pump inhibitor 陳教授總結:今次研究結果與美國現行使用醫療指引恰恰相反,對于曾患有潰瘍出血的冠心病或中風的病人,處方plavix藥物,其實并不合宜;他們應獲處方亞士匹靈加上胃酸抑制劑。

The intake of pearl powder is contraindicated in women in pregnancy , young people , patients with very low blood pressure , with functional disorders of kidneys , with acid deficiency stomach disease , with iron deficiency anemia , with bladder cancer 血壓極低者,使用洋地黃類藥物者,腎功能不全者,胃酸缺乏型胃病患者,缺鐵性貧血者,膀胱癌患者,還有孕產婦和未成年人,不要服用珍珠粉。

Enteroclysis can be performed more quickly and has been shown to have high accuracy in the evaluation of sbo , but is contraindicated in patients with high - grade closed - loop obstruction and in those with suspected hernial strangulation ( 11 ) 腸道造影術能更迅速地評價sbo ,并有高度的準確性,但在重度閉合性梗阻和懷疑絞窄疝的病人中屬于禁忌。

Orotracheal intubation by direct laryngoscopy is somewhat contraindicated in a patient with partial transection of the trachea , because the procedure can cause complete tracheal transection and loss of the airway 直接喉鏡下氣管插管對已行部分氣管切除的患者相對禁忌,因為氣管插管步驟導致氣管全部橫斷及氣道損傷。

The newly introduced ipv contains killed polio viruses which would not lead to vapp and can be used under circumstances when opv is contraindicated 新疫苗的小兒麻痹病毒成份為滅活性,因此不會引起與疫苗相關的麻痹性脊髓灰質炎,并適用于上述人士。

The formulation was palatable and well tolerated but young children who are unable to swallow the capsule should contraindicate to the treatment with tchm 唯年紀較少、未能吞服膠囊的兒童皆不能服用有關中草藥,需服食西藥以控制病情。

Chemonucleolysis is contraindicated in patients who are allergic to papaya or who have previously been injected with chymopapain 對番木瓜過敏的病人,或以前曾經注射過木瓜凝乳蛋白酶的人,化學核溶解法是禁忌證。

When rosiglitazone was first authorised in the eu in 2000 , it was contraindicated in patients with a history of cardiac failure 2000年歐盟首次批準使用羅格列酮時,就其應用于心衰病史患者身上就存在著爭議。

Vaccination is also contraindicated in pregnant women , infants , and people with hypersensitivity reactions to previous vaccination 此疫苗亦不適用于懷孕婦女、一歲以下嬰兒或過去曾對疫苗有過敏反應的人士。

Offer water or juice to help client swallow medications . give cold carbonated water if available and not contraindicated 提供水或果汁幫助病人吞藥。如無禁忌,也可用碳酸水送服。

However , there are side effects and these drugs are contraindicated in patients with certain heart diseases and stroke 然而,這些藥物亦有副作用及不適宜用于某類心臟病或曾

In addition , this form of testing is contraindicated for patients with critical obstructive cardiac or cerebrovascular diseases 此外,該試驗禁用于有嚴重心腦阻塞性疾患者。

In the latter , emergency surgery is the first choice and thrombolytic therapy is absolutely contraindicated 后者緊急手術是治療首選,而血栓溶解治療是絕對禁忌。

However , there are side effects and these drugs are contraindicated in patients with certain 然而,這些藥物亦有副作用及不適宜用于某類心臟病或曾

Prophylactic antibiotics are definitely contraindicated . 預防性的使用抗菌素肯定是禁忌的。

The use of cryotherapy is absolutely contraindicated . 冷凍治療的應用是絕對禁忌的。