
contrail n.【航空】(飛機、導彈等航跡中云狀的)凝結尾流[跡],...


Zhoushan is sea area which fertility is tiptop in our country . sea surface wind is important factor of influencing contrail of excursion oil and culturist so investigating sea surface wind of zhoushan and setting up numerical forecast model which fits this sea area can offer tool for study sea wind in this area and let us has a mensurable acquaintance ship of effect degree of physics factors which effect sea surface wind in zhoushan sea area and acquaint oneself with physic process 而海面風是影響溢油油團漂移軌跡和養殖業的重要因素,因此,對舟山海域的海面風進行研究,建立適合此區域的數值預報模式,可為研究該區域海面風作用過程提供數值預報工具,使我們對近海區域海面風場作用中物理因子的影響程度有更定量的認識,并對物理過程和影響機制有更深刻地了解。

Because computing exactitude contrail is completed after the event by shooting range photic measure equipment , better quality track record to image collected by photoelectricity sensor become a very important work it exists the problem of data transmission rate low in the process of storing data to hd from high frame frequency and great array ccd camera 由于靶場光測設備對目標精確軌跡計算的工作要在事后完成,因此對光電傳感器采集到的圖像數據高質量記錄就成為一項極其重要的工作。從電視測量系統的高幀頻、大陣列的數字ccd像機采集并存儲數據到硬盤的過程中,存在數據傳輸速率低不能滿足要求的問題。

This project is cooperated by our lab and beijing institute of space machine and electricity , the aim of which is to develop a dsp controller of a two - dimension directed device for a satellite inter - space camera , and on this basis , made a research on the theory & practice of the control mode of motion control , and finally achieved the aim of improving the dynamic performance and contrail accuracy of system 本選題來源于實驗室與北京空間機電研究所合作項目,項目要求研制一個基于dsp的衛星空間相機ccd二維指向機構控制器,并在此基礎上,對運動控制的控制方式做理論和實踐上的研究,最終達到提高系統的動態性能和軌跡精度的目的。

An algorithm for detecting moving ir point target in complex background is proposed , which is based on the reverse phase feature of neighborhood ( rpfn ) of target in difference between neighbor frame images that two positions of the target in the difference image are near and the gray values of them are close to in absolute value but with inverse sign . firstly , pairs of points with rpfn are detected in the difference image between neighbor frame images , with which a virtual vector graph is made , and then the moving point target can be detected by the vectors ' sequence cumulated in vector graphs . in addition , a theorem for the convergence of detection of target contrail by this algorithm is given and proved so as to afford a solid guarantee for practical applications of the algorithm proposed in this paper . finally , some simulation results with 1000 frames from 10 typical images in complex background show that moving point targets with snr not lower than 1 . 5 can be detected effectively 基于運動點目標在鄰幀差分圖像中所具有的近鄰反相特征,即運動點目標的兩個位置相鄰近、灰度值一正一負,提出一種在復雜背景下,基于紅外序列圖像的運動點目標檢測算法.本算法利用該特征在鄰幀差分圖像中檢測反相點對,進而構造反相點對矢量圖,最后依據累積反相點對矢量圖中多矢量首位相接的連續性檢測出運動的點目標.文中給出并證明應用本算法能以概率1檢測到運動點目標的收斂性定理.對典型復雜背景下10幅1000幀圖像的仿真結果表明,當信噪比大于或等于1 . 5時,可以有效檢測出運動點目標

According to different anticipative collisional time and maneuver occasion , author established two maneuver mathematic model , and gave the principle and occasion executing the de - orbit and de - contrail maneuver procedure . forth , author complied the orbit early warning and collision avoidance software 根據不同的預期碰撞時刻和采取軌道機動的時機,建立了兩種規避策略數學模型,并據此分析提出了兩種規避方法高度分離法和軌跡分離法的原則和時機。

In view of the shape character of fw core , we should analyse the fw contrail subsectionly . certainly , the demarcation points must be considered to link them up through uniting the 3 - d coordinate and making the central angle 9 to be variational parameter 由于fw運動方程是一組分段函數,為了表達fw線型的連續性,必須考慮分段點的銜接問題,統一x 、 y 、 z三維坐標的參照系。

Since ir images possess the characteristics such as pure data and plain , it can be operated in computer and produce dynamic images to simulate the features of the infrared as well as its movement contrail 紅外圖像是一種純數據、無格式的灰度圖像。仿真時將對象的動態特性和紅外特性通過建立數學模型、編程,在計算機上運行產生動態圖像,模擬目標的紅外特性和運動軌跡。

The key equipment of producing steamed bun is automatic placing machine , the working principle of automatically placing , the moving contrail of steamed bun and the structure and installation feature of the machine were discussed 摘要論述了工業化生產饅頭的關鍵設備饅頭擺放機自動擺放的工作原理、饅頭的運動軌跡及該機的結構、安裝特點。

Contrails , which develop when water vapor released in aircraft exhaust fumes spontaneously turns to ice , can form at altitudes and humidities that do not support normal clouds 飛機的凝結尾是引擎廢氣中的水蒸氣結成的冰,那是在高度與濕度都不適合形成云的地方自然發生的。

Formed by jet engines ' hot exhaust , contrails act as thin cloud barriers that not only reflect sunlight but also prevent the earth ' s heat from escaping into space 凝結尾是飛機引擎向后排出的熱氣所造成,如同一層薄云屏障,不僅會反射陽光,也會阻止地球的熱散失到太空中。

Major features appearing on the image include contrails ( light blue ) , deep clouds ( white ) , high clouds ( light blue ) and fogmistlow clouds ( red - smooth in texture ) 圖中可見凝結尾跡(淺藍色) ,厚云(白色) ,高層云(淺藍色)及霧低層云(紅色,質感較柔和) 。

Major features appearing on the image include contrails light blue , deep clouds white , high clouds light blue and fog mist low clouds red - smooth in texture 圖中可見凝結尾跡淺藍色,厚云白色,高層云淺藍色及霧低層云紅色,質感較柔和。

Climatologists think that contrails exert a net warming influence , perhaps as large as 2 percent of the global warming resulting from greenhouse gases 氣候學家認為,結算后凝結尾會使大氣溫度上升,也許最高可達溫室氣體導致的全球暖化的2 % 。

This evidence supported the hypothesis that contrails reduce the temperature range by cooling the atmosphere during the day and heating it at night 這個證據支持凝結尾會縮小日夜溫差的說法,白天會使溫度下降,夜間則使溫度上升。

By the frame of the theory of institutional innovation , we may post the contrail of the third way more syllabically 借助新制度學派關于制度創新的理論框架分析第三條道路,可以使我們更清晰地揭示第三條道路的發展軌跡。

When this hot water vapour mixes with the surrounding air , a cloud in the form of a contrail may appear . figure 2 當熱的水汽遇上周圍的空氣便可能形成霧,以尾流形式出現。

Application of stepwise regression analysis in move contrail fitting of automobile gear shifting manipulator 逐步多元回歸分析在汽車換擋機械手運動軌跡擬合中的應用

When this hot water vapour mixes with the surrounding air , a cloud in the form of a contrail may appear 當熱的水汽遇上周圍的空氣便可能形成霧,以尾流形式出現。

Another well - known example involves the appearance of aircraft contrails ( figure 2 ) in winter time 另一眾所周知的例子是飛機在冬天的尾流(圖二) 。