
contradistinction n.對照的區別,對比的區別,對比。 in contrad...


With the methods of contradistinction and statistics , it then analyzed the effects influenced by rolling degree , corrugation degree , coarseness and rolling degree with a r shape on various frequencies of bearing , the result of which accorede with the one by means of regressed analyzing method 并利用對比、統計的方法分析了軸承滾道圓度、波紋度、粗糙度、滾道r形狀及大小對軸承低、中、高各頻段的振動和噪聲的影響。其結果表明,此分析結果與回歸分析結果相一致。

Idealists stress motive and ignore effect , while mechanical materialists stress effect and ignore motive . in contradistinction to both , we dialectical materialists insist on the unity of motive and effect 唯心論者是強調動機否認效果的,機械唯物論者是強調效果否認動機的,我們和這兩者相反,我們是辯證唯物主義的動機和效果的統一論者。

In particular , duck vaginas are often equipped with additional passages that have blind endings , and frequently corkscrew in a clockwise direction , in contradistinction to the anticlockwise thread of a drake ' s penis 事實上,母鴨的陰道有很多具有順時針螺紋的憩室,而對比來看公鴨的陰莖則有逆時針的螺紋。

With the theory of resource allocation as the tool of analysis , this article preserts a systematic analysis of the resource allocation of chinese security market by the method of contradistinction 本文以資源配置理論為分析工具,運用對比分析的方法,對我國證券市場資源配置狀況進行了系統的分析。

After this time of profound contemplation , the fact that violent activities of food hunting and consuming in contradistinction to contemplation cannot satisfy their tiny bodies inflicts them severely 沉思冥想的時辰一過,則迥然不同,弱小的身體上緊了發條,瘋狂地出獵,樂此不疲。

The term wealth is wanted to denote the desirable objects which they possess , not inclusive of , but in contradistinction to , their own persons 財富這一名詞是用來指他們所擁有的滿足其需要的物品,并不包括他們本身,而是與之對立的。

The law reform commission proceeded to study the use of conditional fees in hong kong in contradistinction to the prevailing practice of pre - set fees 法律改革委員會繼續在香港研究實行有條件收費,相對現時預定費用的慣例。

Today we cross the continent in fast airplanes in contradistinction to the slow covered wagons of our ancestors 今天我們乘高速飛機橫越北美大陸,與我們祖先駕低速四輪馬車不可同日而語。

I refer specifically to permanent residents , in contradistinction to temporary visitors 我是專指永久居民而言,以別於臨時訪客

Language, tool-making, and the regulation of sex are the chief defining features of man in contradistinction to other primates . 語言、工具的制作以及性的節制乃是人區別于其他靈長動物的主要的界限明確的特點。