
contradictory adj.1.反駁的,反對的,抗辯的。2.矛盾的,相反的。...


The information paradox arises out of two contradictory properties of black holes 資訊的吊詭來自于黑洞的兩種自相矛盾特性。

One of the sharpest contradictory arguments of the debate is on this topic 這個議題上的爭論是這場辯論中最尖銳的爭論之一。

There were contradictory versions of what happened / of what the president said 對于發生的事情[對于總統說的話]說法相互矛盾

There were contradictory versions of what happened / of what the president said 對於發生的事情[對於總統說的話]說法相互矛盾

Class nature and humanity : an oddly contradictory pair in chinese 20th - century literature 百年中國文學一對奇妙的矛盾組合

About two pairs of contradictory concepts in chen duxiu ' s 1879 - 1942 literar thought 試談陳獨秀文學思想中的兩對矛盾觀念

The latter are impartiality and effectiveness , which are really not contradictory 后者指公平與效率。二者并非矛盾。

Contradictory movement between teaching and learning in the process of higher education 大學教學過程中教與學的矛盾運動

On the contradictory structure of intellectual psychological activity . zhang yong - chang 智力心理活動的矛盾機構論要

Then from their contradictory views they see that both are wrong 直到發現矛盾百出,他們才知道他們兩個都錯了。

A probe into the contradictory expression of women ' s image in plum in the gold vase 中女性形象的矛盾性表達探窺

You know what ? reality and love are almost contradictory for me 你知道嗎?對我來說,現實和愛基本就是矛盾的

Contradictory factors in the first cooperation between the kmt and the cpc 促成第一次國共合作的矛盾因素新論

I begged to ask some explanations respecting their contradictory opinions 我希望能從他那里聽到反駁的意見。

The contradictory relation and settlement between justice and efficiency 我國的公平與效率矛盾關系及其解決

Most contradictory opinions were also expressed on this topic 在這一話題上也表示出最有矛盾沖突的看法。

An analysis on the contradictory in yan fu ' s political philosophy theory 試析嚴復政治哲學思想中的矛盾

The answers to this question were various and contradictory 對這個問題的回答前后不同,而且自相矛盾。

( 5 ) the contradictory recitation of independence and alliance (五)獨立自主與結盟戰略的矛盾定位。