
contradiction n.1.反駁,抗辯;否定,否認。2.矛盾,抵觸,相反。短...


` a generous miser ' is a contradiction in terms 慷慨的吝嗇鬼在用詞上自相矛盾

The striders are a tribe of many contradictions 漫游者是一個充滿矛盾的部族。

New development in basic social contradiction theory 社會基本矛盾理論的新發展

A contradiction and analysis in theory of relativity 相對論中的一個矛盾問題及分析

The contradictions in zhou zuoren ' s criticism on japan 論周作人日本批評的內在矛盾

Contradiction analysis on the digital library system 數字圖書館系統的矛盾分析

Contradiction and conflict in home dependence homesick poems 試論劉基的懷鄉詩

On negation and contradiction of paraconsistent logic 關于弗協調邏輯的否定與矛盾

You accept contradiction and correction cheerfully 你能接受矛盾,快樂地解決它。

New trends of internal contradictions of people 現階段人民內部矛盾發展的新態勢

That ' s a flat contradiction of what you said before 這可和你以前說的恰恰相反。

A generous miser ' is a contradiction in terms 慷慨的吝嗇鬼在用詞上自相矛盾

On the applicability of the right of disturbed contradiction 論不安抗辯權之適用

The most advanced stages of capitalism, which feature imperialism as their dominant mode of operation, contain internal contradictions which harbor the seeds of their own destruction . 以帝國主義作為主要活動方式的資本主義的最先進階段,孕育著自行毀滅的內部矛盾。

This blank wall of contradiction brought back vividly to victor henry his last trip to the soviet union with the harriman mission . 這個矛盾好象一堵密不透風的高墻,不禁使維克多亨利清楚地回憶起上次隨哈里曼使團到蘇聯去的情景。

In spite of the contradiction between these two worlds, the unity of the personality passes through hidden channels from one world into the other . 盡管這兩個世界之間存在著沖突,個性的形成卻通過暗藏的渠道此來彼往地趨于統一。

I made it a rule to forbear all direct contradiction to the sentiments of others, and all positive assertion of my own . 我給自己規定,不得直接駁斥別人觀點,不得斷然肯定自己意見。

These blemishes had never before been observed in her temper, except during a moment of contradiction . 她脾氣里的這些毛病,在以前除了片刻的吵嘴時偶爾表現以外,是從來不曾見過的。

I accepted their answers too, though they were often in contradiction and even self-contradictory . 我也接受他的解答,盡管這些解答往往相互矛盾,甚至本身也是矛盾的。