
contradict vt.1.反駁,反對,抗辯;否認。2.與…矛盾,與…抵觸...


Because nothing will happen , if it is contradict with loving you 054因為任何事與愛你抵觸者無效。

The speaker had got confused , and started contradicting himself 演講者感到很迷惑,開始反駁自己。

Your story doesn ' t check out and contradicts our investigation 你的供詞和我們的調查沒有什么矛盾

The two theories contradicted each other 這兩個理論相互矛盾。

He depicted the conviction that contradicted the verdict 他敘述(描述)了與裁決相矛盾的定罪。

Do new age beliefs contradict science 新時代的信仰和科學沖突嗎?

Mrs linton spoke strongly , and yet i can t contradict her 林敦夫人說得過火些,可我駁不倒她。

If it be not so , let mr . darcy contradict it 倘若事實并非如此,那么讓達西先生自己來辨白吧。

He did not contradict me ; perhaps he had fallen into a doze 他也沒有糾正我,也許他在瞌睡。

But what ? you tell me where she contradicts that 什么但是你告訴我她哪些地方和這個矛盾了?

However , the reality often contradicts our thoughts 然而,現實的世界經常背離我們的理想。

Very well then , i contradict myself . mercurial malachi 很好,那么我就是要自相矛盾82 。

Your actions contradict your declared moral principles 你的行為違背了你宣稱的道德準則。

It was saucy of you to contradict your boss 你頂撞你的老板真是沒禮貌。

The human heart is an ethereal web of contradicting emotions 人心就像一張情感交錯的網

You hear now how i contradict myself 這會兒你聽見了我如何自相矛盾了吧。

But biology contradicts this arrogance 但是生物學反駁了這種傲慢的心態。

The forth part states the contradicting causes 第四部分闡述了抗辯事由。

Many of the promotions over - lapped or contradicted 許多促銷都是重合或者相互抵觸的。