
contracture n.【醫學】攣縮。


This thesis is divided into five parts . first is the introduction on the object of study , the purpose of study and the framework ; the second part analysis the macroeconomic environment ; the third part from the internal environment perspective , analysis the internal advantages and disadvantages of the company ; in the forth part there are the strategic goal and the strategies selection ; the fifth part refer to the interrelation problem about strategic execution . it tells mainly about the contracture , human resource management , business culture and the computer appliance 本文共分五章,第一章為緒言部分,主要介紹研究對象、研究目的、論文的基本結構;第二章分析了金嘉服裝公司的外部環境;第三章分析了企業的資源和能力;第四章勾畫了企業的戰略愿景并進行戰略選擇;第五章是戰略實施的相關問題,主要涉及到企業的組織結構,人力資源,企業文化和計算機信息系統的應用等四個方面。

Otherwise , weakness would develop in the affected limbs . in more severe cases , even increased spasticity , contracture , joint stiffness and deformity could result . it will highly hinder the limb mobility , and also increase the patient s chance of having chest infection and pressure sores 安排中風患者接受物理治療的目的,是保持肢體的活動能力及預防并發癥,否則,患肢不單會因缺乏活動而變得肌肉無力,嚴重者更會引致肌肉痙攣增加,甚至會有攣縮及關節僵硬和變形的情況,這樣既會大大減低患者的活動能力,還會增加其患上肺炎和肢體產生褥瘡的機會。

In more severe cases , even increased spasticity , contracture , joint stiffness and deformity could result . it will highly hinder the limb mobility , and also increase the patient s chance of having chest infection and pressure sores . on the other hand , physiotherapy could improve patients limb function and self care ability through appropriate rehabilitation exercises and education about proper usage of assistive devices 安排中風患者接受物理治療的目的,是保持肢體的活動能力及預防并發癥,否則,患肢不單會因缺乏活動而變得肌肉無力,嚴重者更會引致肌肉痙攣增加,甚至會有攣縮及關節僵硬和變形的情況,這樣既會大大減低患者的活動能力,還會增加其患上肺炎和肢體產生褥瘡的機會。

Muscle contracture is the result of prolonged immobility and improper positioning leading to joint stiffness and decreased range of movement especially in patients with stroke , parkinsons disease or those who are bedridden 當肢體長期固定不動或經常維持在同一姿勢過久例如:中風柏金遜癥或需要長期臥床的長,筋肌便會很容易出現萎縮,令關節僵硬和活動幅度減少。

4 . give an account of jilin amis ' s infrastructure and executing , including the contracture of information source , the use of it , the way to deal with information and development of information service system . 5 詳細介紹了吉林省農業市場信息體系的基礎設施建設情況及運轉情況,其中包括信息源的培育、信息技術的應用、信息處理手段及信息服務體系發展情況。

Results : the 95 hands of 54 cases of the children with cicatricial contracture were operated , the wound surfaces were covered with large and middle thickness skin flaps and the functions of the hand recovered well 結果: 54例95只手燒傷后期瘢痕攣縮畸形采用局部改形術、瘢痕松解植皮、皮瓣轉移、關節融合等方法,手部畸形矯正滿意,功能恢復良好。

Elders who are confined to bed or wheelchair may develop complications due to decreased mobility of the limbs ; for example , chest infection , pressure sores ( or decubitus ulcer ) and muscle contracture 需要長期臥床或坐輪椅的長者,會因為肢體活動減少而導致并發癥,例如:肺炎,或局部皮膚因受壓做成潰瘍和壞死,即壓瘡(又名褥瘡) ;甚至

Elders who are confined to bed or wheelchair may develop complications due to decreased mobility of the limbs ; for example , chest infection , pressure sores or decubitus ulcer and muscle contracture 需要長期臥床或坐輪椅的長者,會因為肢體活動減少而導致并發癥,例如:肺炎,或局部皮膚因受壓做成潰瘍和壞死,即壓瘡又名褥瘡甚至

Therefore , the bonding quality of the new to old concrete has been a hot topic in the contracture industry at home and abroad . but the theory has till been being searched to get perfected and accepted 因此近年來,國內外工程界都在著力探討新舊混凝土的結合問題,但是比較完善、被大家公認的理論還有待探索。

Caregivers should encourage and assist elders in performing regular active or passive stretching exercise in order to maintain good circulation , joint flexibility , and prevent muscle contracture 作適量運動協助長者作伸展運動和屈曲關節的動作,以增加關節活動量,促進血液循環;避免關節和肌肉萎縮。

The relatively short neck , scar contracture , and inactive movement of the involved side of the neck resulted in tracheal deviation , an unusual complication not appearing in previous reports 由于患者頸部較短,疤痕攣縮,同時缺少頸部之主動運動,因而導致少見的氣管偏位,一項文獻上未曾描述之并發癥。

By anatomic research and the situation of contracture tracts , we found that the contracture of middle gluteal muscle was the reason of obliquity of pelvis but maximus muscle would not cause it ( 2 )結合解剖學觀察及術中所見,認為單純臀大肌攣縮不會導致骨盆傾斜,臀中肌攣縮才會導致骨盆傾斜。

Caregivers should encourage and assist elders in performing regular active or passive stretching exercise in order to maintain good circulation , joint flexibility , and prevent muscle contracture 協助長者作伸展運動和屈曲關節的動作,以增加關節活動量,促進血液循環避免關節和肌肉萎縮。

Results all the patients ' 17 large autologous split - thickness skins and complex skins were all survived without obvious scar contracture , and the functions of the above functional parts recovered well 結果13例17處移植大張自體中厚皮及復合皮全部成活,無明顯瘢痕攣縮,功能恢復較好。

Immediate anti - deformity positioning and early exercise programs can prevent functional limitation or contracture of the involved joints , and give the patients their best chance for optimum recovery 另一方面,副木的使用已經被認為是預防和矯治灼傷后攣縮的良方。

The traditional footprint method to assess functional recovery is messy , indirect , and not useful when contractures develop in the animal model 傳統的用來評估功能恢復的足跡分析法不僅程序復雜,不能直接反映情況,而且當模型動物發生肌肉攣縮時就會失去效果。

Severe burns can result in the formation of scars or keloids that are bad looking . they can even lead to joint contracture , joint deformity and difficulty in movement 因燒傷而造成的疤痕和結疤增生可能會影響儀容,甚至會使到關節攣縮、畸型及活動困難。

Limb exercises performing mobilization exercises and maintaining a good posture help to maintain the range of joint movements and prevent contractures 透過有規律的運動和正確的姿勢,可保持關節的活動幅度及減低肌肉萎縮和痙攣的機會。

Methods : fifty - four cases of children with cicatricial contracture in hands burned from feb . 2003 to mar . 2006 were reviewed and analyzed 方法:回顧性分析2003年2月2006年3月間54例小兒手部燒傷后瘢痕攣縮畸形的整形治療情況。