
contractual adj.契約上(規定)的。adv.-ly


Heshe will let the helper work and reside at the contractual address only 只讓傭工在合約訂明的地址工作和居住

Contractual capacity of the parties 同意的真實性

The economic rationality and contractual features of internal labor market 內部勞動力市場的經濟理性與契約特征

On the contractual of the contract of the government special permission management 論政府特許經營協議的契約性

Non contractual terms of employment 非雇傭合約條款

Contractual legal requirements 合同的法律上的要求

Traditional trust improved by contractual securities investment funds 契約型證券投資基金對傳統信托制度的改造

From date of acceptance to fulfilment of contractual obligations 由發出接納書日期起至完成履行合約規定的責任

See contractual terms of employment 參見雇傭合約條款

Analysis about a dispute of property rights with firm contractual approach 產權糾紛的企業契約理論個案分析

Guide for establishing quality system suitable for contractual situations 質量體系建立導則適用于合同環境

Contractual and company structured funds are contemplated in the 5th draft law 公司組織大綱與公司章程

The average contractual life decreased to 199 months from 205 months 貸款平均合約期由個月縮短至個月。

The average contractual life decreased to 197 months from 199 months 貸款平均合約期由個月縮短至個月。

The average contractual life increased to 198 months from 197 months 貸款平均合約期由個月延長至個月。

The average contractual life decreased to 187 months from 194 months 貸款平均合約期由個月縮短至個月。

From original position to justice principles - on rawls ' proof of contractual idea 評析羅爾斯的契約論證明

The average contractual life increased to 205 months from 195 months 貸款平均合約期由個月增長至個月。

The average contractual life increased to 195 months from 187 months 貸款平均合約期由個月增長至個月。