
contractor n.立約人,承包人。


Building contractors ' committee construction advisory board 建造商委員會

No contractors have been found breaching the requirement 至今沒有承辦商違反有關規定。

Dutch contractor has built a replica of noah ' s ark 荷蘭一位承包商復制了一艘諾亞方舟。

“ what kind of contractor he is ? “ asked tom 湯姆問: “他是什么包工頭? ”

Contractor for works being carried out by the government 承建商由政府進行之工程:

Labour disputes involving government contractors 涉及政府承建商的勞資糾紛

Load out contractor s riser at zhanjiang anchorage 在湛江錨地把承包商的隔水管裝上平臺

Iadc : international association of drilling contractors 國際鉆井承包商協會

Contractor integrated technical information service 承包商集成技術信息服務

Who the hell is this guy ? - the civilian contractor -這個家伙是誰? -文官

Discussion about construction claim management of contractors 論承包商的施工索賠管理

Protecting the interest of sub - contractor s workmen 保障次承判商工人的利益

On opportunities of claim for project contractors 建筑承包企業索賠機會研究

The name under which the electrical contractor does business 電業承辦商的營業稱號;

For contractors information , please refer to the 有關各承辦商的資料,可參閱

8 . 1 approved supplier contractor 8 . 2 new business 8 . 1認可物料供應商承辦商

Manage the daily activities of the third part contractors 下級服務商日常工作管理。

Listing criteria housing authority list of building contractors 列入名冊的資格準則

A contractor shall have the following qualifications 承包者應具備以下資格: