
contractive adj.收縮(性)的。


When coronary heart disease , narrow or the coronary artery of different position is out - of - the - way , the wall of that part ventricle that makes rely on it to offer blood produces cardiac muscle to be short of blood or straighten dead , contractive force meets this wall cardiac muscle abate or lose , occurrence motion obstacle 冠心病時,不同部位的冠狀動脈狹窄或閉塞,使靠它供血的那部分心室壁發生心肌缺血或梗死,該壁心肌收縮力就會減弱或喪失,出現運動障礙。

In chapter 2 , we study the existence of the global attractor the complex ginzburg - landau equation in three dimensions space . first , we consider existence of local solu - tion . for a given perturbation n ( u ) , we prove n ( u ) is contractive and locally lipschitz continuous 在第二章,考慮ginzburg - landau方程在三維空間的整體吸引子的存在性,首先考慮ginzburg - landau方程的局部解的存在性,對于一給定的擾動項n ( u ) ,證明n ( u )是收縮的且是局部lipschitz連續的。

The test results indicate that the influence of the asphalt type and the temperature period on the value of linear contractive quotiety is very notable , while that of asphalt content ( variation within 0 . 3 % ) and the temperature raising and reducing process is relatively small 試驗結果表明:瀝青品種對瀝青混凝土的線收縮系數的影響較大,瀝青混凝土在不同溫度段的線收縮系數相差很大,而瀝青含量(變化范圍0 . 3 % ) 、升溫或降溫過程對其的影響較小。

Exponentially contractive set for the systems is introduced , and relation between the set and that for its euler approximation discrete - time system is also established . for affine nonlinear continuous - time systems , a sufficient condition for the existence of static - state continuous nonlinear feedback for the -收縮集概念,并建立了與其euler逼近的離散系統的受控收縮集之間的關系。然后,結合此概念,得到了這個問題有靜態連續非線性解的充分條件。

Considering the shortage of bp neural network such as too long training time and easily converging the local optimal value , the paper applies the contractive mapping genetic algorithm to bp neural network1 training , which make it consequently converges to the globe optimal value more quickly 考慮到bp神經網絡訓練時間長、容易收斂到局部最優的不足,本文將壓縮映射遺傳算法應用到bp神經網絡的訓練之中,使其較快地收斂到全局最優值。

Environmental element includes illume not beautiful , be read undesirably and work habit , if be read for long , work with close quarters , the adjustment of the eye muscle is in persistent nervous and contractive condition , adjust then ability is abate , and produce myopia 環境因素包括照明不佳,不良的閱讀和工作習慣,如長時間閱讀和近距離工作,眼的調節肌肉處于持續的緊張收縮狀態,進而調節能力減弱,而發生近視。

In this technique , an image is usually represented by a contractive affine transformation , for which the reconstructed image is its fixed point and approximate to the original image . the fractal code of the image consists of the parameters of the contractive transformation 在分形編碼中,一幅圖像由一個使它近似不變的壓縮仿射變換表示,重構圖像是壓縮變換的不動點,壓縮仿射變換的參數組成原始圖像的分形碼。

The initial state of the consolidated specimens can be classified into dilative and contractive in the light of the soil state relative to the critical state line . the failure mechanisms of both dilative and contractive soils under the penetration of rainfall are analyzed 根據斜坡土體狀態在臨界狀態線的相對位置將土體分為剪脹和剪縮兩種類型,并對這兩種土體在暴雨條件下的破壞機理和破壞過程進行了分析。

A robust model predictive control method is presented with an appropriately constructed robust contractive set as the terminal set of its optimization problem and with the cost function formulated from the gauge function of this set regarding state variable 以魯棒可控收縮集作為預測控制在線優化問題的終端約束集,并用基于該集合的尺度函數構造成本函數,從而得到一種基于線性規劃的魯棒預測控制方法。

The main idea is to find an ifs which consists of a set of contractive affine transformations mainly based on fixed - point theorem and collage theorem , when they are applied on the original image , the union of the transformed images will cover up the original image 主要以不動點定理和拼貼定理作為理論基礎,對給定的圖像,尋找一組由壓縮仿射變換構成的ifs ,使圖像通過仿射變換后盡可能與其相以。

In fact , it is a natural conclusion in the cone for the fixed point theorems of upper semicontinuous set - valued 1 - set - contractive mapping , and it is a natural extend for positive fixed point theorems of single - valued 1 - set - contractive mapping 對上半連續集值1 -集壓縮映射的不動點定理在錐中進行了自然的推廣,也是對單值1 -集壓縮映射的正不動點定理進行的一個自然的延伸。

In this paper , some new implicit contractive conditions are given , and some new common fixed point theorems are proved under these implicit contractive conditions and integral type contractive conditions for weakly compatible maps and noncompatible maps 摘要在弱相容和不相容映射的隱壓縮條件和積分型壓縮條件下,給出些新的隱壓縮條件,并證明了一些新的不動點定理。

Chapter3 practical analysis of asset reorganization accounting . analyzes comprehensively the accounting problems of extensive , contractive and compound reorganization . chapter4 regulation of establishment of business reorganization accounting 第3章是資產重組會計的實踐分析,對擴張型資產重組、收縮型資產重組、整合型資產重組的會計問題進行了綜合分析。

With an aim at many factors such as asphalt varieties , contents and temperatures , the different kinds of test schemes are designed to study the linear contractive modulus of hydraulic asphalt concrete in the case of different test conditions 摘要針對瀝青品種、瀝青含量以及溫度等多種因素,在不同試驗條件下,設計多種試驗方案研究水工瀝青混凝土的線收縮系數。

We prove that the strong and weak topological contractions for automorphisms of connected lie groups are equivalent . we also get that the connected lie group which admits a topological contractive automorphism must be a nilpotent lie group 證明了連通李群自同構的強拓撲壓縮性質與弱拓撲壓縮性質等價;存在拓撲壓縮自同構的連通李群是冪零的。

As a result , the contractive mappings can be achieved in order to make the fractal image compression automatically realized . it is tested that the approach we proposed is simple but available all through the experiment 與jacquin的方法相比,由于引入了區域形狀編碼,增加了編碼的復雜度,但在解碼圖象質量相近的情況下,提高了壓縮比。

Adopted high - tech weaved materialextra thin fiber , its capability of absorbing and dust removing exceeds other ordinary products . the t shape rolling aluminum pole of rolling mop adopts special material and has the contractive function 采用高科技納米材料-超細纖維經特殊處理后織造,吸水性能靜電除塵的功能數倍優異于普通產品。

The fractal decoding is a relatively simple iteration procedure , in which the decoded image is approximated by iterating the contractive transformation denoted in the fractal code on an arbitrary initial image 分形解碼是一個相對簡單的快速迭代過程,解碼圖像由分形碼表示的壓縮變換迭代作用于任意初始圖像來逼近。

There are many facts affect the linear contractive quotiety of asphalt concrete , such as the type of asphalt , the asphalt content in asphalt concrete and the temperature period of the asphalt concrete worked in 試驗內容主要包括瀝青品種、瀝青含量、以及不同溫度段中瀝青混凝土線收縮系數的測試。