
contraction n.1.縮短,收縮;【醫學】攣縮。2.(開支等)縮減;收...


Analysis and control of contraction cracks for pumped concrete 混凝土收縮裂縫原因分析與控制

A new type of fixed point theorems about contraction mapping 一類新型的壓縮映象的不動點定理

Analysis credit contraction under bank capital supervision 銀行資本監管的貸款緊縮效應分析

If an apostrophe is in a word that is a contraction , such as 如果縮寫的單詞中包含撇號,如

Let her know that an orgasm is a contraction in the vagina , 告訴她,性高潮是指陰道的收縮

The muscles then must produce a large contraction force 肌肉群隨即發出巨大的收縮力量。

Projection and contraction methods for semidefinite programming 解半定規劃的投影收縮法

Determination of expansion and contraction of separator 隔膜脹縮率的測定

And current contraction of loans and advances will continue 貸款收縮的情況將會延續。

Mrs leclaire , how far apart are your contractions 利嘉太太,你的收縮每次相隔多久呢?

The least unitary looking contraction operator is 0 看來最不象酉算子的壓縮算子是0 。

Monetary contraction and global real estate bubble 貨幣緊縮和全球房地產泡沫

. . . is a contraction of the anglo - saxon word “ wer “ . . 取自于盎格魯撒克遜詞根“ wer ”

Discussion about contraction operator on the poisson manifold 流形上組合算符的討論

The contraction of muscle is a reaction of the body 肌肉的收縮是人體的一種反應。

Is a contraction of the anglo - saxon word “ wer “ 取自于盎格魯撒克遜詞根“ wer ”

An instrument for recording muscular contractions 肌動描記器記錄肌肉收縮的器械

Don t is a contraction and stands for two words Dont是個壓縮詞,實際是兩個詞。

As contraction continues and the density increases, the dust becomes so thick at the center of the cloud that it absorbs the far-infrared radiation . 當收縮過程繼續進行下去,密度不斷增大時,氣塵云中心的塵埃就會變得極其濃密,因而能夠吸收遠紅外輻射。